What is the Socratic Approach?

Chris Do
September 12, 2017

Chris Do collaborates with a pro member who discusses the Socratic approach during client interactions.


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We will.We'll try and get the history.We'll try and see wherethey're coming from.Ok?let them set the groundworkas to where the problem lies.I'll be honest, sinceI've been put on the spot,I'm slightly anxious right now,so I'm going to try and come.I know, I know.It's kind of like,you're very smooth.Just a minute ago, andnow we have to actuallymap what's in your mind.And we work through this, ok?There's no point to be nervous.The camera is notliterally on you right now.It's on this deck, right?This is what everybodywill see later.So we can work through this.And this is fantasticbecause I loveto understand how people thinkwe're trying to map this outand to make itless intimidating.I want to make it Black.I'm just kidding about that.This is bothering me.So we're going to understandthe client's point of view.OK, Yeah.So that's it.It's just aboutunderstanding, first of all.So maybe there issome empathy here.So we're going to ask afew questions to understandwhat is it that you think?So in a case like this, theythink, let's get an intern.This is an hourly thing.They're throwing abunch of little things.I just want to understand eachone of those things, right?OK what?Step two.While they are giving thepoint of view, your jobas a person who's listeningto do two kind of listening,one is active listening andthe other one is reflectivelistening actively, meaning thatif there is a loose end wherethe definitions arenot clear mutuallyin the context of theconversation, you tryand drill down deeper.It's like when you ask, like,what does the social mediastrategy means to you?What are the kindof numbers you'retrying to pull from these?So your help definingthe context and reflectis like you're alsopositioning yourself as, OK,if I were to bein their position,how would this translate?And that's the empathy partof it that comes back around.OK, so reflective listeningis putting yourselfin that situation.Yes like, it's almost likelistening while removed.I don't know.I'm not doing a verygood job explaining it.Are you doing a perfectjob of listening?Sorry keep going.You're doing a fantastic job.OK, so you understandthe point of view.You said active andreflective listening,and then you reframe theirdialogue and in the waythat you're perceiving it.So that's where you go.Like, OK, so you mean to saythat you want to hire an internto do this job?That means you're goingto pay the intern salaryand then work on top ofthem to kind of make surethat the things gets delivered.So help me understandhow do you go about this.And does this reallyadd value to it?OK and what are you doingthere, is this a reality check?Yes so it is a reality checkin, which you don't accuse.You don't push the button.You don't try and start sounddefensive and aggressive,but rather is like,how I'm framing it.neutral tone?Yes why?How are we doing with this list.So far, you guys, everybodycan see what I'm typing, right?Does this feel like it'senough for you guys?OK, I'm seeing thethumbs up from rt,so we're pretty good here.I was wonderingwhich one of theseis more like validating theirmindset or opinions or thoughtsand letting, though it's allright to see things that wayin these circumstances?Or is that like a general thing?I think as soon as youstart, as soon as they startidentifying in the direction.What you want to doas a business owner,since this is not acounseling session,it is at the end of thema business transaction.So you have to feel,keeping the contextthat we're here to do businessand you start seeing that, ok?They start seeing reasonthe way you're phrasing itand you go like, OK, yeah,I think we're in agreement.Do it.It's the way whenI hear myself sayit almost sounds likeyou're manipulating them,but you're not.You're trying toclose a business deal.Well, so you aremanipulating them,but I need to help you guysunderstand this, that there'snothing wrong with manipulatingpeople because everythingyou say do the wayyou dress your bodyposition is in a way influencingsomebody else's behavior.Manipulation has a verynegative connotation to itbecause we feellike we're actingagainst our own behavior.But think about it, I'm here inthis platform talking to you.I'm trying to influence yourthinking one way or the other.I try to influence itusing a number of thingsthat are subconscious that I'mnot even actively trying to do.But it is.I am doing it.I mean, what is the point ofme getting on this platformto talk to you?If my outcome isn't tohelp you and to help you,I have to be ableto influence you.If you read Blair's bookon pricing creativity,it's like all kinds ofconversations and pricingis a form of manipulation.So let's not try to not doit for the purposes of evilis what we're trying to do.All right.So that was fantastic.Thank you very muchfor doing that.Now I said, thenumber one answerthat I was trying toget you guys to say was.And, you know, tone.I'm going to putit in the notes.Tone is really important.We've done this beforeas a group, right?How you say it.Notice when I wastalking to whereit's easy to see later onethat when I was talking to him,I was saying with a smile andhe would say ridiculous things.And what do you do whenpeople say ridiculous things?You laugh.I'm fully aware I'm fullypresent to the moment.So it's like, oh, youknow, I was thinking$1,500 so I'mlike, Oh my god, wehave to take a zero off this.This is exactly how Iwould talk to the client.I'm not doing thisfor theatrics,I'm not being somebodyother than myselfand the way I wouldtalk to the client.So a lot of people haveskepticism around the worldplays that we do because they'relike, you would never saythat this would never happen.It is true to a degreebecause clients nevertalk to me the way that thepeople are role playing.Talk to me.Because we enterthe conversationwith mutual respect.And it's not this crazy, ampedup caricature of a client,they're real people andI'm a real person too.And so if they say something,Chris, why don't youcut your prices inhalf, which I haven'theard that I wouldsay, well, how doyou suppose we would do that?I run a business asyou run a business.And if I do that, Iwould be out of business.So you would hire me.And then two monthsfrom now, youwould try to send me an emailor get in touch with me,and nobody willreturn your call.Is that?Because I had to let my staffgo and I had to shut down.Is that what we're trying to do?I'm doing whatyou're trying to do,which is to build asustainable business.And I think I justinadvertently didthe four steps that wereoutlined by MS right there.Checking the reality,trying to get alignment.Active listening,comparing putting myselfin that situation, puttingthem in that situation.OK whew.Wow are you guys ok?You guys need a break?Does your brainhurt a little bit?


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