Desensitized To Money

Chris Do
April 30, 2019

Chris Do talks with the Pro Group about changing your mindset so money doesn't mean as much to you.


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No, you can't saythat because I'vedone projects that are a millionprojects and I'm like, yeah,whatever.So here's the thing is thething I want you guys to getin your mind is this Iwant you to become somewhatdesensitized to numbers.I did, for whateverreason, really early on, sothe numbers, the numberof zeros, the checks,they mean nothing to me.I remember the first time we gotthis giant check from a client.It was like more money thatI made in a whole year.And I remember becausenot that long ago whenI was 16 or 17 years old, I wasmaking $3 and $0.25 an hour.So when we saw thischeck for $68,000I wish I have the check still.I looked at my girlfriendnow, my wife at the time,like, oh, that's interesting.And let me justdeposit, and that.So this is just a game we play.I mean, if youthink about it, justthink about it for a second.If I hand it over astack of cash to you,let's say 40,000 US andI laid it on the table,it's probably not eventhat much of a pile.You look at it, you'relike, wow, what does thatmean to you, right?What does it mean.And then you startthinking aboutwhile I take this year todo, I could buy my parents.So you start giving this money,all this meaning and value.I look at them like they'repieces of paper made from hemp.With green ink on them.That actually haveno real value,except for societyagrees that thismeans that you can buy this.That's all it is,it stacks of paper.He has no power over me,so I can say no to it,I can say Yes toit doesn't matter.That's why sayingno to a $350,000 jobdidn't hurt us atall emotionally.When you becomedesensitized to itand you regain the powerthat you have that you easilyrelinquish towards money and thepeople who control the money,it does something reallywonderful for you.You can be superobjective about this.That's why I can goin and say, you know,I guess our startingpoint is 6 or 10 thousand,or if you want me to design akeynote for you, it's K. Oh,my god, that's a lotof money, isn't it?Yeah, it sure is.It's got no power.It's got no power overyou, except for the poweryou give it.It is an abstract concept money.Did you just valuebase price money?I don't know.That's so deep, that'sthe dream within a dream.You totally just metit out right now.Saying the money has nopower, so it's just a game.You know, if you listen toprofessional poker players,they say that if you can'tafford to lose the money,then don't even play.The reason why they canbluff in playing poker,and it's because itmeans nothing to them.Oh, I raise a milliondollars, I'm all inand they have no chance ofwinning and the other personfolds.It's like, OK.That's how they'reable to play the game.Has no power over them,it means nothing to them.And that's why their worldchampion poker players.All right.We got a littletangent here, allbased on the questionfor marlena, about 40,000and she's going tobe OK with that.Really, Elena, if you'restill on, I just want to say,I want to dare you.I want to challenge youto go a little bit bigger.The expression is ifyou aim for the starsand you just hit the treesor something, you're fine.But if you aim for theground and you hit the dirt,it's like it's not good.I want your head to be in alittle bit in the clouds, ok?OK and do that, yeah, and bea little easier on yourself.If you don't hit yourgoals, it's totally OK.See, the way that mymind works is like,I love hitting my goals,and I also love myselffor not hitting my goals.It's just lots of loveand self-acceptance.It's totally OK.There's no judgment in there.And if you can do that, you'llbe really healthy and happy.


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