How to Find Moments to Sharpen Your Mind

Matthew Encina
September 3, 2020

How do you make time for career development and family? Start time blocking times in your calendar.


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And in your body,I meditate a lotand being consistent with thatand sticking to a routine.The last couple of monthshave been like life changing.I move a lot.So having a routineis what actuallyallows me to keep up with mywork and when my progress.So if you can stickto your routine,you'll see thatyour hours are way,way longer than you thought.And this mightsound really silly,but just reward yourself.I'm writing everything thatI have to do in a to-do list,so it's to do for Microsoft.And it has this littlesound every timethat you take one todo, and this is so good.Sometimes I'm really tiredand I'm like, you know what?I'm going to do it.So when I hear that andevery time, like every day,that's a recap ofyour day beforeand every time I see everythingI'm and like, hell, yeah, Yeah.It's just like, findthose little things thatwill bring you join the littlemoments, like every timeit's like I have to go tobed, but I have one leftand I'm like, you know what?I'm going to do it.So just find thosethings and like,find a way to sharpen your mind.I feel so much clearright now that I'msticking to a routine forthe last couple of months,and just it is weirdto start because it'sa lot of things to do, butstart with the little thingsand break everything down.Like if you make athumbnail, put it asideto do so when youactually accomplish it.Even if it's like a littlepart, you'll be like, I did it.Find a way to keepyourself motivated.Absolutely you know, we'regoing to end the call,I just hit record againjust because I want.That's a great story tocapture because this isone piece that I am working on.I'm trying to formalizethis and write this down,so we have moremodules for the group.But there is onelittle tip that Iwanted to share with you guys.If you guys findyourself without timeto do these things,I know that we'retrying to commit youguys to an hour, at leastevery week, if not more,to personal development.And I know it's challenging.It's like, how do youbalance family life?How do you challengethe job running the job,serving clients like howdo you have time for this?You can make timeand all you haveto do if you want a little tipto make some space for you.Just book it asa calendar event.So I've been starting to dothis where like Saturdays, Ihave time where I'm workingon a personal project.So I'm going to put a calendarevent in there and say,from this time to thistime, I'm working,so no one else can bookanything at that time.If you're having challengesat work where you're like,oh, I just feel like I'm doingbusy work, do a block of time,let's say that's fromthree PM to five PMand put this as areoccurring calendar blockso that no one can ever booka meeting around that time.That's your deep work time.So this is just alittle hack that youcan do to help build yourhabits and routines whereyou could say, you know what?Sunday night from6:00 to eight PMbefore I have dinner, that'spersonal development time.And what am I going to do there?I'm going to read a book,I'm going to watch a video,I'm going to writedown my questionsand you just startbuilding that habit.And once you startbuilding that you realize,oh, this is not so bad,maybe I can add more time.Maybe I can add more time, andyou just keep adding to that.And then you realize, wow,this is a regular part of me.Sunday nights ismy reading night.Sorry, guys, I'd love togo out, but it's my readingnow and then.The sprints are awesome, too.Like that has changed my life.Clearly, I'm not that muchin social media anymore,but it's just like I'mgetting so much stuff done,it's changed my life.Yeah awesome.I'm glad, I'm glad thatthat's helping you.And again, I'm trying toformalize some of this stuffwill probably do a callon this pretty soonto just go over tools andtips to help you buy backand make time.And then later, maybewe'll focus on, well,how do you learn like, howdo you learn how to learn?And we can get deeper in that.If you guys have specificquestions, shoot them at me,and then it will help meformalize it and figure outand start looking for theanswers to these things.Some things that I don't knowyet until I have the rightprompt.So I'll be working on thislook out for that content soon,but I hope that I couldgift you the abilityto make more timeso that you cando more personaldevelopment and thencontinue to grow in this group.OK so with that,that is my goodbye.I have some potatoesroasting in the oven,so I don't want those to burn.I will see you guyshave a great night.Keep that smile on yourface and use that optimismto move forward tomorrow andfor the rest of the week.All right.You guys have a great night.Thank you.Thank you, Matthew.Goodbye, guys, goodbye.


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