Avoiding Burnout

Chris Do
September 22, 2017

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about avoiding burnout when putting too much on your shoulders.


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Can I say something justbecause I know I speak a lot,but I have to say it anyway?Do it.Yeah, so just because I wentso I've heard the word burnoutused a bunch of times.Chris knows this.I went through burnout in may,and I'm only now getting backinto just being afunctioning human being.And if you feellike you have it,it will take all of yourshit that you didn't evenknow you had, and it willjust pull it out of you.So there's a lot I knowthat we push in here,a lot of talk aboutgrinding and hustling,but you have to be forgivingof yourself as well.So if you do something like youmiss a day of escape or deck,it's OK, right?At the end of the day, it'sOK and don't allow that to.Just build up because, yeah,you don't want to have this,you don't want tohave burnout isthe worst thing in the world.Don't do it.Thank you.I know you didn't gettalking to me, but thank you.You're welcome.Yeah don't beforgiving of yourself.I like that.I like that.And actually, it's totally true.When I went throughmy burnout phase,it took me 3 and 1/2months to get back.Not all the 3 and1/2 months, but ittook us 3 and 1/2 monthssabbatical from workand I've never beenburnt out since then.That was in the early 2000s.And as you guys know, I'm agrinder and I go through thingsand the thing is I try to designmy perfect life as much as Ican.And that way, I wake up withjoy in my heart and firein my belly, and I'mready to go out and get itevery single day.I've also learnedto listen to my bodyand, like Ashley said, to beforgiving of yourself whenyou can't do what it is thatyou think you want to do.So sometimes I'll just take,for example, yesterday, Sunday,I usually get up at 6/7 inthe morning and I can't sleep.Just I'm a very light sleeper.I'm not even telling youbecause I'm just grinder.I don't even set the alarm.I just get up.As lay in bed and I wasreading messages and respondingto things that I fell asleepagain with a phone in my hand,and I was having thisinternal battle like,get up while you're so lazy,what is wrong with you?And then I had to tell myself.Man, is Sunday, dude, justrelax if you're tired to sleep.And resist the urge ofworking, just let it go.And so I was in bed tillabout 11 thirty, whichis really long time for him.And you know howlong that is for me.My body starts to ache.I cannot lay down for that long.And then I finallyget up and take a napwhen I need to, especiallyon the weekends,just to be able to recover.And I tell myself it's OKbecause it was a long week.I didn't even realize how littlesleep I got during the week,so I recharged on the weekend.I spent time with the kids.We went to seeMission Impossible.We went to go and.Eat at a nice cafe restaurant.And I just tell myself,I'm here, it's totally OK.If you design the lifethat you want to liveand you don't acceptcompromise as part of that,I imagine if you're doing thework that you were meant to doand you have purpose, youcould do just about anything.So if Ashley got burnt out,I'm thinking that perhaps.She doesn't have enough help,which I know that to be true.And sometimes her clientscan be kind of rough,as we've also heard ona real plays before.And maybe if she canadd one or two clients,that is 100% alignmentwith what shewants to do in herlife that might helpto make it a little bit easier.Maybe that's what I've done.Yeah they took that time and Ifigured out the minimum amountof money I need to makein order to move forwardwith everything.So keep my life, mybusiness growing.And I've stuck to that.I've got that number.And that's the numberI'm going to hitand the rest of the timebecause I've been thinking,I just want to createthings with my hands, right?If I am an industrialdesigner by tradeand I've been missinga piece of that,so I'm allowing myself thattime to explore that again.Right?and I'm still doing the work.The clients are happier.I'm happier in mytime management.And if I need, if Ineed help, I have help.But I'm still able to say,hey, I want to get a 3D printerand look into doing resins forjewelry design for Wow things.Yeah, like, I'm able to dothat now because I said,I need three if Ido 3 decks a month.I'm good.So three decks amonth keeps me sane,well paid and able to doeverything else, right?You know, I spend $1,000 amonth in that second dog.She's totally fine.She just wants attention.Right?she's wet anddisgusting right now.She's fine.But that minimum level of need.That's like your baseline.And then all therest of the roomthat you have from meetingthat minimum level,you can do whatever thehell you want, right?And enjoy it.I love that because whatyou're saying to me is.We're so driven to achievemore and more and morewhen we've had enough.We need enough to pay the rentand take care of our bills,but then we're OK afterthat and not alwaysbe chasing that thing.Yeah, like I hired a financialplanner and we sat downand we looked at everything.And between her and atherapist, they were like, you.There's no reasonthere's no reason at all.You're fine.You can, you can.This is totally fine.Yeah, that gives you freedom.There's freedom in that.And that was the best thingthat I did to move forward.And it's so good.It feels so good to be able tojust enjoy your work insteadof constantly thinkingI need to make,I need to make $1.4 million.Well, if I'm miserable and I'vegot all that money in the bankdoesn't matter.My relationships in theshitter and I am just flailing,so which is more important.Yeah Yeah.Well, I'm going toask the group this,and I think I'm going towrap up the call is how manyof you guys?Exercise regularly, like I wishI could see all your cameras,but raise your hand like, doyou guys exercise regularly?OK, now I know this, right?There you go.I know this if Itake care of my body,if I watch the foodthat I put into my body.Stay away from things that Iknow are not good like sugar.Try to avoid carbs if I can.Not an easy thing to do.Alcohol and otherkinds of things.And then I. Expend some ofthat energy in a physical way.I find that I'm a more finetune like thinking machine.There there's somekind of connectionthere, so I would justencourage everybodyto take good care of your body.And they'll takegood care of you.I'm noticing people arelike dropping in and out allthe time, what is going on?Lucy, did you switchcomputers or something,is that why you dropped out?Yeah, I have to go out.I'm taking youguys on the phone.OK OK.It's all good.I thought for some reason thesoftware is having some issues.No, no, I switched.OK, now I'll say this.Sometimes I get really busyand I go on spurts or spellswhen I'm not workingout like I should be.And it's been fantastic forme recently in the last month.My boys have worked out.They're working out with me now.Dad, what's the workout today?We haven't done legs in awhile and it's so awesome.I have a little home gym.Eventually, I will show you guyspictures of it at some point,but that's how I'm ableto do everything I do.Like I said, I design my lifearound the things that I want,so we have a whole bedroomthat's been converted into gymbecause my wife told me, I don'twant you to go into the gym.We see little of you as it is.If if you go to the gym likeI know you do on vacation,I'll never see you again.So buy all theequipment you need.I don't even care.And that's a good woman.She's like, do whateveryou need to do.So she supports me.We support each other.So everything that youneed in your life justgo out and startto design your lifeso that you can be a highperforming thinking machine.


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