Responding Lack Of Experience

Chris Do
November 11, 2017

Chris Do has an open discussion with the group about responding when a client tells you that you don't have much experience.


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All right, so I want tothrow it out to you guys.I don't want anybody thatwas in the business boot campto answer first.Everybody else is eligibleto answer this question.So here's the setup you'retalking to a client.It's in an industry thatyou're not that familiar with.So if you're in hospitalityspace, this is tech.If you're in tech.This is by biomedicineor something,or I don't know whatever itis, biotech, different kindof tech.Or it's in realestate development.So they're goingto say to you, I'mconcerned because you don'thave any experience doingwhat it is that we do.How do you respond to that?Who wants to try?All right.OK, Andrew.Far away.What makes you say that?You have your portfoliosays that I shouldn'tbe the other person, I'mgoing to be the worstopponent to play against.We need somebody else toplay because you may havea really hard time with me.Somebody else, please.How about rachel?You beat the other person.OK, you're in aquiet room, right?Yeah all right.You guys do battle.Ok?Oh boy.Yeah, you could do it.It's easier to play the client.I promise you much easier thanthe vendor, I promise you.Just channel your client.I'll give you a minute tokind of get in character.OK OK.Let me know when you're ready.OK OK.This is like a casting call.We're doing casting right herefor the next movie, the clientstarring Andrew and Rachel.All right, Andrew,I'm a little concernedthat you don't have enoughexperience in our industry.OK what makes youthink that, rachel?The projects you've displayed inyour portfolio say that to me,and I just am concerned you'regoing to get a little lost.OK, so we work acrossvarious different industriesand there are crossoversbetween most of them.What are the thingsthat would concern youthe most within what you see?I worry you're not going tounderstand our customers, ok?Do your customers consume otherthings or just your sales?I'm sorry, I don'tunderstand your question.So do you have customers, areyour customers and exclusivelyyour customers?Are they also customersand in other sectors?Oh, I see.Well, yeah, of course they'reconsumers of other things.OK so the psychology behindconsumers very often the sameacross different sectors, andthat's what we try to look at.Do you have do youhave any insights thatare specific toyour industry thatsay that we could use for that?Yes, we do.We have a document of insightsthat we use for our marketing.So with that andwith the psychologythat we're going toapply to it, is thereanything that's reallyspecific to your sector thatdoesn't apply to sectorsthat we have worked in?I feel like we're dancing aroundmy question and my concern.So I'd like to kind of bringus back around to that.Your experience just does notcorrelate with our industry,and I'm worried aboutworking with you.OK and yet you've sought us out.So what made you what made youconsider us in the first place?OK, OK, I'll jump in here.Thank you, Chris.It's getting awkward,it got confusing.It got all kinds of place.OK, excellent.Thank you, both of you guys.Thank you very much.All right now, boot campers,bring yourself online.Anybody that take the boot camphave an observation or analysisof what went down.We're not.I know there's someof you in this call.I don't want to volunteer you.OK, I made some notes, though.I'll give you two more secondsfor volunteer to step up.OK before I sayanything, Rachel, Iwant you to write down twoemotions that you felt.Just write that down.OK, I'm going to see if Ifeel the same as you or not.And Andrew, before Igive you a breakdown,how did you feel during thisquestioning process and knowingthat there are 36people looking at you?I felt I'm actually quitesticky because I'm sweating,but but I feel more and morecomfortable talking like that.And I think I'm still a goodway of getting it, gettingit right.But I feel more comfortable.And I think I'm gettingcloser towards it.OK, I'm going to ask youguys in the chat bot chat boxto type in the word me.If you felt likeyou, you are Andrew,like you would getstuck to and itgot it gets difficult for youas well so that I can say, OK,OK, and everybody that type me.Would you like to give us youralternative approach, like whatyou would have done differently?Sure where is the router?We're in the master bedroom.Joel, you're killing us, Joel.Mute that guy, Rachel.I know I thought, Ihave a couple of things.OK OK, hold on.Hold on.I heard a female voice first andthen we'll cut to you, Phillip.I think it was me.Katie Yeah.Hey, Katie.OK, so they could say.I may be wrong, butlet's examine the factsand then just lay it all down.OK, what is a factmission do for you?Well, whatever they'reconcerned about,they could, they couldjust clarify it and thenkeep asking why and why and why.If