How To Sell Strategy

Chris Do
October 22, 2018

Chris Do gives a quick talk on approaching strategy with a demonstration to sell it.


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How to sell strategy.How to sell strategy, wetalked about this previously,so I'm going to gothrough this really fast.How to sell strategy.I believe there's even amodule on the Academy site,how to sell strategy, howto talk about strategy,selling strategy.I think we've donemany, many calls on us,but do this really quick.How to sell strategythe way you sellstrategy is you don't sell it.You demonstrate it.So instead of talkingabout what you'regoing to do, why don'tyou just do it, ask themwhat problem are they tryingto solve because you'retrying to identify the gap?I could probably demonstrateto each and every single oneof you really fast if I justasked you a few questions.So there's a frameworkthat you can use.It's not in core, butI had Nicole Johnsoncome on her show and talkabout how she's doing UX.She says there'sbasically three columns.One column is task, tell meeverything that you have to do.I'm not you, I'm sorry.If I were doing it for you,that's what I would ask you.But you would saylike a day in the lifeof our prospective customer,tell me what they have to do.And you just write it down andyou could be chronological.They get up, theybrush your teeth.They do all thesekinds of things.It gets them into the mindsetof empathizing with whatthey're going through.So it removes you from beingand looking through the worldthrough their lens.Then you can say,like, what's the gap?So when they go andtry to get their kidsgoing in the morning,there's just short on time.Everybody is always late.So there's a timemanagement issue.OK, fine.That's a gap.So they just go down andjust write down all the gaps.Then the third column isopportunities opportunities.Well, now that we understandour user their gap,what can we do tosolve their gap?Then you write onall the solutions,we can create anapp that does this,we can do email notifications.We can do curbside pickupfor their lunch orders.We can do whateverbusiness that you're in.And then you prioritizethe opportunities to say,given this, whichone can make the mostimpact towards our goalswith the least effort.And then you pick the top 3 andthen you kind of figure it outand you map it out.So within a veryshort amount of time,I can show you thevalue of strategy.The strategy is not somemarketing jargon wordthat you use to tryand close the client.It's actually something youdo and try to help them solve.So imagine that just havinga 10 minute conversationaround this framework anddemonstrating it to themand proving to them, wow, Igot so much clarity on this.This is amazing.How much do youcharge to do this?Well, normally I charge$10000, but this callis free if you'd like totake it to the next level.Let's get an agreement goingand we can get to work for you.I'll give you another example,I was talking to real estateperson and I said, youknow, you're making videos,you're building websites, butyou're targeting high net worthindividuals.Do you think they'relooking at your website?Do you think they're watchingyour videos if they're busy?People like the way I thinkthey are, probably not.You're probablybetter off makingsome really bespokewelcome gift,I'm the broker thatyou want to work with.That's tailored for themand is highly curated.Money better spent.And he's like, wow,that's amazing,I'm going toimplement this today.That's how you do it.
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