I want to bring Mel on theline I'm going to play with,Mel is going to bemy dance partner.OK, Mo.Since most of the timeI get to be the vendor,I'm going to be the clientthis time, is that ok?That's fine.You ready to dance?Well, let's see for you.You know, it's 1:00in the morning.Let's see if we can dance.It's midnight.OK you're the client.I'm the vendor.Yeah, I'm the client, so I'mgoing to say, I think about it,I'm not ready yet.OK, I need to getthis, so I justwant to let you knowthat he can tag me in.Yes it's like it's like a box.Tag me and tag code.Yeah, Yeah.The Hart brothers HeartFoundation right now.OK all right.So Mo, we've seen yourproposal for the video and.I need to think aboutit, I'm not ready.What about it, doyou need to think?I'm wondering if wecould afford whatif we can afford the servicesthat you're recommending.What's the spin thatyou need to afford?That's a greatquestion, I'm not sure.Do you have anyguidelines to help us?What are the usual guidelinesthat you pay within that reallykind of depends on the scope.So I probably have the scope.The scope.Oh, my God.Well, I can't, Ican't, I can't do this.I've never put the kind ofwater you know what to do?Oh my god, I'mstuck stalking you.I'm stuck a job.Good job.But I've never beena crime before.Most just completedbucket list item for me.What looks to be the vendor?You're an awesome vendor.No hold on, hold on, hold on.I need to think aboutthis because I don't.I didn't have clarity onwhat the heck I'm doing.So I just started tosay it's an I feel badfor everybody, forlowering for who elseis playing the clientwho's played the client.Alec did a great job, butthat's before I did not allowquestions or answers anymore.Well, it's verydifficult. OK, so I justrealized I realizeI'm a terrible client.I just realized that ifyou guys try your darndestto ask the question aboutwhat is being talked aboutand stop selling.Maybe, just maybe, you'lljust mess up, clients do.Maybe let's try again.Can somebody defeat Alec, ok?Yeah can I go at it?I want to go out as a Benderat some point, but we do.OK OK, I'll tellyou what I'll be.No, no, this is perfect.That's perfect.So, Mo, you getto wear the crown.Put on your imaginary crown, Mo.Put it on.Yeah, I'm goingto hand it to you.Put it on.Mo has a crown.He's it.So the game is to be theclient, you beat the client,you become the client.How's that?Now we can just useour imagination, dude.And you know what that is, butOK, flower, it's a firecracker.You're that big on my screen.OK, Mo, you're the client.You're the client.Alec is the vendor, ok?Your team orcompanies too small?OK OK, Mo, yourteam, your companyis too small, littlecontext and objection.Yeah, Alex.So we kind of went throughyour proposal, man,and the team just seems a littletoo small for this project.Why do you feellike it's too small?Why do you thinkyou're not small?What size of team areyou used to working with?What size company areusually used to working for?What size company are you guys?OK OK, Mo, you broke therule, you broke the rule,you parroted rightback What he said.You did.No, because he asked yousomething about smalland you just said itright back to him.No, it didn't.It was a different question.It was a clarifying question.I think it passes becauseI'm trying to help out.I know David Cole.I don't think he does.I don't think it does, becauseit's almost sounded exactlylike what he said.I think the only questionsthing is maybe a littletoo hard for what we're doing.I don't know.I say a rematch.OK, OK.No, no.I tell you what.I tell you what?We could do this.You could.You can answeronly in questions,but you don't have tostart with a question.You can give ananswer and you justhave to end in the question,OK, OK, yeah, I can respondand then question.That'd be great.Yes, you can.As long as it soundslike a question at end.We're good.I just pick it up again.And Perry, ratherthan just perry?That's right.That sounds good.OK and the only ruleis you can't pair itwhat the other person said.Yeah, becauseotherwise we're stuck.Like, you refuse toanswer the question.Got it.Got it.Got it.OK all right.So, Mo, let's pick it up again.Your team is too small.Go Alec.We're reviewing theproposal that you gave us,and I just feel likeyour team is a little toosmall for this project, right?I think I hear you on that.It's somethingthat we've actuallyreally used to dealing with.Can I ask you kind of why youthink our team is too small?So we're used todealing with teams thatare a bit larger than yours.So I'm wondering, what's yourexpertise in relation to whatyou can afford us as a team?Right, so the great