Proper Positioning To Filter Wrong Clients

Chris Do
September 2, 2017

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about positioning yourself to avoid attracting the wrong clients.


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Sometimes you have aclient that really does notsee the immediate valueand/or even the long termvalue in something like, let'ssay, like a logo design, right?You have someclients that may justlook at that assomething simple,you know, why would youcharge $10,000 for this?I don't understand.I can go to, you know, five orthe places we hate 99 Designsand I can get it done forway cheaper, way cheaper.And the negotiation from therewith a project like that,when you have a client likethat thinks like that, tryingto bring them in line withthe reasoning on this,you know what, they have tolose trying to bring theminto that reality, so to speak.You know, when theirperception just isn't there,that they may havesomething to lose for makinga bad decision on this?Does that make sense?Yeah Chris, are you married?Yes.Have you ever beenable to successfullyconvince your wife orpartner of somethingother than what theynormally thought?Yes, you have.Yeah, that's fantastic.You don't need mebecause I've neverbeen able to convinceanything other than whatshe wants to think already.It doesn't happen all the time,but every once in a while.Right, right.It's very difficult.It's like my wifelikes fill in the blank.She wanted to.I don't know whatever it is.I've had a verydifficult time tryingto convince her of somethingthat she fundamentallydid not believe in.Just think about it.We have friends that are onthe right and on the left,on the political spectrum.We have people who believein marriage equalityand some people who do not.How difficult has itbeen to move peoplefrom one side of theaisle to the other?It's impossible, right?The only people who move arethe people in the middle.The people are open minded,who are ready to make a changeand they're not there.They're not 100%committed to whatit is that they're thinking.And so they can beinfluenced a little bit.So if a client is fundamentallythinking you are worthless,everything thatyou do, it can bedone by someone elsefor much cheaper.No amount of salesmanship.No amount ofpresentation skills.Psychological manipulationtechniques that I teach youcan work.What we have to dois quickly identify,are you on the right, theleft or in the middle?Let's talk about this.Let's move, move this awayfrom politics for a second.There are valuebuyers and let's just.Versus pricebuyers, value buyerssee the value that ittakes money to make money,and they're not necessarilylooking for the lowest price.They're lookingfor the best value.And that's totally OK.Because people will bind.If the perceived value is higherthan what they're going to pay,the price buyeris the person youneed to identify quicklyand ultimately realizethat you're wasting your time.No amount ofconvincing will everget them to changetheir position.And then you're goingto find somebodyin the middle, which is kindof somebody who is undecided.So in a case of an undecidedperson, oh, you have to dois present the information.Let them decideand then move on.Now, thankfully,I've never talkedto a client that thrifty.Because I don't talkto them for very long.People come to us all thetime and they're like,oh, we'd love your work, we wantyou to do this, this and that.Fantastic well, our minimumlevel of engagement is $50,000.It's $100,000.Now that soundslike a lot of money.Is that something thatyou're still interested in?Continue this conversation.Oh my god, Chris, I wasthinking five or 99 Designs.I'm like, fantasticwell, my friend.Then we move on.I'm not going to investthat kind of timeon those kinds of buyers.Now, if you get aninordinate amount of peoplecalling you just reallylooking for 99 designs,something is wrongwith your positioning.Whatever bait that youput out into the worldis the kind of fish you attract.OK, we know this from fishing,there are bottom feeders,there are top feeders,there are predatorsand there are prey fish, right?It's all kinds.So let's just say that rightnow, your bottom fishing, youlet that line go all theway to hit the bottomand you're notactively trying to lookfor the right kinds of client.We've got to change that.And there's things that you cando on your website to get ridof all the price buyers.You can put on your website.Engagements start atfill in the blank.10,000 everybody thatwants to buy $100 logowill not call you anymore.You're pre qualifying them.There are other,more subtle ways.A prequalify qualifyingyour clients.A site that looksexpensive, that'ssuper glossy, withbeautiful imagerythat looks like a million.That'll scare away thelow, low price clients.When you go to Apple's website.You're not thinking discount,the photography is exquisite,and they pay for that.The copy is on point.Everything is super clear.Is minimal in itspresentation and understated,there's a quiet confidence.That they present themselves.Look at yourself.Now, the look atyour site and seeif you're doing the same thingwhen you travel through Asia,especially China and Taiwan.Which I love, by the way.You'll see that when you'rewalking around at certain partsin the discountmalls, they have signseverywhere, it's like you can'tsee anything because there'ssigns their sales oroffers and options,and they take 0 time tothink about the presentationbecause their mentality is ifI show more product, if I talkabout prices all over the placeand I bombard the consumer,that's what they want.So they're stuckin that mentality.So you look atyour own work, youlook at your ownpresentation, is it clutter?Are you screaming at themsaying hire me all the time?And if you are, you areattracting that kind of client.That's valuableinformation, thank you,and I think that's where Ihave the trouble I can lookat everyone else'swork and I canmake that draw that conclusion.But when it comes tolooking at my own,that's where, you know, tryingto turn that mirror on myself.That's where it becomesa bit difficult.And I try to do the best jobpossible of presenting qualityin trying to looklike, you know,the more expensive option.But I think thatwhat I may need to dois get some more eyes on itand just say, just kind ofask a few.Folks in the group, maybe a.Yeah, yeah, that'swhat we're here for.Awesome awesome.OK whew.All right.We're we're a little pastwhere I wanted to go here,but I also said to somebodyand I forgot who I said it to.They're going to be up next.On a mass.


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