How Long Should Discovery Take

Chris Do
May 6, 2019

Chris Do answers a pro member's question about the length of time they should dedicate to facilitate strategy for a client.


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How long should you dedicateto a strategy session?A lot of questionsabout strategy today.Half day, full daycustom should youcreate a minimumlevel of engagementfor strategy andoptions per client?Pa what does PR send forprice, each strategy typedifferently, similar to Melinda.Basically, what yourcollege potential answers?Those are answers wegave in the discussion.Yeah, so Iabbreviated it up top.I wrote potential answers first,and it was a legend up there.OK anyways, how long should youdedicate to a strategy session?OK Priscilla, are you on?Yes where are you?Well, there you are.Oh, Priscilla,how are you doing?I didn't see you there inthe middle of the grid,and all your internetconnections aren't so hot.I know what's wrong.You know the kids playingvideo games or something?No, I'm alone.So you have the full bandwidth?OK, Yeah.All right.You've done strategy as well.So I have done twostrategies, but they've onlybeen half days.Well, I haven't been ableto sell the full day.For some reason.It sounds like it's toomuch for people to commitand I don't know.But within this half day I'vegotten a lot of information.It's it's amazing how muchit streamlined my design.Yes so the more I'm doing itand applying it into my workand also delivering thatdocument to the client,the more I'm seeing the benefit.And so it's easierto say, OK, Oh good.Good do you see the benefit?And do they see the benefitbecause it's importantthat they see the benefit?I think they do.If they don't know better,they just take it right.Yes, well.Oh, this is great.Thank you.OK and this is I'm goingto ask this question.Feel free not to answer me here.But have you ever seen a coachor a therapist or somebodywho's really helped you?That's a funny question.A few years ago,but what I realized,mostly I'll tell youmostly was about my motherand for two yearsand what I realizeis she's not going to change.So I'm the one whohas to change, right?I mean, so for everything,it's like that,just like you're teachingus to change our mindset.Yes, that's 100% true.OK so during those sessions thatyou worked with the therapistand helped you to realize thatif you want a different life,a different relationshipthan expecting other peopleto change is a futile wish.The only way you canchange or they can changeis if you change and peoplewill react differentlyif you change.So in those sessions, whensomebody is totally 100%focused on you, on yourwell-being and your happiness,how does that make you feel?Well, somebody islistening to you,and so are you sayingthis is what youwant to return to the client?Right, I'm gettingthat, but what'sthe link between the full list?I mean, I'll tell you,I'll tell you in a second.OK, so you see, I've seenpeople do core incorrectly,and I've seen peopledo it really well.And that's why therewas this thread.And I'll get backto that later aboutwhether or not youguys want to becoached and trained andcertified by us because I'veseen people literallyask the questionand just right and not evensay anything because they thinkit's a race that ifthey just fill outthe questionnairewith their clientthat they'll be really good.And that's not how this works.The framework is just a wayfor you to have a discussion.And the reason why I askedyou, do your clients feel goodand you're like, I think so.Most of the clientsthat feel goodwill tell you, like, thiswas amazing, Priscilla.I can't believeyou've done this,and my mind is abuzzing right now.And when can we get started?And can you do this and thisand this for me as well?That's usually theresults now, if wesay we can only havea half day, let'smake it an impactful half day,but they need to see the value.A lot of people do corefor themselves and notfor the person that'spaying them to do it.We need to understand thatthat's a very different mindsetgoing in.If I do discovery with youand it's called discoverybecause we wantto find something,it's almost like there'sall this buried treasurein your backyard,and you didn't know.And as soon as I tell youit's here, we start diggingand we see results.You're going to be blown away.You're going to say, amI sitting on a gold mine?I'll say, potentially.Here's a couple ofother areas that I see.There's gold.Let's dig it up andsee, OK, that was a dud,but this one's amazing.And that's thedifference, right?It's supposed to be likethis mental massage.Look, if you go and getOK, the better questionI should have askedyou and I don'twant to be sexist about it,but I'll just say it myself.I've got to like, get a reallygood facial or massage whensomebody is just tending toevery need or have a mani pedi.I have.Fantastic You know, my feetare soaking in rose waterwith petals in it.I'm like eating alittle cracker with tea.Fantastic that'show it should feel.I'm just going totell you right now,so I go to these beauty salonsand my wife and I are there,she's making an appointmentand then she's like, no, no,it's not for me, it's for him.And then they laugh andit's like, it's all good.Take care of me, ladies.Let's do this.So if you feel likethat, it shouldfeel like that like, wow,what an incredible experience.I can't wait Priscilla totell all my friends that theyneed to do this with you.Can we do more?Is it, including the price?Can I just do more with you?The first one I did she.She's the one whosaid, wow, thisis what I learned in the GoldmanSachs 1,000 small businessclass.They have, I guess.And so I was like, wow, thisis actually really powerfulthat she wentthrough that trainingand then came out ofthis half day with me.Yeah you know, I think youhave clients that are exuberantand then you have clientsthat are like me, you know?So in one, they werejust they were lawyers.So oh, the