thing aboutmy team is that it's scalable,so I mean, who you thinkyou're dealing withisn't necessarilythe entire team.But I definitely want younot to have any hesitationhesitancy when you talkabout the teams you typicallywork with.How many people, what is eachperson's role in the team,how many people arefacilitating and how many peopleare doing the work?Well, you know, everybody'sresponsible for an aspectabout the project, you saidscaleable that concerns me.What do you mean thatyour team is scalable?Right, so the whole reason Istarted the business, I startedactually was to deal withwhat you're talking about,really large teams oftentimesare very slow movingand they have a lot ofbloat associated with them.There's a lot of management anda lot of loss of translationby paring down the team.We're able to serve youa lot more efficiently.But I hear you that you'reconcerned about that.So when you talk abouteach person having a role,do you think thatall those roles needto be done by individuals or doyou think that you can cut outsome of the middlemen?It's interestingto me that you saidlarge teams are slowmoving because when I thinkof large teams, I think thatthe work can be distributedacross a bunch of people.So it can be done faster.So what's concerning me iscan your team with the sizethat it's at, takeon my size projectand complete it ina timely fashion.Um, yeah, I definitely I canhear that concern for sure.And I think thatit's totally valid.I mean, most teams thatdo the work that we doare really large and youknow, I'm pretty proud.Is there somethingin our work that youdon't like that you don't thinkis a good fit for your company?No, not at all, I thinkthe work is great again,my concern is thatthe team is too small,and that's why I fallback to the question as towhether or not the size of yourteam can take on our project.I mean, if youlike the work, thenI guess the questionwould be why?Why is the size an issue ifthe work is what you need?I mean, we've workedwith large teamsbefore we worked with Intel.I've worked with Disney, andthey're pretty large companies.I guess my question is,are you looking for a teamor are you looking for a result?That's interesting,I'm definitelylooking for a result. Can youelaborate a little bit moreon the work that youdid for Intel and Disneyand how that turned out?Yeah, it actuallyturned out really well.I'm proud to sayif you want to, I'mmore than happy to give youone of our contacts at Inteland they'd be more thanhappy to chat with you.But the result ofthe work was themselling a multimillion projectcalled risd, its rack scaledesign.Are you lookingfor similar resultsand making millionsof sales or areyou looking for something else?I'm definitely lookingfor millions of salesto grow the company.I don't want to do the work ofcontacting somebody at Intel,so I'm interested toknow more about how yougot Intel millions of sales.Right so the way we gotIntel millions of salesis by using our small, veryefficient team to create reallyhigh valued work for at amuch more efficient rateand all them not havingto increase their spend.Do you are you lookingto increase your spendor I think I readthe RFP correct?I think it seemedlike a good fit.Definitely not lookingto increase my spend,as you know, I'm abusinessman, so Ilike the idea ofraising millions,but some of the language you'reusing for me is kind of vague.You said high valued work.What does high valuedwork mean in relationto raising millions of dollars?OK, talk about how muchyou guys are doing great.You're doing great.This is fantastic.So I got some clarity.Actually, I fellvictim to my own trapis, I think, justchanging one variable.And we were doing thisnaturally before wherepeople were saying things andthen asking questions, sayingthings and asking questions.I think the one variable Iwant you guys to think aboutis how much are you sayingversus how much you're asking?So we can all learn a littlebit to phrase our statementin the form of a question.I think it's goingto go much better.I think round of applauseto both Alec and Mo.There's no Victor.There's no losers.Good job, guys.Very good.You guys did a great job.Both you guys did shakeyour little shake.Let me give you your awardfor participation and yours.It's great.You guys did a fantastic job.OK, now I want totake a moment herebecause it'sgetting late for me.OK, because I'ma New York Times.I'm on own time zone is let'sreflect back here a little bit.How did you guys feel aboutthe dialogue that's happeningbetween both Mo and alec?It felt they bothwere acknowledging.OK, let's do this,since all of a sudden,everybody