How To Get Higher Rate In House

Chris Do
March 1, 2018

Chris Do talks with a Pro Member about getting paid more as an in-house freelancer.


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For those who areworking as consultantsand companies andstuff like that,you are charged by the hour.So making that leapalso means that you'removing from usually howthe market says like,OK, you have threeyears of experience.We're going to charge you onlygetting paid 50 bucks an houror something like that.But now you have sevenyears of experience.Maybe you're worth $110 anhour, something like that.Yeah so having had onlythree years of experience,do you feel like youcan calibrate yourselfto bring yourself to a higher?Yeah I'm going to ask you acouple of questions on that,are you ready?Yeah is it safe to assume thatpeople who have more experiencemeaning years in the field?Are more qualified to dothe work than somebodywho is new in the field.I don't understand byqualification, it's OK.Well, we assume we assume thatif somebody has been workingin the field for one year.And then there's somebodywho's been working in the fieldthree years that thereare three times as good,and if somebody'sbeen working 10 yearsand there are 10 times asgood as the person who'sonly been in business for doingit for one year, is that true?Yeah, I would sayso really like.Well, let me ask one question.Hold on.Yeah, that was just a dramaticquestion rhetorically.OK, so how many years did ElonMusk work in the industry,the auto industrybefore he started tesla?Nothing, he just jumped in.Zero zero.Yeah, and I know that there'sbeen a recent stock decline.But a year and a half ago,Tesla was worth more than Ford.Who is credited forinventing the assembly lineand mass producing cars, right?Mm-hmm So I ask you again, isa number of years of experiencerelative to an output or value?Well, traditionallyit's measured like that,but I'm not a traditional guy.I know when I graduatedfrom art center,when it came to certainthings, when it came to designand topography, I can alreadyoutperform my senior peerswhen I was freelancing.They knew it and I knewit because I would justwork on something like, Ohmy god, how did you do that?That was amazing.Now, I didn't knowanything about broadcastdesign or animation orhow to do a broadcastpackage, which they knew.Mm-hmm But I knew what I knew,and I could outperform them.So I think you kind ofhave to think about that.Go ahead.So I like I think I'mmissing the piece that letsme know that I'm outperforming.Well, how would youever know that's whatlike, how would I know?Like, I'm out.I would never know.So I just assume the positivelike I'm good enough already.OK, well, we're lookingfor confirmationabout what it isthat we believe.Why is it that weautomatically defaultto the worst possible outcome?There is no way for you toprove that person is betteror that company isdoing it the right wayunless you literally workedat that company spied on them.So then we automatically assumelike we're doing it wrong,they're doing it betterwhen in fact, we don't know.We in the visualeffects industryand the post-productionworld, thoughtrhythm and hues in digitaldomain was killing it.They're working on these andthen they win an Academy Award.They didn't win it, but AngLee won it for life of pi.Then what happens?They go if we defaultto any position,why don't we default a positionthat puts us in a place to win?So there's lots ofthings that, you know,there's lots of thingsthat you don't know,but let's enter the situationand say, look, maybe I less.Maybe I don't.I don't know.Let's find out.It's not automatically assume.I know that there aresome young animators whocome into our companyor that I find outabout who have reelsthat I'm ashamed to sayand slightly embarrassed their.It's almost as goodas our real, whichtook us 22 years to build.The amount of creativityand design and finessethat they have in thereel is fantastic.Now I can't tellthem that because Ineed them to work forme at a reasonable rateso I can make some money.But that's the reality.Some of them are that good.So number of years inschool, a number of yearsof working actually inthe world of creativityaren't great measures orpredictors of outcome.Perhaps your backgroundin psychologyor whatever philosophy youreducation in the humanitiesmakes you incredibleUX designer.While we haven'tworked for three years,whereas somebody who'sbeen working on itfor 10 years, who'sjust not that good.They're just perceivedto be more valuable,but they're really not.OK and to tie back to thecase study question, do youfeel like you can manifestthat in keep using that word,but do you feel like youcan create a good casestudy where you have abuy in for a higher grade?Because then I would like to doan experiment where I open upmy portfolio design processand let everybody critique itto say that to get my gaugebecause I feel like I'm like,I'm clueless.Well, you're alsodepending on other peopleto tell you ifyou're good or not.And I'm not.I don't trust otherpeople like thatunless you had the godfatherof you actually in this groupand you put your work out there.And she said, look,hey, this is fantastic.You're doing thework of this level.It's hard to measuredesign, isn't it?And it's hard tolook at it, too.Yeah because UCS isinvisible, good you.Yeah, yeah, so you need tomake invisible visible somehow,and you need tomake it look prettyand you could use your designskills to do that, perhaps.I don't know, I think thedocumentation of UX processis a difficult thing.So you're going to have tomaybe change it a little bit,so it looks better.I've talked todesigners before whocharged like $800, $900 a day.I was like, wow, that'sa high rate for me.How can I see yourportfolio like how do I?Well they dumped a stackof papers on my desk.Hundreds of pages of.Writing observationdata, I'm like, well,I don't know whatto do with this,I can't tell ifyou're good or bad.I have no idea.Oh, you read, youwere the UX designerbehind the Southwest Airlines.Oh my gosh.Wow OK, you must knowwhat you're doing.I don't know howyou do that, man.Can we actuallytackle this problemas an actual thingis like, is therea way where you canaesthetically display the USprocess, the design process?I think others have.OK and you're asmart guy, so I'msure you can do alittle research.I forget who this person is.I think she's Asian.I think she's perhapseven Vietnamese.But she did thiswhole redesign for oneof these popular appslike Uber or Tinderor something like that.And she did the UX and theUI, and her post went viral.Because everybodywho is using thoseapps or like this is much betterthan what they have right typography is thoughtsmade visible, right?So the thought is theux, so maybe the UIor the graphic design is yourequivalent of typography.We need to be able to seewhat it is that you're doing.You need to UCS theUX design process.That's what you need to do.OK and I don't knowhow to do that,but maybe you canfind this woman.I can't seem to findthis post anymorebecause I'm searchingin the wrong places.But if you find it, I'll giveyou a gold star because then Iwant to be able to use thatand say, look, everybody,this is how you getinto this field.And this is how youget known for it.
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