Meg Lewis is a designer, comedian, performance artist, entrepreneur, meditation podcaster and a whole lot more. You might recognize her style, her voice and definitely her glasses, but after listening to this episode you will understand the power of her personal branding.
Meg and Chris discuss how to take what's weird about yourself and turn it into a unique career advantage. After all, that's what creativity is: combining unrelated things to make something new.
Meg runs a design studio called Darn Good! on top of her involvement with the design community in Minneapolis and across the US. Ever since she was a kid, she actually wanted to be a comedian. She participated in several acting camps where her improv classes taught her how to think on the spot and creatively.
Her eccentricity, energy, and wit is truly infectious, and she’s a real delight to speak with. You’d never think, though, that she experiences some self-doubt. Like many of us, there’s a voice inside Meg’s head that makes her fearful; it tells her that in some ways, she doesn’t fit in.
And surely, we’ve all felt this to a certain degree. Our skills aren’t good enough, or we don’t have the same years of experience as other designers. So how does Meg push through the self-doubt?
First, Meg recognizes that no matter what you do, or who you’re around, people are going to judge left and right. It’s just what they do. The advice Meg offers from her experience is to surround yourself with friends who allow you to be exactly how you are. She created a judgement-free zone for herself in her friend group that allowed her to explore who she wanted to be.
This was just one of the things that’s helped shape Meg’s unique and intriguing personal brand. If you find yourself aligning with what Meg shares in this episode, and are interested in finding your own personal brand or style, then you will enjoy this very fun conversation with the one and only, Meg Lewis.
Meg Lewis is a designer, comedian, performance artist, entrepreneur, meditation podcaster and a whole lot more. You might recognize her style, her voice and definitely her glasses, but after listening to this episode you will understand the power of her personal branding.
Meg and Chris discuss how to take what's weird about yourself and turn it into a unique career advantage. After all, that's what creativity is: combining unrelated things to make something new.
Meg runs a design studio called Darn Good! on top of her involvement with the design community in Minneapolis and across the US. Ever since she was a kid, she actually wanted to be a comedian. She participated in several acting camps where her improv classes taught her how to think on the spot and creatively.
Her eccentricity, energy, and wit is truly infectious, and she’s a real delight to speak with. You’d never think, though, that she experiences some self-doubt. Like many of us, there’s a voice inside Meg’s head that makes her fearful; it tells her that in some ways, she doesn’t fit in.
And surely, we’ve all felt this to a certain degree. Our skills aren’t good enough, or we don’t have the same years of experience as other designers. So how does Meg push through the self-doubt?
First, Meg recognizes that no matter what you do, or who you’re around, people are going to judge left and right. It’s just what they do. The advice Meg offers from her experience is to surround yourself with friends who allow you to be exactly how you are. She created a judgement-free zone for herself in her friend group that allowed her to explore who she wanted to be.
This was just one of the things that’s helped shape Meg’s unique and intriguing personal brand. If you find yourself aligning with what Meg shares in this episode, and are interested in finding your own personal brand or style, then you will enjoy this very fun conversation with the one and only, Meg Lewis.
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Greg Gunn is an illustrator, animator and creative director in Los Angeles, CA. He loves helping passionate people communicate their big ideas in fun and exciting ways.