Approaching Clients With Bad Experiences

Chris Do
August 13, 2018

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about how to approach clients who have had bad experiences with others.


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OK how to approach clientswho have had bad experienceswith others, diners.This is fantastic.So people who havehad bad experiences.Guess what?There bar for good,it's really lowand you're great, sofrom bad to great, that'san incredible leap forward.What you want to do isyou want to approachthese people with a lot ofempathy and understanding.So whoever I askthis question, Iwant to ask you rhetoricallyfirst these three questions.Knowing that peoplehave bad experienceswith other designers, tell mewhat the top three things arethat they think make for badcustomer service experience.What are thosethree things and youguys can go ahead andput that in the chatand maybe help this person out?So before I approachsomebody saying, look,I know you have badexperience with the designers,I need to know what thosebad experiences are.Can I relate to them?Can I identify them?Can I myself speak intelligentlyabout why this will neverhappen with you?So who asked this question?Bring yourself online, please.Are you still here?Thanks to her.I couldn't see me.You do me.Yeah OK, so they'vehad bad experienceswith other designers.Yep what are thosebad experiences?What are the top three?So pretty much themain thing is that theydidn't move the needle.And then the otherdesigners didn't movethe needle for their business.So they have a website madethat made no difference,and they had to revertback to the old one.OK before you say anything else?Are you sure that's the case?And that's so, yeah,that's what they told me.That's what they told you.Yeah, really?Wow OK, thank you.Number two and three.So they had a lot of buzzwords.And things like thisthat didn't think.Made any big differenceto the business,and that's the samething as number one.Yeah, but the main thingwas that one too muchblush from flash,and that's whenthe designers andthe others, too muchwasted money that didn'tmake any difference.So there's only oneproblem here, possibly.Is that it, somebody elsewho's worked with more clientstell me what designersdo to screw it up.So wait, wait, hold on, hold on.You had your shot.I gave you a coupleof times to trysomebody else say something.Deadlines, bad communication andpoor quality bad communicationdesigners designingfor themselves and notfor the needs of the client.Yep.OK anybody else?Missed deadlines.That's right.Oh my god, how couldwe forget that one?That is a major one.OK I've had a people come tome just because the designershave totally checked outafter like three months.Yeah OK.This is perfect.OK, so I'm going toshare my screen again,so you guys can see this.So jimi, you may be veryselective in who you'retalking to, but veryfew customers saythe job didn't move the needle.And I'll tell you why.I know that that's why I don'thear that ever almost OK.Most likely, it's everythingunderneath this list,and you could see thisbullet point list, right?Most of the timesdesigners don't listen,they're not evenasking questions.They're just ready to start.So they startprematurely and they justdo whatever it isthat they want.So that's what Zachis saying designersdesigning for themselves.It's very masturbatory.It's like it's not even like,nobody's having fun here.OK missing deadlines.It's deadly.And after a while, mostlikely as a byproduct of themnot charging enough,they've checked out.They're nonresponsive,and they feellike the project isdragged on way too long,and that's just poorproject management,so poor communicationdidn't listen.The reason why I challenge thewhole didn't move the needle,and the reason why I thinkyou're obsessed about thisis because you'vebeen learning from us.You need to move the needle.But most designersactually don'tgo in even defining whatneedle needs to be moved.They have no idea of any realobjective measure for success.So if you don'teven begin there,how would you evenknow this and thenmost clients don't eventhink like this, theydon't think of design asthe gateway to achievinggreater revenue, marketshare conversion or anythinglike that.They're mostly hiringdesigners because theywant it to lookbetter, because there'sthis satisfied withthe way it feels.It doesn't reflecttheir brand values.It feels dated.They're ashamed oftheir visual identity.It's not until you talkto very high level clientsthat how to engage withthem that are key decisionmakers like, you know what,I