Manage Clients With Small Requests

September 15, 2019

Do you want to be the long term go-to person for the 1,001 little things to do or just for the big projects, just for the big projects?


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Do you have any tips forsupporting our clientsover the long term?So I noticed this one of ourclients or some of our clients,we work on these largeprojects and at the beginningit's a very big problem.But after that hasbeen created, there'sa lot of supportthat needs to be doneover the years that follows.So tweaks to booklets or itschanges that are very minor.How do you suggestwe approach that?Because all of a suddenwe have 100 small requestscoming throughfor a project thatwas a very big problemat the very beginning,but has become a sustainablepiece of the brandthat you are now looking afterand then looking after actuallyeats a lot of our time, right?OK, so I'm going to ask youto ask that question again.Condense everythingdown, please.I know.I know your question.I just want you guys.I'm going to just tortureevery single person.Ask shorter, clearer questions.Because when youdo it, it's almostlike I only haveto say three words.The answer will be there becausethe answer is the question.How do we still support ourclients in the long termwhen we're tryingto go to toyota?No, no, that partwasn't necessary.How do we not get bogged down byminor tweaks to large projectsafter it is launched?Updates things like that.Do you want to do those updates?No then put in your contract.We deliver out.But then don't we losethe long term relationshipwith our client because thatlong term relationship isimportant and it is valuable?Yeah do you want to be the longterm go to person for the 1,001little things to do orjust for the big projects,just for the bigprojects, right?So AJ and smart.They run design sprints.It's four weeks long.I think they charge.Like $30,000 aweek for a sprint.No, $20,000 a week,so it's $80,000 job,something like that.And they say at theend of the four weeksthey're done, they hand overall the assets they move on.They only get calledto do the designsprints, the stuffthat they love.Why build your business todo things you don't love?Now, you could say, why isit that we don't love it?Why is that?What's the problem?It could be because there aretoo many little things and it'stoo little money.So at some point ona sliding scale, whenthey pay you enough, then all ofa sudden you're happy with it.That's usually theproblem, we don'tlike to do something becausewe're not paid enoughwhen we're paid enough.I mean, obviouslynot for everything.If we're paidenough, I'll send it.I'll put a smileon my face, right?So if you ask me to dosomething that's reallymenial work like update thattypeface and put in this copy,it sucks.But when you're payingme $10,000 a day,I kind of love it now.Because I look at themoney that you pay meas me buying a lotof my time backto do other things that I want.It can also be verygenerous to other people,and I can help them.But if you pay me $4 an hourto do menial work, I hate it.Now you could arriveat the conclusion,I don't care how muchmoney they pay me.I'm not going to do menial work.And that's fine too.So don't design yourbusiness to do dumb work.So the way that you wouldhave phrased that questionis, Chris, how do Idesign my businessto do work that Ihate for my client?Like these updates that wouldhave been your question,I would say you don't,and I would say next.See how that works.You guys are like mastersat beating around the bush.So in your mind,everything is complicated,everything hasmany moving parts.There's a story withina story, within a story.We're like three dreamsin a dream like inception.And it's really not.Just pull away all theparts that don't matterand what you're left withis the truth of what it is,do you want to know?So guys, keep practicing onbecoming a question ologist.
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