How To Move Forward After Bad Energy

Chris Do
March 6, 2018

Chris Do answers a Pro Members question about moving forward with a client relationship after concerns it may not be suitable.


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I just wanted to go back tothat client, the teacher.How do you decide if this isgoing to be a good workingrelationship moving forward,like if the initial interactionwas sort of bitter?It wasn't bitter for me.OK right.I don't interpretthings like that.Or for him, like, do you?Is there any pointyou have to determinethat what if he continuesto behave poorly or act upduring the course?OK very good question.I'm not concernedabout that at all.And I'll tell you why.Ok? first of all, peopledon't make a deal.Generally speaking, theydon't compromise unless theywant to do the deal.So if he's not interestedin it, he would have said,no, I'm not interested in it.But what happened wasI explained to himin a very calm way how wemake money, what percentage ishow many students we can get,what our marketing power isand how big our audience is.Then he looked at somenumbers like, wow!And he wrote in an email,Chris, I apologize.I underestimated.What this class was goingto do based on your numbers,and I'm thrilled todo this with you.I'm just stripping awayall the emotion stuff,right, so if a clientwants to hire youand you want to charge100,000 and first likethat is a crazyamount of money ever.This is stupid.I can get a kid to do this andyou just call me, say back.I totally understand.Guess what?Here's where I'm coming at.Here's what you want.And if you want to dosomething else, fine.And if you thinkyou have $100000,I'd love to do this job withand then you end it there,and then you come back andthey're like, you know,that's fantastic.Actually, the way youexplain, it makes total sense.I'm going to find anadditional $80,000.So I can get you your $100,000budget and let's rock and roll.That's the same thingthat Jonathan starkdoes with his one on 1/6month private coaching thing.He charges, I think, $8,000 or$9,000 to have access to him,and he knows thatnobody's going to sign upfor that unless they'reserious about their business,and they're like, they'renot micromanaging pennypinching people.So that's his bar.So I've said this before,I'll say it again,if you want betterclients, charge more.OK I went into thisnegotiation knowingthis is my theoretical maximum.And if we can't see eyeto eye, we just walk.I explain it tothem very clearly,and he decided, yes, this is agood deal for both you and me.It's a double.Thank you, and we'removing forward.So, OK.Yep, that's awesome.Thanks a lot.
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