wanted totalk at the same time,so we'll go withEzra first and thenI saw Michael saysomething, so we'llgo with Asha and then Michaeland everybody else thatwants to say something.Just raise your blue hand.Joshua I think they bothhad empathy and acknowledgeeach other first and notdefend or backfire, but listencarefully.And what made you feel that way?And Alex was usingthe same words, whathe was using and trying tosolve this problem by givinganother option and giving morebroad like for Intel, he said,you can give assurancethat go and talk to themand how he saw the strategy.So he was kind of describingmore in detail to helphim to solve his problem.Mm-hmm That's OK.I like that, Michael.So the conversationseemed very amicable.The problem wasthat it didn't feellike it was getting anywhere.I felt like I feltvery stagnant.I don't know how to fix that.It just is.It felt like it was just whichis kind of the point, right?You guys are supposedto keep going, but like.At some point it has to moveinto finalizing something.Right?very good point.I want to chimein really quickly.That's a really goodpoint and I feelthat a lot of timeswith the clientand sometimes I'mworried that dude,I'm just going to wear themout with these questions,and maybe I'm notleading them correctlyas a vendor to getthem to nirvana.So that's a really pinpoint one.Hold that thought.Will I feel like?Rather than sheeracknowledgment each timeconnecting with an emotion.And exploring that emotion.So like, Oh yeah, youknow, I've experiencedthat in the past and this way.Can you tell me more about howthat's looking for you whenyou're in something like that?Mm-hmm FantasticOK, you've given mesomething to think about here.Anybody else want to raiseyour hand and say something?I'm going to try toput a point on this.OK I'm sorry, I was looking at.I was just going topitch in real quick.Go ahead, Alec and.I know, like my two thingsare just one is usuallyif you can figure outthe client's goal,it's a little easier becausetheir goal usually isn't justto prolong the conversation.And the other thing is,I totally agree, though,that I could have likethinking to myself whatI was trying to do,but I didn't do wellwas getting to the emotion oflike, why do you feel that way?Which is somethingthat I like not.Why do you feel aboutgetting down to?Like what the fear is, right?But my goal also was tocontinue on the question game.So I definitely thinkthat's something that'sa really good learning point.I don't want to overlook.But then like what he wassaying was going on and on,it's like, I think usually ifyou can find their goal, whichis to get work done, I thinkthat's a good key point to it.Yes OK, NLI.And I think empathyis really important.And to remind yourselfnever to be defensive,like more curiousabout the other person.Yes curious is a good word.OK all right, so here'smy breakdown here.Mo said your team is too small.Almost all of our energynow has to be focusedon helping Mo make a decision.If if his thinking is true ornot, and if it is and it's notgood for us, weneed to bow out, OK,because we don'twant to try to beall things to all peoplebecause somewhere along there,Alex said.We're small, but we can scaleand we could be big or small.It's just like it wasall over the place,and we probably can'treally do that in real life.OK, so if Mo hasan issue with size?We should just ask him, what isyour feeling about small teams?They won't get totell us how he feels,and I think we needto really focus inon that so that he cansee that maybe that wasa dumb assumption.And I'm looking for an opening.So I want to keep double it,Downing on the small team.So Mo, if I were to askyou something like that,you're like, yourteam is too small.I never asked you, like, whatis your feeling about teamsize, what would you say back?Well, I'm not supposed torespond to a question, right?Like actually respond.You can respond inwhich way you want.What is my feelingabout small team?I'm concerned that a smallteam will max out the capacityand will lead theproject to take too long.OK, so from what I'mhearing from you,you equate small teams withslower, slow productivityor longer productivity.That's right, because I feelthat unless the work canbe distributed acrossmultiple peoplewhere multiple chunkscan be done quicker, thenthe smaller the team, the moreoverload on the team member,the longer theproject's going to take.OK so ultimately, whatI'm also hearing from youis that the size of a team isn'tas important as long as they'reefficient and they candeliver on time, right?That's that's very accurate.Efficiency anddelivering