you are confusedand then eventually,normally that wouldbe my approach.OK and have youdone this before?No, but I've read about it.I'm a really good cook, too.I've never cooked any cookbooks.OK this is goingto be excellent.Then what I'll do isI won't tell Andrewhow to fix this problem,but I will give youobservations I have.And then, Katie, you will do it.OK OK.OK and you're going todo with Rachel again.OK so, OK, so you guysjust get ready for this.This could be wildlyentertaining if nothing else,hopefully at the same time.OK, here's the thingI notice that only twoquestions in Andrew startedto justify or to saywhat he thought immediately.And I'll tell you whatthat question was.So first, he's like,well, why do you say that?Well, the answer to thatquestion is obvious.So it's one of these questionslike if you're an attorneyand you're interrogatingor questioning your client,do not ask a questionthat you don't alreadyknow the answer to that'sgoing to be in your favor.So think about that bysaying, why do you say that?It tells me the client.It's obvious that youdon't see what I see.This is a problem already.We work on cars,you work on bicyclesand you can't see that.That's different.That's a problem.So asking an open-endedwhy question like thatcan lead you downmany dark roads.And that's why I feltAndrew's second question wasa little confusing.He started to talk about hiscross platform experience.He's already justifyinghimself right away,so it's going to becomevery obvious to the clientbecause I see you donot know what I do,and you're trying to sayan Apple is like a bananabecause it's in thesame fruit family.And I'm telling youright now it's not.So now you've askedan open ended questionthat you don't knowthe answer to that.You don't know it's going tobe a positive answer for you.And to your secondquestion is onlygoing to make me dig intomy position even morewithout any real clarity.Here's a question that you canask that he eventually got to.So he started asking questionsabout consumer psychology,and I was like, whereare we going with this?And it's very interestingbecause Rachel probablyis the best kind of client,you're going to have.She called you outon it right away.Some clients will let youkill yourself, hang yourselfby the rope.You know, it's like.Where's Andrew going with this?I don't I'm not talkingabout consumer psychology.So the first thinghe was talking aboutis cross-platform experience.The second thing ishe's going to tryto demonstrate why he does whathe does, why he does what heand why it's effective.And she can seeright through it.She's like and sheliterally said,I feel like you're dancing.I want to take us back towhat my original question was.So at this point, you'vegot to feel like, Oh my god,this is not going well,this call is spiraling outof control.If I had a chance ofestablishing expertiseand build trust, I'm starting tolose it because the client justcalled me out on it.That's when Andrew startsto get really moist.OK all right now, Philip,what did you want to sayand then Katie is going todo role play with me or not?I was thinking that somethingalong the lines of Iwould have responded,yes, although wehaven't worked withbusinesses in your industry.We worked with other businesses.And surely you know yourbusiness better than we do.And that's why we'regoing to work togetheron the process withstrategy together.You know, your businessbetter than we do.But of course, we workedin other industries.And we can adapt utilizingyour knowledge thatpackage that Rachelmentioned she has in orderto make sure we targetthe right objectives.There are some partson what you sayis good in some partsof what you say.It sounds likejustification once again,like I said to you before, Ican't lose an argument if Inever have a position.So every time youhave a position,I'm going to hear that I'mgoing to attack you on it.Don't give me anythingto work with now,you know, we've hadthis call before whenwe talk about the whole.Thank you forsmoking scene, right?You guys rememberhow that thing went.So many need a refresher.Well, OK.I'm not hearinganything, so it's fine.OK, somebody saysyes, Peter says Yes.OK, now the dad's a lobbyist forthe tobacco, alcohol industry,whatever.And his kids bothered bythe fact that what is it?It's your job.He's like, I helppeople to win arguments.So he goes into it becausehe's a lobbyist, he said.Let's say you and I arehaving a debate about the bestflavor of ice cream.Let's say you like chocolate,you like chocolate.He's like, yeah, it'slike, OK, and I'lltake the positionof vanilla, ok?So then he asks them, so what'sthe best flavor of ice cream?He says chocolate.He goes, you're sureit's chocolate chocolateabove all else.Nothing else can competewith chocolate, right?And he says, yes, thetrap has been sprung.Since, well, Ibelieve in choice.I don't believethat there should bejust one flavor of ice cream.It's un-american, actually.So what you're sayingis un-american,and