need to move the needle.The last guy promisedme this, thisand that it wasn't even close.I way overpaid for that.Most of the pain point comesfrom poor communication.The perception thatyou're paying too muchfor what you got.People being non responsive.And missing deadlines.It's that simple.So there's a guy whosename is Christopher Hill.He runs a web developmentcompany using Drupal herein Los Angeles.And he says we'revery successful,we're the number one developerfor Drupal in this region.I said, what's your secret man?And he laughs.So my secret is I saywhat I'm going to do,going to do whatI'm going to say.It's that simple.So many people havebeen burnt by developersnot doing what they're goingto, not doing what theysaid they were going to do.Period so think back inyour life and every servicetransaction you've ever had andthink about the best service,customer serviceexperience you've everhad and think about the worst.Very few of them areabout moving the needle.So let me tell youa little story here.I just told youearlier in the callthat I had worked with a painterand he charged me $800 now.My wife is out oftown, so I'm like,I'm going to usethis opportunity.I'm just going toget projects done.So it's not a big committee.We can get this thing done.And so he was onlyhere for two days,finished painting therooms I needed him toand I was likepanicked a little bit.I was thinking, isthis coat of painta little shinier thanthe rest of the house?And I startedpanicking because Iwas thinking I didn't tellhim I wanted a matte finish.I don't like Losey and Idon't like stomach glass.I don't like that sheen.I just want it to beflat, flat, Black.And he did not bother to ask me.Chris, we're going to gowith the permission finish.Versus the Super flat finish.Are you OK with that?It was just all assumed.And now the wholehouse has been painted.Everything's been cleanedup, I was like, Oh my God.What's going on here now?Luckily, my fears werefor not because it'sa pretty matte finish, but Ijust came to the realizationI didn't communicate to him.He didn't communicate to meby asking the right questions.He just did what hethought was right.And if necessary, I'd haveto have them come backand do two more daysof work at his expense,not mine, because he didn'task me, what finish do I want?Because it was just assumed.So usually that'swhere the problemis, is that most designers justassume this is what you need.You need a modern, simplistic,simplistic, minimalist design.Well, maybe I don't.Maybe I want tomaximalist design,maybe I wantsomething that feelsreally ancient or oldor retro or whatever,and you just made thatassumption for me, so you justgot to learn to ask.OK so jimi, I'm pretty suremaybe one client told you thisthat the last persondidn't move the needle,but I think it'snot like you're justtrained to be the strategistnow that you think that allthe problems are that it'snot that I promise you,even my multibilliondollar billion clientsdon't ask me to move the needle.It's their job to bedone and done well.Go ahead, yeah,that's fair enough.It's mainly I want your input onhow to approach someone if theyclaim to have that experience.So what you'reasking them, you justask them like, oh, OK, so tellme what went wrong last time?And then just listen.And dive deeper.OK, I see oh, theydidn't call you back.So what's the reasonableamount of time for you?Oh, you know, within 48 hoursif you've respond, that's good.OK, well, our policy is torespond within 24 hours.OK, check.They missed deadlines, I'vebeen in business for 23 years.I do not miss deadlines.OK check.Well, all you haveto do is ask, but youneed to be ready to talkabout these things, ok?I can tell that you justneed more what my businesscoach would say atbats, which is needto be able to get a home plate,swing the bat more so that youcan hit one out ofthe park when youdon't have enough leads orenough client interaction.We just don't know whatwe don't know yet, right?So we've got to figureout our content game.We've got to go meetmore people and we gotto just sail through curiosity.And then you can startto learn like, oh, I see,I see certain patternshappening here.Now, one episodethat's coming upthat may be of greatinterest to many of youis Henry Kaminsky, whois somebody I'm coaching.However, he's donereally well for himselfby using ClickFunnels.So he's a RussellBrunson disciple.He's going to teach ushow to do ClickFunnelsfor service industry.And he's doing reallywell for himself,he's going to break sevenfingers any minute now.

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