on timeis important because we needto get this off the ground.OK, so if you could havemore personal attentionwith a smaller team thatdoes the same amount of workin less time, youwould be OK with that.I would, Yeah.So do you have an issuewith the size of the team?I still have anissue, but it soundslike you're confidentin your teambeing able to pull this offand not miss a deadline.I'm glad you brought that up.I've never missed the deadline.So if we don't missdeadlines and I can tell youit can be done witha team that we have.What else would be holdingyou back from moving forward?From your proposal andyour portfolio, nothing.We're fantastic,when would you liketo start as soon as possible,so we don't miss this deadline?Fantastic let mecheck 50% upfront.We'll start tomorrow.Wonderful awfully niceanswering with questions.What's that?It's awfully nice when he'snot answering with questions.Yeah, Yeah.All right.We don't have todo that anymore.That was a dumb experiment.I don't know.I don't know because I wantedto give each person a chanceto try.So the trick withquestions is don'thave to necessarilyalways answerthe question you were given.And what we want to dois just go right backto what it is they're saying.And as deep aspossible and really getto the heart of thematter, oftentimes peoplesay it is too much money.I don't need discovery.I don't need that.I need think about it.So maybe we shouldjust ask, like,what are you concernedabout when yousay you need to think about it?Or what is it aboutteams and team sizethat you're concerned about?Just get into the feeling.Just get into the feeling.How do you pronounceyour name is anelli, Ali.How do you pronounce your name?It's Emily and Emily, Emily.So Emily was saying we needto label the emotion right.We just need to label it OK.All right.Let's sum it up, andlet's get out of here,so I'm going to pull up theI'm going to share the documentand you guys tellme what to write.OK, so keynote, here we are.Oop, where's the keynote?Which one did I pick?You know what's interestingwhile you're looking upthe document and to give somereflection as a client, howI felt different it.I felt like I really haveto give reasoning for why.My objection wasvalid, and maybethat's because mymindset wasn't like,OK, think of a coolquestion to combat Alec,but it's like, whydo I believe the waythat I believe as a client?And then when I gave you reasonthat became your ammunitionto test my logic.So it was no longerthe size of the team,but it was theefficiency of the work.And then and then it wasdownhill from there for me,like I knew I wasgoing to double.So hey, can you guys seethis shared screen or no,this reflection looks good.Yeah, OK, cool.It says like, it's possible.OK, let's reflecthere, you guys tell me.Bullet point, not evencomplete sentences.What did we need to doin our next sales call?Go ahead.I must ask label the emotion.Go ahead next.Always smiling.Smile yes, great.I'll always acknowledgeyeah, what their pain pointor their what's thatcalled resistance.Search for the motion, searchfor the emotion right here,labeled the emotiontaking notes, take notes.Yeah Yes.Write down the words.And what's thatsay, the only time?Something with words.I don't get words whatthey write, take notes.Take notes.OK use their languagein your question making.Great use their language.By the way, we can'tsee what you're writing.I say we're supposedto assume the writing,we can't see that youcannot know what's going on.We can see the page, but wecan't see what you're writing.Slide three or something.That's what we weresaying before, itwas like the same thing, butit's not too many things open.Let me just close down a fewthings and see what happens.Watch, watch a carousel is goingto pop up because he's cooking.Yes, I am.Did you see one?No, but I just know you'relooking at McCarran.Yes, literally I am.No Joe Lomax got toupgrade typekit, man.Have fun.Oh Yes.Yes, you're right.Have fun.So let me click on this.Share this.There it is.Got it!All good.We can see it.Fun?Yes.What else?Don't change topic.Yes don't change the topic.Don't change the topic.Running the clock,what does that mean?Take your time, breathe, oh,OK, yeah, take your time.Don't rush.Don't rush, Yeah.Think about how to helpthem, not help yourhelping yourself, right?Help be curious.Yes be curious.This is fantastic, guys.You guys are doing great.Don't see.Don't change.The topic is likebeing evasive, right?OK, very good.So what is priscilla?Don't say, Oh yes,we'll take your timeto help the client yourself.This is don't sell.OK I don't know if thiswas done in the exercise,but