Pro Call: Mastering Sales Funnels
Chris walks Pro members through the sales funnel process, with an emphasis on selling through emotions using his "no sales" webinar method.
Images from Call:
0:00:00.00 Sales Funnel Mapping
0:03:27.92 Mapping out a Pro member’s sales pipeline
0:25:41.02 Active vs Passive Advocacy
0:39:44.75 Authority Building
0:43:35.88 Offering leads a gift
0:44:56.80 Holding sales calls
0:49:50.22 Onboarding systems
0:51:55.82 Sales Funnel Case Study
0:59:58.64 Overcoming challenges around building authority
1:03:52.67 Is it enough to repurpose other people’s content?
1:06:55.95 How to attract qualified leads with gifts
1:12:44.09 Chris’ Sales Webinar without Selling Method
1:18:22.71 Purpose and meaning mapping
1:29:07.25 The Dip
1:36:49.98 Scenario Mapping
1:48:04.91 Designing Your Own Maps
1:55:17.24 Selling through emotions