Defaulting To Yes Taking Risks

Chris Do
December 6, 2017

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about trusting the opportunities that are in front of you.


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So the whole pretty much it'sa session was my first session,but recognize thatthe main themeis like spotting thepatterns right and your last.Your last story, youspotted the patternthat you did and youdidn't recognize youdidn't give the same.Same insight that your.We reacted to yourteam was very Iguess you viewed itas harsh and like,you didn't do it for yourselfand you spotted that you didthat, you made that mistake.So like, I've been trying tospot the patterns like howI felt like withthe NFL, but howI started to get out of cycles.I have cycles whereI'm really productiveand then I go into a downwind.And then it takes me like,I need something to kick,start me to get me backup into productivity.And it's just Iguess my question is,how do you trust theopportunities in front of you?How do you trust?I could this is somethingthat's going to pan outbecause, you know, I have I feellike I have these kids, I takeit, take this family.I can't waste my time.I have like six weeks.We've only had one shot,but now I have maybe sixshot of my revolver.And it's like, I believe thatI have unlimited opportunities,but it's like, which ones?How do you?How do you trust that thethings that are in front of you,how do you feel abouthow you assess it outthat this is a viable avenue?It's a good, good question.OK, I'm going totell you some things,and I think youhave to filter thatthroughout the very carefulprism of your own lifeand not to take anything.I say literally.So just let's be careful.Here's a word of Warning.OK I'm going to say thisa lot of things that I do,I have faith that they'regoing to work out.A lot of things do notwork out straight up,they just don't work.But I can't let thatinhibit me from trying, ok?Because some thingsthat you can'tsee in terms ofpossible outcomescan be the result ofwhat you're doing today.And I'll give you anexample, because I'mgoing to bring my wifeinto this conversation.She's had a prettyprivileged upbringing.She she's never hadto want anything.She's lived in a placewhere she's never beenmade to feel like an outsider.She's originally from Taiwan.And so for her thingsthat look a little bitstrange and risky orfrightening to her.Her mind,unfortunately, has beentrained to look for things thatgo wrong, almost always, soif I say I'm goingto do a meet up.She's like, hey, be careful thatyou don't get crazy stalkers.Be careful what you say,Chris, because somebody oneday is going to kill you.It's like, oh, maybe,but I don't know.Do we have to go to such adark place every single time?It's like she goes to thedarkest possible outcome,and it's kind of nicebecause then I know like,all right, maybe I need to bea little bit more realistic.I don't know, sometimesI feel like that can justground you from not trying.If somebody hadsaid to me, there'sgoing to be thiscrazy Puerto Ricanguy who's super obnoxious,dirty, you know,doesn't have good hygiene,it's just like crazyand you're going towelcome into your officeand there's no finitegoal objective timelineas to when he can come and go.You say that's crazy becausethat's not like me at all.And discipline just reckless.All these kinds of things fullof heart, low follow through.But I was like,you know, I thinkhe has something to offer.And he's a good guy.Despite some of hisother habits, right?So bringing them intothe studio and itcreates havoc with my entireteam, like, who's this guy?What's his role?What's his purpose?When does he get to come and go?Now he's bringingstrangers into the office.He's eating all our food.It's like, OK, you guys knowwho I'm talking about, right?If you werescratching their head.And I honestly can say I haveno idea what the outcome is.This is one ofthose things whereI don't have a lot ofclarity on and it's OK.We now know the resultof that influencethat happened in my life.And you could not predictit from where we were.You can only connect the dotsthat Steve Jobs would say.Looking backwards,you can't connect.I'm looking forward.I'm willing to take acertain amount of risk,calculated risk.I'm willing to waste acertain amount of time.I'm willing to risk failinga certain amount of times.I think that's reallyimportant for you.So yes, you weren't.There are no guarantees.And if you try to look atit in very calculating ways,you'll wind up doing nothing.Now, having said that, not allthings that you want to pursue,not all the things thatcatch your attentionare things worthwhileof pursuing.So I find that it has tobe a balance of two things.One is having a greatertolerance for risk.But making calculateddecisions as to whatthe possible positive outcomeon this is quite high,the risk is relativelylow compared to othersand do wrist assessmentand just go for it.And realize three out ofthe five things that you doare going to be totalfailures and it's OK.That's where innovationhappens, that'swhere growth happens, that'swhere change is possible,is you have to be able to fail.And I think guy Kawasaki,the famous Apple evangelist,author, public speakerand influencer.He said, people ask me fortech advice all the time.And I tell them I have nomore insight on that than you,because I would be muchricher than I am if I did.And he says that people whoare venture capitalists whotalk about how they'vewon, they keep winning.They don't tellyou the seven timesthey went bankrupt when thoseother opportunities and theylost everything on it.They only talk aboutthe time they investedin Twitter or Facebookor Instagram or Instagramor whatever elseplatform is out there.They only tell you thetimes that they win.So just realize to getsome of those big wins,there must be a disproportionateamount of losses toand it's OK.I've had multiplefailed businesses,multiple failedpartnerships, some of themhave been quite public, someof them you don't know about,but they're out there.

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