the kid saysthat's not fair.He goes, exactly.You see how that works, guys.He never says, well, you know,chocolate compared to vanilla,vanilla has 76% approval ratingand more people prefer vanilla,and that's why it'slisted number one.And we believe thatvanilla is a better flavor.That's what you guys are doing.Let's try again.Let's rewind the tape.I know there's a whole bunchof new people in the group,but I was hoping thatsome not older peopleand people who have beenin the group longer.Would be able to easilydeal with this objection.It's going to be one ofthe top three objectionsyou're going to hearevery single timeyou get on the phone, for sure.If you're moving at anykind of growth pattern,you're going to bumpinto new kinds of clientswhere you have no righttalking to them basedon your experience.So you don't knowhow to overcomethis objection and thenumber two objection,or maybe the numberone objectionis it's too much money.If you can't handlethese two, you're just.You're risking everything.So we've got to be able toovercome these two objections,so let's get back into it.So Rachel, bringyourself online, Katie.Let's rock and roll.OK, so we'll start it with.Take it from the topand give your objection.Rachel so, Katie,I'm worried that youdon't have any experiencein our particular industry.OK, so let's examine the facts.What are you specificallyworried about, which issues?I'm worried you won'tunderstand our customers.I'm worried you won'tunderstand our productand how to connect the two.Well, if we cango over your goalsand talk about yourbrand in detail,then I can use thosestrengths to create my brand.Use my strengthswith your concernsand create a brand for branding.I don't know your answer.I don't know.I'd like a specificexample, please.It like a specific example.You can makesomething up, Rachel.OK, I guess I'm confused exactlywhat you want an example of,like, for example,if you're like Pepsiand I don't know, like thetop demographic or something.OK so originally, let'ssee, I'll help you out.Thank you.You work on beauty products.We're an automotive company.What else do I need toexplain to you about it?OK, Rachel.OK, so what I do, I take likethe authenticity and the pointof difference foreach brand, and thenI utilize that to make it there,like make it their main pointof their story.So they come acrosslike authentic.That's what I do.OK all right.We'll cut the scene here.Dirty, bloody.You know, I like towatch a lot of movies.When you when youwalk into the roomand there's plastic allover the floor and you'remeeting with the bosspeople, it's going to happen.It's a crime scenein progress and youdon't know that you're the guythat's going to get whacked.OK so I liked what Katiesaid at the beginning.I want to ask them lotsof questions about what'sgoing on with them.Two questions in.She's already goingthrough her process,and she also justcommitted the same crimethat Andrew committed,which was sheasked the questiononly to get abusedbecause the questionis going to point outwhat she doesn't know.So right now, we'regoing into this thing,and I think what's happeningis we're closing our eyesand we're kind ofjust reaching outlike hoping we grab somethinglike, is this a person?No, I'm sorry.Is this person now?I think we have tobe more strategic.Does anybody have anidea or a thought here?Can I try 100 percent,you can try and try.I hope so.Spread those wings and fly many.All right, Rachel, this isRachel's third time now.OK, now I also want you towrite down your emotions.Two emotions when Katie to.Write those down, we're going togo back and compare each time.OK all right, now I'mgoing to warn you,since this is Rachel's thirdtime she's pissed off right nowand you're in fora world of hurt.You don't have enoughexperience now.She's like, you don'thave any experience.You see that littleshift there, you guys.OK, let's do it.So it's all you start.You start surfacing.I'm nervous, too, ok?I'm worried you don'thave enough experiencein our industry.I agree.Maybe I don't havethe experiencethat you might be looking for.But may I ask whyyou came to us?Because obviously, wedon't have the experiencethat you're looking for.I've seen some workthat you've donewith some of your otherclients in the industriesthat you do work in.And I have liked theresults that you've gotten.I'm just worried that youcan't apply it in my industry.Um, yeah, well, if you'rereally worried about that,if we can deliver, then youare more than welcome to Findanother studiothat maybe are morealigned with yourexperience and your vision,but when you found them?And maybe I can helpyou out with that.But if you want tostay with us, then wecan learn a lot from you too.So it's your call, actually.Yes, very interesting.Um, can I help youwith anything else?Chris, my brain is going blank.OK OK, OK, that's fine.That's fine.We'll break scene here.Chris, can I ask something?Yes, of course.Let me actually just turnon the camera, dude, Lucy.I