Daily Challenge Vs Being Perfect

Chris Do
September 27, 2017

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about doing the least amount of work to still make something look good.


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You know, what I think wasso cool about that projectwas that we did it together.And that I met.So many more people fromdoing that, I think.There is something aboutdoing something together,that built community.and you're stilldoing it, Diane.Because I had totake off, so I'mbut somebody isdoing rash designs,doing cheese on like day 55.Jennifer is doing theentire periodic table.Yeah why not?I don't know how many she chews.Yeah, that would be reallysmart with like cinema, 4D or 3Dsoftware can really make thosetextures and things pop out.Somebody online, notpart of this grouphas done that very thing.They built a 3D skateboard.I don't know if you guyshave seen their work.If you just look for thehashtag feature pop art,you will find them, andthey've taken that board designto a new level.They made it explodeand melt online.Did she do that?That's kind of hardto do in Photoshop.And then you realize, Oh mygod, he modeled the whole thingor bought a model and is takingit to the next level now.Unfortunately, sometimes whenyou have such powerful toolsat your disposal,you tend to becomea person who wants to showoff the power of the toolsand not make great design.But the fact that he didthat just impresses me.I like to use limitationsand constraints like.What's the leastamount of work Ican do to make this look good?Mm-hmm So, you knowwhat I do, I justgo through my Photoshop and nowmy Photoshop, my photo album,and just look for athing that because Icollect all kindsof imagery while I'mtraveling like a cool posteror a piece of industrial designthat somebody spraypainted somewhere.I look at thatand I'm like, hey,I think I could dosomething like that.You use those colors,a typesetting similar,and then I'm done.And one of my highestengaged piecesfor that skateboard challengewas this graphic patternthat I found on thewall in Barcelona.She's recreatedthe pattern slappedon a board crop that flipped itand then put some tape on it.And called it the day.I think it's got over2000 likes on it.Not bad.And I was able to repurposethat exact same graphicfor a YouTube thumbnail.So there you go.So lazy.OK anybody else?Speaking of which, whereare the survival kit people?Where are you, people?Anthony Thanks havedone their job.I've seen somesketchy crawly things,and I hope this doesn'tprove that experimentto be 100% true.You guys remember wetalked about this.That to make onegiant masterpiece.It's a lot of expectation.You put on yourself versus justdoing something daily, not eventhinking about it.There were somereally inspired works.And when I haveenough time, I'm goingto collect them and put theminto to a book for you guys.But that's another task that Ijust don't have time for rightnow.Just trying to editthe protocols for you.


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