What's stopping you from adapting new idea

Chris Do
January 13, 2020

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about being stuck because of a belief system we all have.


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I have to ask thisquestion, becausefrom studying the freecontent to this content,I feel like I'm askingon behalf of the group.You are not sayingsomething that'snew, especially with thatlast little bit about the typeof questions we need to ask thetransition of the conversation.What is the block for?Why are people stuck?That's just the realquestion, right?You're saying it's theblock and you're saying,I'm not saying anything.I've said it 1,000 times.I have.But here's the thing.I know this about people.Ok?there is.This ingrained behavior andbelief system that we all have.And we hold on to itfor whatever reasonwhy, because itfeels comfortable,it feels like this is theworld, and if we change this,our whole understanding of theworld, the world order is upsetand that feels veryuncomfortable for us.Now I'd like tothink this myself,it may not be true that whenI hear a better idea, eventhough I've held on to somethingfor a really long time,I'll try to prove iton this call today.I just throw out the old ideaif I can't intellectually out,argue the otherthing, or I can'tprove my own oldviewpoint clear, clearly,then I have to just let it go.I have to move on.Now, when this informationcomes from a sourcethat we're not ready tohear from, our guard is up.And I'll just admitthis I'm a flawed man.I really am.My wife will say things.Oh my god, I want to hearyour nagging me like I.Why? what do you knowabout this right?And my business coach can saythe exact same freaking thing.Look, Chris, you need todo something like genius.Of course, I need to dothis, so I have my bias.I'm a flawed humanbeing, and I tryto become more andmore aware of thisso that when mywife or my son sayssomething that's verychallenging to me,like, why do you do that?I try to stop.OK this is where Demiand I may differ,where my impulse is like,shut it down, I'm angry,denial, all that kind of stuff.I'm like, ooh, stop, stop, stop.Why are we feeling this way?Let's move theemotion to the sideand look at theidea of what it is.Is this a better idea?If it is, I'm only hurtingmyself if I don't accept it.So I have to make an intentionalhabit to admit when I'm wrong.Because it frees me fromthe personal embarrassment.Right, because you get used tosaying, I'm wrong, I'm wrong,I apologize, I'mwrong, I'm wrong.That way, I don't holdon to my old ideasbecause for some people toadmit that you're wrong,that you had an oldidea that you'reto say it in a moreextreme, blunt waythat you were ignorantprior to this moment.That's a veryhurtful thing to say.Tony Robbins says this thestrongest motivational factorfor people is to beconsistent with themselves.So even though I'm wrongand I know him wrong,I prefer to beconsistently wrong.And that's why we're stuck.


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