How To Charge More

Chris Do
February 24, 2018

Chris Do advises the Pro Members interested in learning how to get more higher-priced clients.


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And who wants to know how toget rights clients who darewants to make more money?Oops, my camera's the wrongway, but yeah, that's me, Tommy.Yes talk to me.So just from otherpeers and peoplethat I know that do this timeto time, you have to speak up,man can hear me.Yeah, I can hearyou when you speak.Yes, OK.Just other people thatI know that do design.They make what I makeis grossly under whatthey make as far as otherpeers things of that nature.So I'm trying tofigure out, is itlike should I be reachingfor a bigger budget clientsor I guess, to try to problemsolve like, what is it?That is the holdup.There's so much more out there.I know for a fact,but I just can'tseem to break that glassceiling for some reason.OK OK.A couple of quick things.What city are you in?I'm sorry.What city are you in, charlotte?OK what's your glass ceiling?4,000 and four, whatkind of work flyer,design, website, design and.Steve packaging.Cd packaging.Yes can people still make that?Yeah, they do.OK are you doing allthree things for kor one of those things for 4k?Well, all of themat the same time.Oh OK.All right.All right.OK, so here's thething, I'll tell youa little funny thing first, andthen I'll give you the answer.Ok?OK.You ever have anugly friend that'sjust dating some ofthese really hot men?What the guy gotthat I don't got?It's possible thatguy's a scrub.He's a total loser.He's going nowhere inlife because you'reseeing the thingsthat you think isimportant to the other person.And so when we lookat other people thatare making a lot more money,we kind of see the same thing.We're like, man,I'm just as good.I'm doing the same things, butin truth, you're probably not.If you want to attracthigher priced clients,you have to be a person whoattracts higher priced clients.You have tofundamentally change whoyou are in terms of thethings that you talk about,the things that you share, themarkets in which you're in, howyou're talking about your work.You have to do all those things.That has tofundamentally transformfor you to attracthigher priced clients.Now I agree.First, I was like 4,000.That's not too bad for a client.But then when you'resaying flyer design,web design, CD packaging,that is too much work.OK for a website alone,you should probablybe able to getsomewhere between 10to 30k without too much effort.At least five k, I'llsay the floor shouldbe 5K just for the website.So why do you agree to doso much work for that amountof money you're getting paid?What part of theconversation is happeningwhere you feel likeyou've got to bundleall this stuff together?Most of the clients, theirbudget, they're telling you,you've got to do this.Well, no, just becauseI don't want to say Iknow, but a lot of people,they can't get squeamisharound higher ticket projects.You don't know that.Well, if you listen tocall Carrie green before.Come on, man.These are allself-imposed limitationsthat you think theclient can't afford.So some of it is not true.The other part is,maybe this is nota market that's going topay you the kind of moneythat you can earn.I think the lastpart of this equationis maybe you currentlydon't position yourself,nor have the skillsto warrant somethingthat's going to cost more.OK, OK.It could be a combinationof all those things, right?So first of all, haveyou tried asking for moremoney and to see what they say?I have.It was like, yeah,we can't afford it.OK have you triedto say, well, youcan't afford whatit is that I do?Sometimes I have.And how have they responded?Tell me how you said andtell me how they responded.So it will be theclient asking like,what would be theticket for a website?And I would say$5000, or dependingon whatever the word might be,I would be around 5,000 1,000.So like, OK, we're goingto take a look at thisand we'll get back to you.And then that's usuallyyou never hear back.All right.How long have you been partof this community, tommy?I just joined.OK so there's like 1,000 videosyou need to watch, right?But you watch this onYouTube before, right?I assume.Yes, Yes.All right.So I'm going to teach you howto do it a little differently.OK OK.So when a client says, how muchshould it be for this website?What should you say?Well, what all isentailed into the project?I don't know.What are your needs?Do you have any pain pointsas far as your business?Yes, I do.I have lots of painpoints and thenthat's how the dialoguewould go, right?So you wouldautomatically say to themas a default if you're listeningto I forget his name now,you just don't know.How much do you chargeto do this website?Tommy?I'm sorry, I didn'thear that part.How much would you chargeto do this website?You know, I don't know.I don't know.Just that I don't know.I don't know.What is the website tryingto do for your business?We got to get to thepoint much faster.OK, I want to teach youto get to it right away.It's like, man, it's not todo anything for business.Well, then you probablydon't need to do this.No, no, no, well, wait a minute.We are trying tosell more products.And we're not sellingenough becauseif we solve thisproblem, what's itgoing to do for your business?Well, we can increaseour revenue by 300,000.Well, fantastic.What percentage ofthat seems fair to youto spend to try tofix that problem?Does 10% sound fair to you?Yeah, I think that'spretty reasonable.OK, so I'll submityou a bid for 30,000.So, OK.Yeah, that seems reasonable.Can you guaranteethe results, tommy?Well, no.I can only guarantee thethings I have control over.If you want me toguarantee the results,I would charge you $300,000to solve your problem.And I'd be happy to do that.Oh makes sense.That's a wholeother conversation.Well, what do youmean, guaranteedguaranteeing results?OK you think if yougot paid $300,000with those kind ofresources that you couldn'thire the best people indesign SEO conversion tactics,funnel design?Don't you think you canhire those people for that?Absolutely And then becauseyou got paid so muchand there's so muchprofit, if it didn't work,you just keep workingon it till it did.Do you believe you coulddo that with enough time,with enough drive,enough resources that youcan't solve any problem?I do, I do.See, you can even pick up thephone and call me, said Chris.I got a job for300,200 to solve it.How's that sound?OK, tell me more about it.And you just put$100,000 in your pocketand you do whatever youwant to do after that.Makes perfect sense.So you guys are fundamentallythinking about the problemin the wrong way.There are a lot of resourcesin the world for youto tap into theproblem right now.Currently, you don't seethat as of any benefitto you because you'recharging too little money.So when you charge enoughmoney, all of a sudden,all the kinds ofpeople can pop up.If you needed to, youcould hire Hans Zimmerto write a soundtrackfor whatever projectthat you're doing,paying $150,000.I'm not sure that those werehis rates, but at some pointyou can afford him.Where?makes sense.Definitely makes sense.So let's go over it,let's recap here.One is you need to upyour conversation gamein terms of how totalk about money.You have to get to thepoint much, much quickerthan you're doingright now to youhave to be honest andrealistic about howyou position yourself.Are you in the right market?Is your website appealingto a demographic and a groupof people who are willingto pay a lot more money?And chances are, ifthat's not correct,then you need tolevel up as well.All right.People like to be aroundpeople who are like them,who would like to be like them.Right, you notice when yougo to a fancy party, whathappens when you holdthat flute with champagne,your pinkie goesup a little bit,you know, you're trying tobe a little bit more elegant,you trying to fit in.Right?and if you're going to havesome kind of frat party?You're in the you're holdingthose red plastic cups.You don't care andyou're chugging.So you fit into the environment.So here it is.We have a digital persona,a digital alter ego.You could make that alter egolook as fancy and as expensiveas you want.All right.Because that's going toattract the kind of clientsthat you want.I think it's notthat, yeah, it'snot that differentthan you were,who is trying to gethis case studies.Right you look at thethings that people are doingand you become those things.
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