bet you're the guywith a fancy camera now.Is this better?Because I'm on theroad with the camera?No, I'm on theroad, but I reallywant to ask a question becauseI am going through this rightnow.So the biggest challenge thatI think I'm going to be facingis the fact thatmy entire portfoliohas been commercialshoots, meaningthat we do oneshoot that's focusedon one product or service.And I really want to specializeinto series video productionseries as well asphotography series.And I can tell you right nowthat the objection that'sgoing to come is thatpeople are going to tell me,you don't have theportfolio that shows that.So how do you think it'sa good way to approach?Would I have to belike, I understandthat we don't have a portal foryou in that particular area.That's where we want to target.But I see greatvalue with your brandand I'm willing to dosomething that's low risk.You know, let's just say ashorter, a shorter seriesof three episodes or somethingso that it's low risk for youand we still get toshow you what we can do.Is that a good way to approachit or am I undermining myself?Well, let me askyou some questions,because you're kind of notasking a question specificallyabout what we're doing.You're just asking aquestion about whatis, what your problem is, ok?It's a topic, but we're not.So I'm going to ask youjust hold on to that, ok?Sure no problem.OK, you hang outfor a little bit?Yes yes, good.That was interesting.You walked around your car, youwent right back into your car.I thought he wasgoing somewhere.It was very loudoutside with the train.I see.I see.OK, so just sit tight.All right, I'll circleback to you, Lucy.All right.Sit down.OK, so capturing the momenthere, why did Rachel get stuck?What happened?And I don't know howto say your name,your name for aVietnamese personwho is used to one syllable.Is it utter sexy cat?How do you say your name?That's my full name.You can call me.Try tayari cry.Yeah are you allowed?Are you able to change yourname in the descriptionso that it's a little easierfor me to figure this thing out?Yes, I will.OK, thank you.Yeah yay.All right.Maybe for a dummy like me.OK all right.What happened here?Why is it when Terrysaid what she said?Rachel's just like.What happened?Maybe they were set up forconfrontation or a backand forth, andAtari basically saidthe scene is like,hey, you came to us.It's just not going to work out.I can help you findsomething else.So got diffused.that's one way of looking at it.No, that's a goodway of looking at it.So out of mesh, thepsychologist or Iforget what you call your what?He'll he'll break down what'shappening inside our brain.This is very good.All right.I'm going to give you the fulldetailed breakdown right now.But before I do that,so I'm like pulling outRyan Seacrest here, Americanidol, before we do that.Rachel, tell us your emotions.The two words thatyou wrote downwhen Andrew was doing it,when Katie was doing it,and when Tori was doing it.OK I'm sorry, guys.With Andrew, I felt confusedand then frustrated with Katie.I got confused and annoyed.OK and with tori, Iwas kind of coming off,like you said, a littleannoyed with other people.But ultimately, I wasintrigued and deflated.Deflated, yeah,like I couldn't likeit was hard to like yousaid, it was hard to like,carry on with the objection,wear with the others,it was much easier to just kindof like, you haven't moved me.Like, I still have thesame objection that I had,even though theyhad a lot of wordsand they kept trying to comeat it from another angle.I was still inthe same position.OK, excellent.OK, here's the full breakdown.Ready well, it's hard that youmust be watching our videosfor paying attentionto what we'redoing because the firstthing she did was sheembraced whatever itis that, Rachel said.It's like, you'reright, we don'thave that kind of experience.Rachel now has tostop in her tracksbecause Rachel was prepared totell her everything that shedoesn't know.And then this she wasbuilding a bridge,and though she wasasking pretty muchthe same questioneverybody else was asking.She limited the kind of answers.As to what Rachel couldsay by saying, I agree,we don't have the experiencethat you're talking about,but I'm still curious, whyare you talking to us then?That seems like avery subtle thingto be able to say that at thevery beginning and our tonein the way that she saidit seemed like, yeah,you know, hey, worktogether, not work together,I don't know whatever.I don't care.I'm going to wash my hairlater and feed a cat.Yeah, I know there's $300,000on the line, but whatever.So now, Rachel is like, OK,I'll tell you what, I like you.And then she's like,if you feel like youneed that kind of person.You need to work withthat kind of person.So now Rachel is out of options.She can't tell heranymore, you don'tknow Jack about cars,your beauty company,because she really tookthat away from her.This is like eight mile M&M. Youknow, we've talked about this,you take all