Feeling Uneasy Insecure

Chris Do
July 24, 2017

Chris Do answers a quick question about feeling uneasy when comparing yourself to your competition.


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Have I ever feltuneasy that there'ssomebody who is better thanme who's charged less than me?Well, almost everybodycharges less of me,so half that question is true.Have I ever felt uneasy aboutbeing the most expensive personthat I know?No I value the workthat I do, so muchso that I thinknobody else can do it,even though there's potentiallymany people who can do it.I just don't believe thatto be true in my mind.OK, so that's thereality distortionfield in Chris's world, Chrisis the best, most completedesigner that he knows.And it's true outside.I don't really care.I'm not sitting there thinking,how do I relate to this person?Is this person's workbetter than ours?I mean, if I seethat, then I just say,what are they doing differently?And then I'm going toget there really quickly.OK, now in termsof better than me,I haven't worked as a freelancerin a really long time,so it's hard forme to say like, oh,that person working nextto me, I can literallysee that we're the samerate or they're less.And then they're out hustlingme every step of the waybecause I'm a superhyper competitive person.If I knew that existed, Iwould just sit there and like,bro, or what areyou doing, girl?That's amazing.I can't believe you'redoing that so fast.And what is your process?Can you tell me?I'd love to take you out tolunch and share some ideas,and then I'll look at yourfiles and deconstruct itand kind of figure outall your tricks and tips.I'll go online andlearn everythingso that I don'tfeel like less than.However, there havebeen many momentsin our career ina company where Ilooked at other companies,entire companieswhere they do some amazing work.And most of thetime, I think, man, Iwish I had that opportunityto do that because Iwould love to do that.And every once ina while, I see workthat they came up with an ideaand I was thinking our teamcould not have comeup with that idea,and I'd probably need adifferent team or different wayof thinking.But rarely is it everthat I see something.I'm like, oh,there's just no way Ihave no idea how to get there.That's the beautifulpart when youhave the way oflooking at things,and you're able tobreak things outand I'm blessed orcursed with that ability.So I'm never reallyafraid that'ssomething that's muchbetter, because Ican dissect it and break itdown and pretty much get therein a relativelyshort amount of time.


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