Is my niche too small

Chris Do
May 24, 2019

Chris Do talks with a Pro Member who is concerned that their niche is too small.


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I guess so, my I likethe back of my mind,I'm doing all the legwork totry and get more clients right.And I still in theback of my mind,I'm hesitating on if I'mmaking my niece too smallor if I should just,like, stick to my gunsand have it out becauseI want to try and do.All horses, if I can, but inthe back of my mind, I'm like,is that too small?Is the work not like?Is the money notgoing to be therebecause there's definitelymoney in horses,there's gods and gobs of it.But I'm just worried about like.Oh oh, you're back, ok?Go on.Sorry you're worried,you're worriedabout what if that'stoo small, if I justneed to keep it broaderand still because I wantto focus on strategy, Iwant to focus on logo designand I want to focus on weblike that's going to beat least have that pared down.I'm not doing stuff andeverything in the kitchenanymore, right?But I just don't know how bigmy client base could be anymore.Yes, I know nothingabout horses.And I have noidea, but I imaginethat I believe whatyou say is true,that people that are init have money, of course,and the question really is howthey're willing to spend it.Yes and I like that you wantto focus on the smallestviable audience forwhat it is that you do,it's a line with who youare and what you likeand you're passionate about.So I encourage that.Why not do it?And until you haveevidence otherwise,I would say you go for it.I'll tell you something here.So real estate, you wouldassume, has a lot of money to.And that we should be fallingall over piles of cash if we goand helping real estateagents and brokers, right?Well, it turns outthat is not true.They make a lot of money.They want to spend none of it.OK they don't thinkthey need it at all.Right? so I have, as partof my success failure story,tried to onboard a localreal estate broker,and he is one of the mostsuccessful real estate brokerson the West Side.The average price of a homehe sells is $5 million.Yeah so with hiscommission beingwhat it is, you would think.What's $10,000 forstrategy for him?Nothing he wears fancysuits, drives, fancy cars.You would think he's allabout his image, too.It's got perfect teeth.$10,000 We had threemeetings to talk about it.He's like, I'm ready,I'm ready, and thenhe's not going to do it.But then it turned out that whenwe met real estate developers.Different story.Because now it was acorporation, not a persontrying to run his brokerage.OK different mindset, similarmarkets, totally different.And that client, we've doneover a million of business with.OK, so I don't know, Ithink is it equestrian?Is that the horse thing?I don't even knowthe terminology here.Yes yes, that's right.It's like this whole clothingline inspired by playing polo.Get it.So it seems like there would bemoney, but we just don't know.OK you won't know untilyou really dig into it.OK, I'm going tostick with it then.So what I would do is makesure that your site hasamazing photography mockups.It really speaks topeople who are in a spacethat whenever whateverwords I search on Google,your name and your companycomes up first, or at leastin the top 10.Then, you know, youhave a shot and you'vedone everything you need to do.So what are people typingin to look for peoplelike you to helpthem do brandingfor what it is that they do?Show them something amazing.Now here's the cool part.When you show amazing clientafter client logos and identitysystems and websitesand merchandisingfor people in thatspace, other peoplekind of adjacent to thehorse thing will think,wow, she's great.I wonder if she'll dothis other thing for us.And then you get to, I'm reallyfocused on horses.Or, yeah, I'll take on yoursuper high end posh restaurant.I like.I like the right.But you need to.You need to mirror yourclient base on your site.OK OK, well, that's good becauseI actually I just changedthe photo away from it.And I'm going to bring it back.OK you have to kind of stick toyour guns for a little while.Yeah all right.I've been waffling.So thank you.Now I'm going tosay one last thing.You can take on differentkinds of clients.You don't need to showthem on your site.That's the thing thatpeople don't understand.They think, oh, this amazingmotion design company, theyonly do pool work and they'llbe the first to tell you.We do a lot ofcrappy, stupid work.We just don't show it.And that's OK, too, becauseit pays the bills, right?OK awesome, thank you.


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