the things thatthe other person can attack youduring a battle and you take itaway because you say it first.You just say it first.OK, let me give you guyssome strategies here.OK and, Rachel, bringyourself online,I'm going to askyou this question asif I were theperson, so you don'thave enough experience, right?So I'm going to ask youthe first question hereand now you'llnotice how directedmy questions are going to be.Let me ask you a quickquestion, Rachel.Mm-hmm Do you want todo more of the sameor you want to dosomething different?We want to dosomething different.So do you think workingwith the same peopledoing the same thing,getting the same resultsfor the same competitors?We'll get you a differentresult or the same result.And the same result. What doyou think you should do then?Explore different options.I'm glad you'resaying that because weare that different option.OK, I'm going tostop it right there.So my line of questioningis very directed.Now, usually when clients talk,they talk for a long time.You don't have experiencewhat concern Chris.You do commercials andwhen you make music videosor we do films andyou do broadcast work.You do single spots.And we want a series.You do short form.We want long form Whateverit is, they talk for a while.It gives you alot of opportunityto hear what they're thinking.And if you're notready to respond,ask them another questionabout what they're thinking.And to hear that one thingnow, you need to remember this.Almost everybody that's callingyou is looking for change.You just have to know that.Why else are they calling you?They didn't call youyesterday because whateverhappened to them beforeisn't working now.So if they're a lower managementperson, middle management,their boss has told themfind me better options,the last people are terrible.I'm tired of working withthem or the last peopleare getting really comfortabledoing what they do.We don't feel there'sany more innovationor their rates are too high.We need to workwith somebody new.Everybody is coming toyou is looking for change.It's your duty just togive them the informationthey need so that theycan make the decisionnot to convince them.You see, like how by framing thequestion with do you want to beI didn't say like this becauseit can be kind of insulting.I was looking forthe right words.Do you want to domore of the same.Or do you want to dosomething different?What do you think anyrational person isgoing to say to that question?We want to be the same.We don't want to innovate.We love beingexactly where we are.Who's going to say that?So here's what I want youguys to do for your homework,whether or anybody else, thenext time the clients bring upan objection that you don't haveenough expertise or experiencein a particular field.Just ask them very politely.Are you happy withwhat you have?Do you want to domore of the same.Or do you want to dosomething different?Do you think?Doing everythingthat you're doing nowthat you're going toget a different result.And say with a smile.Always say badthings with a smile.It changes how the wordscome out of your mouth.Even if they cannot see you.So you see, youguys are busy tryingto figure out 17 differentmoves to get yourselfto a checkmate position.When you can just deal with one.Now, has anybody tried thatquestion or that responseback to the client andgotten a different result?Anybody?Yes.Go on, rags.I just like this thingwith a different approach.I took one off the Socratic six.Yes I don't know what that is,right, but I used a challenginginverse logic for thesame where they said,you don't have the experience,so I started the conversationwith you.Even before going there,I would like to ask you,have you had any bad experienceof shooting somebody beforewithout experienceand having an issue?OK OK.The problem there is that couldhave a really bad experience.Yeah so if they sayno or something,but generally we don'thave trust on peoplewho don't have experience.I can challenge the logicof that thing by saying,do you think people withexperience cannot fail?No there's a drop.You're asking menow if it's wrong.Yeah, I put thisquestion to themsaying that do you thinkpeople with experiencein the same industry, doyou think they can succeedwith the project or fail?Well, I don't know.So you like bothyour questions area little kind of open ended.It can be veryproblematic for you.Well, I actually I purposelyto open a question because justtrying to use theidea with that,I got your hands on the client.Yeah, agreed.And it actually moved intothe part of your thinkinglike that.Do you want to change.Or do you want to dothe same thing, right?Let it let it go.Because why it was anopen ended questionwas I tried to mix thisframework and also a topicfrom Dan Sullivan,who says, alwaysask open ended questions.OK.Yeah always open endedquestions are potentiallygood for discovery,not so necessarily goodfor overcoming an objection.OK, so like DanSullivan is tellingyou to ask a