seek confirmation.Like you did this, like,is it fair to assume x,did I hear that correctly?Is this correct?All that kind of stuff?Right?I want to write that.Did I get that right?Don't get defensive.Yes don't getdefensive for sure.And where is that?How fun it will put it?Hair don't be defensive.What about the only workwith what they give you?Yes, yes, so that'susing language,take notes right down therewhere it is their language.Take notes that they usetheir language focused.Don't change the topic, right?Yeah don't changethe topic, right?Right there it is evasive.Don't you do something perfect?It's a pretty good list.Don't try to beeverything to everyone.Yes where do I?Don't be everything to everyone.I think maybe thatcould be summed up alongwith a bunch of otherswith B OK to walk away.Yeah, OK.Like it's OK to hear now.Right?OK.How about this?I know how to writethat differently.Don't chase or force.Yes That's that's probablywhat we're doing right now.Don't chase or forcenot forces, OK,any other things it's likewith a relationship when you'rechasing, they don't want you.When you don't chasethe client, then theywant to work with you.It's only true.It's called fromBlair absolute retreatand follow retreat andsee if they follow.Many us challengetheir assumptionssometimes, yes,their assumptions.Yeah, maybe expand onthat, test their logicor build context for theirlogic or something like that.That was really powerfulcontext for their logic.I think what there's inthe book Socratic selling,it's like youbasically just needto help the clientthink, HMM, that's all.That's the nicest wayto say that, right?If they say yourteam is too small,it's like, OK, letme understand that.OK, so maybe what I'mdoing is seeking clarityand understanding.Is it ok?I mean, that's apretty good list,guys, so let's review here.Here's what we got.So I'm going tosay this so that itcould be burned into your brainif you're about to go to sleepor as you take on the day today.You can use this right away.OK, so labeledemotion smile alwaysacknowledge the client'spain point and resistance.Take notes because you needto write down their words.And when you douse their language,mirror it back to them.It's a confirmation thatyou're listening so you're nottransmitting blind.How fun?That will help you to avoidthis whole defensive thing,because we take it soseriously the outcome of whatit is, we're trying to dothat, we put more into it,then we're supposed to.Don't change a topic,focus on their words,focus on their ideasand their logic,because otherwise you'rebeing very evasiveand nobody likes that.Don't be such in a rush.Take a breath, take your time.Think it throughand you can evensay that's a great response.Let me give this alittle bit of thought.And sometimes that's enough foryou to figure out what to say.And if you moveaway from sellingand focus on helping aclient, you'll do really well.Remain curious, as always,and use that attitudeto drive what it isthat you're doing.Confirm with the client.Did I get that right?Did I get that right?Is that correct?It's OK to hear no, becauseotherwise what you're doing isyou're always forcing aYes and people are goingto see that coming a mile away.Related to that is the wholeidea from Blair N's bookwin without pitching manifestois retreat and follow.You're going to challengetheir assumptions billcontext for the logic.Essentially, you're helpingthe client to think.Because in doing so, youhelp them get clarityand you understand theirpain, points and challenges.And that's how you separateyourself from everybody else.OK, stop in the chair.OK, will you guys be able toapply this today, tomorrow?And if you can't see the nextstep, please ask me a questionand then we'll wrap this up.This call was awesome.Thanks, mom.Yeah, also, I kindof want to likeI feel like there shouldbe a side group to do this,like practice this, as wellas saying numbers like justI think that's really valuable,just people getting to say.You know what, whatthey need to sayto clients to practice realperson that will actuallyobject?Yeah so each one of you guysshould have an accountabilitypartner, otherwise knownas the triple PPP p,you guys need to work withthem and try these ideas out.You're supposed to be workingwith them every week for 30minutes total andto keep that upand you don't havethe right partneror you're not feelingit, just switch partners.It's totally OK.Brian, did you wantto say something?I just wanted to addsomething that helps me whenI am on a call with clients.And that's walking around.if I'm static, I'm not asI'm not as good on the phoneas if I'm