How to Talk About the Fluid Agency benefits

Chris Do
October 8, 2018

Chris Do breaks down, how to talk about the benefits of a fluid agency. If the clients want these results at this price, this is how it works with pre-vetted vendors.


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OK, next question is howto promote the fluid agencymodels of benefit.This is from Anthonybanks because Iknow his voice, the fluidagency, if you guys haven'tlooked it up, is just goingYouTube and type it up.This woman who worksin advertising talksabout the new model,the fluid agency,and she makes a verycompelling argument for it.Sadly, it has verylow views, whichmeans not very many peoplecare about this, Anthony.It was he sure didn'thave a lot of views.Now Let me go, addsome real fast.No, because I watched it,I'm like, where is this videoit's kind of hardto find, and it'slike under 30,000views or something,which isn't a lot of use.It means that not a lot ofpeople are understanding this,want it or need it.Maybe after this call,there'll be 40 more views,but the fluid agency model?OK, let me explain to you thefluid agency model concept.First, we need tounderstand the agency model.The agency modelis we hire teamsand we grow to a certain size.And we become reallybig and bloatedand we can't have the experts inevery single thing that we do.We just try to dothe best that we can.So when you go towork with an agency,you're paying for all thelost time that's not billable.So they're going toadd the agency taxso that you'repaying a lot of moneyto get your creative work done.Her idea is thatthe fluid agencyis a collection ofprevented vendors who'veagreed to work together, whounderstand each other's rates,who are stronger asindependent collectivethan they are aspeople on staff.So now you're going toget the best in breed,best of class talentwithout payingfor their overhead,their salaries,their insurance when you'renot working with them.What you do is youassemble a core teamand you create a clubhousewhere people want to come.So when an assignment comesin with your vetted vendors,your rogues galleryof specialists.You assemble them togetherto help you solve a problem.And they're paid acertain amount of moneyfor the pitchideation phase, whichis baked into how you workand should the project award.Then the team.That worked on it.Moves forward with a contract.Together in theclubhouse that you ownis a fantastic place to work.So they can continue to workfrom their own place remotely.Or they can come in andpark their teams there.And work with you.So you may have amuch smaller agency.Maybe there's a strategist, acopywriter, a sales marketingperson, a social media person.Maybe one designer that's reallyall you need, the rest of it,you bring in otherpeople now I'vetried to sell the fluid agencymodel before people biyanior whatever were eithergoing to hire you or not.We don't even care aboutwhat do you say here?And I've learned that over time.Does it even matter howyou pitch it anymore?But Anthony is thinkingI could look bigger.I could look like I havegreater resources than I haveif I present my team.Of remote workers.So that I make a bigger splash.That might be thecase, but unless youcan use all of the workon one collected siteand you have anagreement, it's goingto be very hard for you totalk about that because veryfew people dig into thepage of your websitewhere they're lookingat all the peoplebecause that's really theonly way you can show them.We have the US developerfrom Google thisand we have this designerfrom that, whatever it is.So you have all thebest people, but thatmeans that you've had to createenough interest to drive themto your site for them to beso curious about your workthat they dig into the BIOSof the people making the work.So tough, nut.It's a lot of clientsalso get pissedthat not everybody's local.They like to haveeverybody local,not outsource it because theyhad a lot of bad experiencewith outsourcing work.Well, that may beyour experience,but almost all of ourwork is outsourced.And my clients don't havea problem with that at all.So what we need to dois we need to learnhow to have that conversation.So the question here is I'veworked with these people.You've seen theseresults, if youwant these results at thisprice, this is how I work.If you would like me tohire a bunch of people,let's talk about signinga $10 million contract.Because that's whatit's going to costto keep thesespecialists here, and Iwant to make adifferent argument here,and we've done this before, too.When we need a specialistto do something.Do you want the guy thatcould afford to hire?Or do you want me to goout and get the guy whowon the Academy Award for that?Right of course, thatwould end the argument,it's because you don't knowhow to talk about it just yet.OK OK.And we've used thisand then we literallygo and scour to who we findthe guy who worked on avatar.It's awesome.And who doesn't want that?So it's no difference tothem at the price point.Why do they care howthe sausage is made?Do they want to sitthere next to youand watch them being made?Well, that's a different thing.Then then you're going topay the voyeur tax, right?I think their concernis communication or no,no, no, no, no, no, no, no.Who are you goingto communicate?I am your one point of contact.Everything that you need.You call me directly.Here's my cell phone dayor night, you call me.Everything else is my problem.But you you're not goingto call the subcontractor,you're not going tocall the animator,you're not going to callthe compositing artists.You never talk to them and youdon't want to talk to them.Trust me, theyhave bad body odor.


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