Adrien Behn is a seasoned world traveler, writer and comedic performer. This self-proclaimed “Jill of all trades“ ventures into new countries, all alone, seeking out total strangers to listen to their stories. She then reports back about the most daring and interesting ones via her own podcast, Strangers Abroad.
In this episode, Adrien and Chris discuss what makes great storytelling, the power of vulnerability and they allude to an unforgettable travel story that led to an audience member fainting mid-show. If you enjoy a good story or want to be a better storyteller, then you better not miss this one.
Adrien has always enjoyed being different. With an entrepreneurial father, and artistic mother, she inherited both qualities from her parents to be the out-of-the-box thinker that she is today.
Her curiosity has led her around the world, starting in Prague when she studied abroad for the first time, all the way through Latin America as a solo female traveler.
Adrien is fascinated by what connects each and every one of us, despite speaking different languages and geographically separated. Her podcast, Strangers Abroad, highlights the unique stories from people she’s met all over the world, giving listeners the chance to discover that we all have a story to share.
If you check out her website, you’ll see that Adrien identifies as a ‘triple-threat storyteller’: she writes, podcasts, and performs the stories she collects from all over the world.
Her zest for life is evident in the way she speaks, and her passion for connecting with others is truly inspiring, despite what others may say about living a life on the road.
We hope that by the time you finish this episode, you’ll first check out an episode of Strangers Abroad, and that you’ll start to look at the world outside of your own.
Adrien Behn is a seasoned world traveler, writer and comedic performer. This self-proclaimed “Jill of all trades“ ventures into new countries, all alone, seeking out total strangers to listen to their stories. She then reports back about the most daring and interesting ones via her own podcast, Strangers Abroad.
In this episode, Adrien and Chris discuss what makes great storytelling, the power of vulnerability and they allude to an unforgettable travel story that led to an audience member fainting mid-show. If you enjoy a good story or want to be a better storyteller, then you better not miss this one.
Adrien has always enjoyed being different. With an entrepreneurial father, and artistic mother, she inherited both qualities from her parents to be the out-of-the-box thinker that she is today.
Her curiosity has led her around the world, starting in Prague when she studied abroad for the first time, all the way through Latin America as a solo female traveler.
Adrien is fascinated by what connects each and every one of us, despite speaking different languages and geographically separated. Her podcast, Strangers Abroad, highlights the unique stories from people she’s met all over the world, giving listeners the chance to discover that we all have a story to share.
If you check out her website, you’ll see that Adrien identifies as a ‘triple-threat storyteller’: she writes, podcasts, and performs the stories she collects from all over the world.
Her zest for life is evident in the way she speaks, and her passion for connecting with others is truly inspiring, despite what others may say about living a life on the road.
We hope that by the time you finish this episode, you’ll first check out an episode of Strangers Abroad, and that you’ll start to look at the world outside of your own.
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Greg Gunn is an illustrator, animator and creative director in Los Angeles, CA. He loves helping passionate people communicate their big ideas in fun and exciting ways.