walking around.Yep get the body becauseyou're active, you.It's just more.It just flows.It seems the flow better.Yeah, I think it'sbecause you're distractedand it's a good thing whilewe have our best ideas whenwe're walking.Right, we're doingsomething with our body.Right, OK.Yeah excellent.Good tip there.Anybody else?Can you apply this?The whole idea here is to makeyou guys killer cells, machinesand not the cellsin the way that youunderstood, but in the waythat we understand it today.I'll see myselfdoing that tomorrow.OK can you say that witha smile, though, daniel?Yeah you know, youand me when you smile.Can you just do it?Can you smile a little bit?Yeah, today, today I did.When I was asking the questions,I didn't feel like myself,you know, and that was weird.Why that was so hardfor me, so difficultbecause you have 28 people,33 people looking at you,which is unnatural.So we need to acknowledge thatwe don't normally speakingto a camera that'sbeing recordedand being watched by32 people, 33 peopletoday and then by300 people tomorrow.That's a weird thing.But if you can get usedto this environment,you'll probably do all rightin front of a real client.Every clients, theclients go like Iwas being way harder on youthan I think a lot of clientsprobably would have been.Yes, I think you werea little bit harder,but you're also a lot easier to.So you're both hard andeasy and that you'retolerating somethings that I don'tthink are realclient after a while,it's like, you know what?We're done.You're wasting mytime kid, right?Yeah so we're like, no context.We're jumping intothis very cold.So it's difficult. I like.Now, could we say,like maybe experience,because I genuinely didn'tknow about what to ask,I was just like, Ohno, you know what?I'm just going to be whatever ithappens, whatever he goes, OK,so anybody else, any lastlittle parting thoughts?A quick throw in.A different scenario.Like, I don't knowif someone actuallyposted this in the group aboutpeople ghosting after yougive them a price or whatever.So you don't have thatconversation, right?So I think a lot of ushave experienced that.So this speaks toa specific scenariowhere you have theopportunity to have thisback and forth, even becausesome people, some clientsmight come on already.Have they've made up their mindand they're just letting youknow, or maybe it's an email?Do we like, engagefurther, then like, do we?Get them to try toget them to the call.That you know what I'm saying?Are you saying that theclients have moved onand you want to force the call?No well, because the scenariosthat we're playing are client.I mean, there's anobjection, but it'sI don't know how truethat is to real life.Or how often weget those kind of.Oh, I see what you're saying.OK, let me see if I cansummarize for everybody.In most politecompany, people aren'tvery forthcoming withwhat they really think.And so when we're playingthis objection game,you guys are forcingthe objections out,but they may be thinkingthat this is whatwe call the unspoken objection.Your company is too smalland it's never said sowhen you submit your bid.They like thiscompany too small.We can't take them seriously,so they ghost on you.Is that what you'resaying, david?Yeah, I think, yeah, Ithink along those lines.OK so also what hemight be getting atis like it's unspoken,but also theymight have already madeup their mind, you know,and that are you trying toconvince somebody that is firm?I guess they're just letting youknow that they're backing out.And so this is justkind of the reason,but they're already backed out.And then do you, Jen, try to dothis exercise of someone that'salready decidedin their own head?I'm kind of done.I don't think you can.Honestly, I think thewhole point of a callis to inspire themto make a decision,not necessarily to hire you.That's it.So if we're talking to themand we're not a good fit,then we're inspired them tohire to the other two people,not us.And that's totally OK.I also didn't want to cut off.I didn't want tocut off Dave Dave.Question if thatwasn't what you meant.I was just trying toclarify if that was.It's kind of both.But I think thescenario the roleplays that we'redoing here, it's likebecause it's so popular,like the client takesa position oflike, OK, I'm goingto be the like worst client,worst case scenario, and thatends up them soundinglike they're backing out.It's not like a client that'skind of like curious or kindof open, but wantsto have more clarityor is sort of hung up onone of these few thingsor one or twothings or whatever.And we're trying to, you know,negotiate or close the sale.In that