Can Clients Mentor You?

Chris Do
March 13, 2020

If you want someone to be your teacher, the best way is to intern for them. However, you should try to get them to pay you while also teaching you. Some clients enjoy nothing more than talking and teaching. And they're prepared to do so. When you find them, grab them with both hands, but don't expect everyone to do the same.


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How to find a companyor how to get peoplethat work in a company thatwill invest time on teaching meand yeah, basicallywhere I got it.OK You're welcome.OK your questionis based on luck.You found a client who'swilling to teach youso the not going to pay you.They're also going to teach you.And that's a wonderfulthing that you have.I don't think it's a realisticexpectation moving forward.Because they're payingyou, man, at some point,like I joke with my team all thetime because I'm teaching themlike, are you paying metoday or am I paying you?Because the informationand the productivityis going the otherway right now, right?So if you want somebodyto be your teacher,go and intern for them,that's the best way.But to try to get them topay you while teaching youat the same time.That's a lot foryou to ask, right?That's tough.It's like, I'm going to go touniversity, but you pay me.What they're notgoing to do that.So what you want to do is dowork for great clients whoare experts at what they doand to spend as much timeas you can with them whilenot being seen as a burdento them in their time, they'repaying you to save them time.So asking them for more timeis the reverse direction.Now there are some clients whojust love talking and teaching.And they're willing to do that.When you find themhold on to themtightly, but don't expect thateverybody is going to do that.


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