lawyers,naysayers, the Yeah.OK I see what you're saying.It's about giving all theattention and the client also.It's funny because it's ashrink therapy for the clienton their business.It's business therapy.It's really what it is.And what I want todo is, you know,so here's there's a coupleof analogies and metaphorswe can make here, so hopefullyI can drive this point homeand we're going to move on.OK a business hasfallen out of love.With their customers.Mm-hmm And they'rewondering, whyare my customers ignoring me?Why do my customers sleep at theend of the house and not here?What's happened, because youdon't pay them any attentionand now they're lookingat somebody else,they have eyes for somebody elsebecause you've ignored them.So I'm going to help you.To learn how to fall in lovewith your customers againand how they will fall inlove with you in return.It's reciprocated, right?So this is whatwe're going to do.We're going to find out whyyour customers are not payingattention to you anymore.What have you done?And we know that wecan't ask them to change.Only we can change.How can we anticipatetheir needs?I yeah, right.I think it's about building upto if people start discovery.I feel more comfortablehaving done two.And so now the lastone I priced out, Iwe only offered the full day.And so it's building up.And I think from now on,that's all I'm going to say.It's a full dayor two half days,but I'm just not even goingto give them a choice.Yes, you can say that it's goingto take somewhere between 5to eight hours todo, and that dependson your mental bandwidth.Most people that I dothis for at certain point.They're going to short circuit,and we don't want to do that,so we want tostructure it like this,so let's just find twodays to do this, ok?And you will love theresults you'll see.What was thequestion originally?Because I forgot, I don't thinkthat was about this, or was it?Should you dedicatethe strategy?OK yeah, you shoulddedicate as much timeas you need to do it properly.Now, once you've had afull day and you do itand then you don'tfeel rushed, youknow, skipping overimportant stepsand you're able to stay inthe moment and really listen,then you'll start to find likelittle shortcuts, as I have.So sometimes clients sayyou must do it in six hours.I'm like, OK, let's seewhat we can live without.Instead of buildingthis, we'll do that.Maybe instead ofdoing three profiles,we'll do two or justone and go deep on one.I had posted aquestion on Facebook,and it interestingly gotvery different answers.It's about style scapes.Do you include the stylescapes in your price of the.Yes Yeah.So initially we did.But I didn't likethat, and I'll tell youwhy and why we brokeit apart, so dependingon who bids the job,if it's me or Ben,we tend to do different things.I'll tell you why.Because once you do discovery,the only deliverableis the summary document, right?Mm-hmm If the summarydocument has keeps,that means now you've got togo do a little bit more workbefore you can say it's done.And if they get stuck on, Idon't like to style escape.Can we change it?So that gets pushedout and out and out.But I know if Ido discovery and Isay it's going to takea day within a week,I can finish writing everythingthat I want to write.And I'm done with thatproject at that point.Then the next phase is forme to styles, shapes and thendesign work.So when it looks likea design deliverable,now I separate it outbecause I just wantto wall off the thinking part.some clients who arereally nasty will say,well, we don't feel likeyou're done yet because wehaven't approved this.So in the beginning,we do include itbecause it's sexy to lookat to say, look, here'sall the thinking thesummer is in sight.The goals, how we'regoing to get there.And here's a style escape,so we're moving forwardand like, wow, this is amazing.You're so amazing, Priscilla.And then you say,OK, let's move on.So in the beginning, Isay, go ahead and do it.It's what we do, what we'vedone and what some of uscontinue to do.And there's no problem there.I'm just telling you thatfrom my point of view,just because I'm should I sayit's just because I'mreally cocky or self-confident,I'm like, you know what?That's good enough, right?You paid for the thinking.Let's move on.Right so I separated.So until you're at thatkind of level of cockiness,then I would just say,you know, included, it'sfine because peoplelike to see visualsand it's like, wow,this is amazing.So that's good.And the funny thingis, so far, my statshave kind of we talkabout two directions,but then the clientswill be like,no, no, this is where Idefinitely want to be.And then the styles willjust come on its own.They won't be.I haven't had to makethree different onesbecause it's veryclear directionand it's just a visual.The world illustrationof all thestuff we've talkedabout, in a sense, that'sright, yeah, yeah, Yeah.So we do three four, look, youguys need to understand this,that there's a way thatwe do certain things.You should give it a shotto do it the way we do it,but then you needto adapt it for whoyou are, your clients, yourscale, your ambition and allthat kind of stuff.Right when we tell youwe do it a certain way,it takes 10 hours to days.We've got to fly outor they have to fly in.And the style escapesare 3 and they're deepand they look amazing.It's because the projectsthat we're working on warrantthat kind of energy and effort.The projects that we're doingare six figures and up, right?And I want them to get everybit of value from the work.No problem.But if your clients arepaying you $6,000 or $7,000you just do what you do andyou can feel good about that.No need to killyourself over it.OK, so the short answer istry to give it a full dayand see what happens, getthe result that you wantand then learn overtime how to makeit move faster andmore streamlinedfor your working style andyour clients, of course.
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