scenario, I thinkit's a little bit different.I'm not sure if you canrecreate that scenario.Realistically, orI don't know whatyou would have to changein the role play, right?I need to identifythe problem and thenwe can figure this out.And I'm going to share with you.So maybe this iswhat you're asking.Maybe it's not.I don't know, but I doneed to end this call,so I'm going to sharethis with you, ok?Over the years, as I've learnedto do these calls with clients,they can take a reallylong time and itcan be uncomfortablefor everybody involved,except for me because I don'tfeel uncomfortable about itat all.And what I'm tryingto do is I'm tryingto tell them that it's OKto tell me whatever it is.You're thinking Ineed to make themfeel secure andsafe in saying, wethink you're the wrong company.And here's why, because Ineed to be able to hear that.I don't want it tobe in the silent kindof that little Valley thathappens between a call a bitand then you never hear fromthem again, because then it'sjust all guesses.So I do tell them, I do evenask point blank, sometimesour clients need a third bid.You already have figured outwho you want to work with.If that third bid, pleaselet me know right now.Tell me what numberswe need to hit.I take no offense.I was just a bit at the number.So that you could hirewho you'd like to hire.We have literally saidthis many times on a call.And every once in a while,they say you are the third bit.I'm like, well,Thanks for lettingus know we don't wantto waste any time.Is this after you've identifiedthat you are the third bidto work just incase to not avoidlike I just ruin mychances of becoming the oneto win this project?It's not like, hey, amI had a third bid justbefore we have this phone call?But it's more like, Oh no,no, no, no, no, you cannot.You don't know.People do not tellyou these things.They're requiredto have three bids.And you already know that whenyou're in business long enough,you start to pick upcertain patterns, right?Because if you're an expert,you've done this 1,000 timesand it's like, OK, I knowthat you need three bids.We know that.So let's just bring that out.And if this is oneof those thingsbefore we even get inthe call, my produceris supposed to say,hey, man, before Iput my team on the phone,are we a third bid?Have you alreadymade up your mind?And every once, whilethey're like, yeah,we have the fantastic,but let's notwaste the team howmuch, oh, you needto be 75 becausethey need our bidto be higher than the otherones that they want to hire.So we come in under itcreates a problem for them.So they're going tosay, well, these guysknow what they're talkingabout, this is fantastic,let's just do this.And then sometimes theycall you for another job.So it's a qualificationtechnique.It is definitely a qualificationtechnique, but it's just let'scut the b.s., let'screate space to be safefor them to say whateverit needs to be said no, no.I on the call earliertoday you had your fam.This is a safe space tosay whatever you think.So you're deliberately sayingto the people on the call,say whatever.Nobody's going to judge you.And if you're not doingthat with your client,you need to invite them in.So that they can saythat if you don't, you'llhear it one way orthe other, which isthey don't call you back.I'll think about it, allthose kinds of things.Maybe another call, butthat sounds like somethingto get to that or set upthat report with your clientor with new clients, I thinkwould be helpful for us.OK, so Dave, youmake a note of thatand we'll follow up on that.So what?I'm going to askall of you, you tryto do is to be superhyper aware that it'suncomfortable for peopleto tell you the truthbecause people are very polite,generally speaking, moreso in certain countriesthan others to say,hey, I just want to be sure ifyou made up your mind about whoyou want to work with, whoyou don't want to work with.Just let me know.I'm not going to be offended.It's totally OKbecause I don't wantto waste your time, nor mine.Now, most of you are notgoing to be in that situation.That typicallyhappens when you'redealing with giganticcorporations,and they have all theserules and regulations, right?Most of you guys are workingwith much smaller companies.You're not working withbillion corporations that needto do all this gamesmanship.So I wouldn't worry too muchabout it, but what I would dois make sure you understandthey have options.One of them is not.Actually, many of them are not.Only one of them is you.And if you speakabout it like that,you're going to makepeople feel really, reallycomfortable talking to you.And that's it.Invite