really broad,open ended question.So that you can dig and findout what the problem is?So when you're doingdiscovery, yes, that'sthe kind of questionyou want to ask.Not a Yes or no closequestion, right?But when somebody gave mea very specific objection,you need to start to put thatpuppy to bed and you cannotspend 20 minutes tryingto dance around this thingbecause you're going to geta person feeling frustrated,possibly annoyed.Yeah your approach waspretty much the bullseye.So I'm trying to find theleast number of steps.So I can move on to the nextobjection because I know,one is not going to be enough.OK OK.And here's where an open endedquestion will really work.I was trying toonboard a client.And they just kept askingme so many questions, right?And I did the best answerevery one of their questions.Now their questions weren't somuch objections, but just morelike.Help me understand what you do.Right? so I talkthem all through.OK, so now, 10minutes into the call,I'm like looking at myclock or watch and saying,thinking to myselfis a waste of time.I got to get off this call.So this person issuper indecisive.The amount of money is too muchfor I don't know what it is.I've got to get off the call.So I just say, hey, Mrclient, I'm so sorry.It sounds to me like youhave a lot of reservation,can you just tell me whatyour top three objectionsare, why you don'twant to move forward?He took a deep breathand said, you know what?You're right.I don't have anyobjections, let's do this.OK sometimes I got tojust get to that point.Yeah, because we're dancinga little bit too much.But you can usually only dothat with decision makers,you can't do thatwith middle managementbecause their job isto break you down.And your job is not tolet it break you down.So in my mind, now this mightsound a little strange to youguys.Is I automaticallythink or assumewhatever they're goingto say is absurd.I try to give littlevalidity to anythingthat they say in mymind, because thisis how I have to think aboutthis, because I also believethat the best thing they cando is to hire us to give us alltheir money so that we can helpthem because I believe in whatwe do.So much.I don't think it's snake oil.And so it's almost as ifI have to help them cometo the right decision becauseworking with somebody else,they're going towaste so much money.They're going towaste so much timeand they're not going to get theresults that they want to get.And so I thinksometimes you guys lookat what the client is goingto say is an objection as thisis real, this is truth.So the incident somebody saysto me, you're not an expert.I'm like, well, whatdo experts get you?Well, they get youthe same results.They are also wellknown in your industry,so I suppose your competitorswork with them to.So everybody's workingwith the same people yet,you're trying to differentiate,you're trying to grow.That doesn't makeany sense in my mind.OK OK.And when we lead intothe Book Review lecture,I'm about to give youguys, you know something.To make a quantum leap forward.Discomfort is theprecursor to that.Yep if you want toinnovate, you haveto leave the familiar,the safe, the knownand go towards the unknownif you want to innovate,I'm not saying everycompany wants to do that.Well, all right.OK yeah, you're welcome.All right.And a mesh psychologically,what's happening?Psychologically,what's happening,I shouldn't say it like that.Give me your two centsdude, every time Isay that you getall tight on me.No in the context ofwhat the conversation wasbetween Dalia and Rachel,or just whatever you want.What are you saying?What's happening?I think what this is like.I'm just going to sayit, I'm like Oprahand you're like doctor,whatever his name is, Dr. Phil.So we just kind of howyou doctor a doctor.What do you thinkabout the situation?There's a lot of layers hereto kind of catch up on, so.Go ahead.I'll start with themost recent thingyou said because Iidentified it very closelyto that point, whichis being uncomfortable,is the precursor for changeor doing something different.And when you'retrying to deconstructthis between a client and areally defensive position,I think you have tokind of empathizewith their discomfort.And we talked aboutthis previouslyand you've talkedabout this time again.It's like, where do you whatdo you do with Billy to beable to empathize with themand get them to realizethat their discomfortis going to be solvedwith your solution?So there is alignment.That's my two cents, I guess.OK, thank you.Just making somequick notes here.All right.Any questions about what wejust did before I talk to Lucyand then we're going to jumpinto our deck because I dohave to end ourcall promptly today.OK lucy?Yes, sir.All right.Here we go.All right.What do you do, lucy?So we do.Recently, Irebranded a sub brandunder big That's just goingto focus on production, work,photography and video,and I wanted to special,yes, I want you to answerme that question like,I'm a prospective