How to Close the Sale Pt.2

April 10, 2021

I want to talk about slow wins, and how you can generate leads. Nobody's buying right now unless you're in a handful of industries where business is booming, nobody else is buying.


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I'm going to switch back, Iknow it's been a long one.Guys, Thanks.Thanks for hanging in there.I saw some people drop,but apparently peopleare still in here.OK, I'm going to share my deck.All right.Hit play here.OK, so we asked wherethe breakdown is.And for some of you, whenthis economy recovers,we're going to wantto jump start and.I had to change this deck.I wanted to share this part.The quick wins, things thatyou need to get a win todayto get some business in thedoor, but that ain't happening.So I reverse the order.And I want to talkabout slow wins, howyou can generate leads tohopefully satisfy Misty here.Nobody's buying rightnow, unless you'rein a handful of industrieswhere business is booming,nobody else is buying.And they shouldn't.Neither should you.So here are some very slowthings that you can do,things that take a lot of timeto help you generate leads.And I'm not going tospend a ton of timeon this, so let'sscreen capture this.It's not much of a deck guy, soscreen captured is right now.OK, Melinda and Iput together thingsthat you can do that will take.Three to six months beforethey bear any fruit.So I'll go through it.One is you want to engage withother groups and communitiesonline because that'sall you can do right nowis just to participate.So sign up for afew groups and startto become an activemember in those groups.There's one thatyou already pay for,but very few people interactwith us and we start there.And if you can be an unofficialambassador, if you notice,like both Alec and Moeare in the positionsthat they're inbecause they're justtrying to help other members.Have a more fruitfulrelationship,be more productive, and all ofa sudden I'm running the group,I recognize them.They're standing out to me.And they're just doing that,the generosity and the goodnessof their own heart,it's like we wantto make this placethe most thriving,productive and formativeplace on the web.Great and if you seepeople asking questions,even if you don't think youhave the expertise to answer it,you can ask them a question backto help them reframe and thinkabout the problem better.You could practiceall those skillsthat we've been talking about.You can go outsidethe group and youcan promote that group,therefore, the people whorun these groups arelike, wow, this personis really doing something here.So when the person that runsthat group has an opportunity.You come to mind.I'm not talkingabout our group, I'mjust talking aboutgroups in general.You can repost otherpeople's content,so instead of just liking itor looking at it and smiling,engage with thatpiece of content,we share it, repost it, right?Something to helpother people see them.This is how I builta relationshipwith Blair, MS. Douglas Davis.Emily Cohen.David Baker.On and on and on.Because in Marty Newmar, I sharetheir content, they like, whoa,why am I getting more traffic?Why am I getting a greaterresponse right now?Who is this and why don't Ihave a relationship with them?Let's be friends.Because you're helping them justpure purely out of generosity.You're not just helping them,you're helping all the peoplethat they didn't reach.Now is a great time to bea guest on other people'splatforms.Write a guest blog.Volunteer to speak ata virtual conferenceis easier now than it ever was.Get on some of these podcasts.And maybe swap emailslike emails swap.And tying this back to thereposting with attributionand adding links,build relationshipswith people who inspire you.They're out there right nowand everybody is lookingfor community and connection.The last one, which is themost painful for all of you,which I. I wish more people did.Is to start making content.Now we have AI forgetwhat they're called.Mo, what is it called?The tasks that what do wecall these things units unit?Thank you, Alec units units.So drop and give me 20.Now, there's a littleasterisk to this,which I need to explain andasterisk to this is that.Imagine if you're inthe room with somebodyalready knows the kind of thingsthat in the same industry.The 20 things thatyou share haveto be insightful and inspiringthat they didn't know.So when we did thisexercise first,people are tellingme things like,yeah, I'm not evenin the industryand I already know these things.Not super high value.So some of it will require work.David Baker's adviceis to ask yourselfquestions that aremost common, but youdon't have the answers for.And go find the answers.OK OK.The quick wins,and then we're justgoing to screen capturethis and this is the endof this part of our call today.So this is like if the economyis getting back up onlineand things are going, youjust make a quick list of thisso that when you start tofeel like business is movingand people areback in the streetsand moving about their day.Do the quick wins.Hopefully, I've giveneverybody enough timeto screen capture that I'mgoing to stop the share.


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