him to the table,set the table for them,pull out the chair,they can sit and theycan do whatever they want.Can I throw out aquick technique?I use a lot that has worked withme on really large and reallysmall companies isduring the conversation.Obviously, you needto have a rapportand you'd be smilingand personable.But I'll often justask regularly, like,how do you feel about that?So I'll say, especially ifthey ask about price, like I'llsay a number and I'llsay, I'm going to say a noand let me know how you feel.And so they don't haveto just say Yes or no.So I'll say like 20,000 andI'll say, how are you feeling?Are you feeling like a little?The butterflies justgo off or they'relike, I've gotten it multipletimes where they're like, yeah,but I just got like, I'm gettinga little queasy hearing that.So that's something I use a lot.And then sometimes peoplesay like that feels right,like that feelsat home, you know?Yeah and then somepeople are like, oh,that feels like a little under.I've never had that one.But yeah, and that's somethingthat's worked really wellfor me with companies,a $2 billioncompany and then alsoreally small companies thatonly had a budget of like3,000 and they're like that.I got I got queasy andI'm like, OK, that's fine.Like, then I'll lower it.I'll usually cut it in half.I'll be like 10,000.And they're like, Istill feel like I'mon the edge of a bridge.I'm like, OK, how does howdoes 2,500 sound so like that?I think that sounds likethat sounds about right.And I'll go, OK, well, Idon't think we're, you know,we'll work on that sometimes.But just being able to saya number, at least the veryfirst one and askingabout the feelings for mehas helped a lot.Right so I want toadd something to this.We do this all the time, too.So excellent advice.I want to neutralize the wayit's phrased so that it's open.So what you're saying isperfectly sound, Alec,and you would saysomething like this.Based on what wetalked about, it'sprobably going to comein around 100,000.How does that sound to you?I'm guessing it's good or bad.I'm just saying, howdoes that sound to you?And when I'm listening for theimmediate, yes, that's perfect.You're in the zone.Anything else besides you'rein the zone is concerned.You guys understand that there'sa pause, a long breath, a sigh,a little wincing of theface of reverse air suck.Anything like that.It's a no, and you need tobe able to hear that and seethat spot it right away.So it's not anemphatic immediate yes,that's great, Chris.Do the paperwork.We're going to do this then,you know, there's a problem.So when you ask that youneed to listen for the pause,listen for it andthey're like, yeah,you know, it sounds pretty good.Well, maybe I'm misreadingthis when you say pretty good,is that within yourzone or comfort?Or are a little bit out of that?Well, now that you mention it,you're a little bit out of it.Well, where do we need to be?So I don't want to throwa number back at them.I want them to tellme what the number isbecause you don't want tonegotiate against yourself.Chris Vos is excellent.Technique is to say that'snot going to work and justkeep letting the personnegotiate against themselvesbecause they'll say a numbermuch lower than you would askfor.So that's the onelittle tweak is to say,oh, I see there'ssome hesitation,Oh my god, you fellout of your chair.Oh my God.What kind of numberdo we need to hit?Now, some of you guys arethinking, wait a minute.How could you price beso elastic, Chris, doesthat mean this wholething was like padded outand you're goingto cheat the clientand won't they feel likeyou're really unethical?No, because here'sthe response to that,is I can design to a budgetand down to a budget,I just need to knowwhat the budget is.One of the thingsthat we say to peopleis like, there's a lot Icould do to stretch $1.I can't make miracleshappen, but I justneed to know what budgetwe're working with.Are we talking about50,200 or two million?What are we working with?Because we've done it all.Oh, it's $860,000.OK, we're pretty firm on that.Yes, we are.OK you're comfortable.You spent this kindof money in the past.Yes yes, Yes.OK, great.So I'll come backwith a proposalwith an idea that's going tohit somewhere around $860,000.Is that going to be OK with you?Yes then that's what I do.And if you keep doing this andyou create space for peopleto like, tell you what theyneed to tell you and you listen,you're not going to getthem ghosting on you.The ghost is I wasuncomfortable to say it.And now that you'veseen it, I don'twant to talk to you anymore.
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