client.All right.New at a networking function.I just asked you straightup, what do you do?We we do photo andvideo production,and we specialize in seriesproduction, particularly.Is that true?Is that true?Yes, it's true.I thought you justtold me you're notknown for doing series.Well, we haven't done series in.Well, are we talking as a clientor as Chris Doe just told youwhat we're doing?Oh my God.Well, we haven't.We have.Doctor on this one.All right.He's just lying to me.No, it's not what you do.I said pretendlike I'm a client.We just met at a networkingfunction and I asked you,I leaned over the table, youlook like an interesting guy.Tell me what you do.Don't lie to me.So we do photo andvideo production,and we're trying tofocus our effortsto specialize in videoseries and photo series.OK all right.I'm going to tell youwhat's wrong already.OK, everybody that'swatching right now.And if you're watchingthis later on a replay.Now I'm going to give youa second to think about it,either think aboutit or write it down.What is wrong with whatmorsi said, and I'msure he said this1,000 times already,so tomorrow will be a newday for morsi, everybody.You ready?Is that enough timefor you to think tarry?You got it.Nod your head like you got it.OK, now as you got I wasgiving her enough time, ok?Tara's got it.OK, here's the problem.You told me what you do.Did you tell me that becauseI ask you, what do you do?Your response should be what itis that you do for your client.You should not talkabout yourself.OK you have to tell mehow it's beneficial to mein one sentence.The second problem is.You are more than what you make.And what you're doingis just describingto people what you make.So I'm labeling myselfinstead of telling themwhat they need to hearin terms of solutions.Yeah, so the examplewould be if somebodyasked me, what do you do?Oh, I build websites,I make apps.That's kind of theequivalent to what you said.Yes whereas the otheranswer could be.I help clients buildsites that perform twiceas I convert at 2 times.I help clients build sitesthat rank in the top 10organic search through Google.It's always a customer benefit.If you read Russell,what's this dude's name?Grabbed the guy's name already.Um, the guy whowrote story brand.I'll check it out.Yeah, I have it, it'ssitting right here,just I'm blanking onhis name right nowbecause I wasn'tprepared to talkabout that particular book.Donald miller, Donald miller,he says that you're notsupposed to be the expert.You're not supposed to bethe hero, not the expert.You're not supposedto be the hero.The client's the hero.You're the guide.Sherman OK, so be the guide.So a better way totwist this would be wehelp brands showcasetheir products or servicesin the best light,and in doing so,we help them reach the target,their target audience betterand connect with themon a deeper level.Would that be a betterway to say what I do?Yeah, you're getting better.It's going to takesome time to write thisand you're going to want tosit down and write and thinkthrough this, right?So you're goingto not you're notgoing to want totalk about featureswhich what you're doing, you'regoing to talk about benefits.So make a long list ofbenefits like how do we improvethe lives of our clients?And just pick the top twoand bring those together.You could simply say we helpour clients tell their storiesthrough photography and video.You know, talk about series.Or you could just say throughmoving images and movingis a play on word like imagesthat are static, but move youemotionally or moving images asin motion graphics and video.It would fit perfectly to right.So again, the question thatsomebody is going to ask youis what do you do?You should have a prettygood response to that.So let's everybodychange or at leastwork on doing a better jobof describing what we do.You don't need to tell meyour aspirations in life like,oh, when we want to lookforward to this in the future,it's like, I don't care.It's like saying, well, we're a$200,000 company in the future,we want to be a $20million company.Why are you talkingabout yourself?And helped writehis whole philosophyis this is that our brains?I mean, it's not his philosophy.This is just how we'rewired is normally defaultingto calorie preservation.The more thinking we have todo, the more calories we burn.And we're still not evolvedenough as human beingsto realize thatfood is plentiful.That's why when yousit through a lecture,your brain goes to sleep becauseyou're realizing a Tiger is notgoing to kill me.I don't have to find a mate.Brain goes off.But when I talk aboutand what's in it for you,my brain is going to turn on.Make it easy.Don't talk abouttoo many things.OK, Gotcha.All right.And realize I thinkyou're telling stories.


Sales Objection Role Play Pt.2
August 10, 2020
How to Close The Deal
November 14, 2019
Sell Without Selling
January 26, 2021
Licensing Your Work
March 19, 2019
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