Purpose Of Strategy And Discovery

Chris Do
August 3, 2017

Chris Do talks about what we should be looking for when facilitating a strategy session starting with clear goals.


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So for clarity,when you run core,you're supposed to findsomething new for the client,you're supposed to tell themsomething they didn't know.So I always feel likethis is the case,you're looking for gapsbetween what they wantand what they're getting, sotheir desire and the resultsor what their customerswant and not getting.So I'm always looking for a gap.I'm looking for aproblem to solve.So if you say, like,who are your customers?That's an OK question.But if you ask the questionof who are the customersyou like to have more of?Aren't you getting them?You see, that frameof that questionhighlights aproblem immediately.Because most people willjust tell you the customersthey already have.Well, why are we even talkingthen Mr and Mrs. client,because you already have thesecustomers, they love you as is.Why aren't yougetting more customersand why is somebody choosingoption B over yours?And then we get into that.So what we want to dois highlight a gap now.I don't know if I'vetalked about this,but there's a guywho wrote this book.His name is Dan Sullivan, andhe has this thing called the DanSullivan question.While I was reading pricingcreativity from Blair ends.He talks about theDan Sullivan questionis one of the bestformulated questionsthat has ever been put together.Do you guys know theDan Sullivan question?I talked about this, I forgetwho I talked to because Italked to a lot of people.I don't see anyreactions from anybodyright now because they'replaying poker with me.So I'm going to, OK, I'mgoing to come right back.Where's my Dan Sullivan book?I give me one second.All right, I'm back.OK the Dan Sullivanquestion or the bookis super thin, asyou can see it,it's like got big typeand everything like lookat the type in thing.And really, I thinkthe Dan Sullivanbook could have been aDan Sullivan pamphlet,but that's all right.I think to be consideredin the literary world,it's got to havesome pages to it.So he basically repeats it.Dan Sullivan question like1,000 times in his own book,and this is like 48 pointtype or something like this.Let me tell you what the DanSullivan question is, ok?OK, here we go.And here it is on page 11.And it's repeated many, manytimes in subsequent pages.And if you read pricecreativity by Blair ms, whichis like a $200 book, thisis a pivotal part of that.So here we go.I don't want to misquote this.OK, so here goes the question.If we were havingthis discussionthree years from todayand you were looking backover those three years,what has to have happenedin your life, both personallyand professionally for youto feel happy withyour progress?OK it's a prettygenius question.And they said that youcan try to edit and changethis question toyour own demise.So they're like,just memorize this,and he says just witha little bit of effort,you can memorize this question.So here we go again.If we're having this discussionthree years from today,three years from now, right?And you were looking backover those three years.What has to havehappened in your life,both personally andprofessionally, for you to feelhappy with your progress?Let me tell you the geniusof the question, ok?And I'm only tellingyou because Dan told mehow genius his own question is,and I'm just paraphrasing backto you, what did when I read?OK, so the firstpart of this questionis if we're havingthis discussion?That means that we'reworking together.It's assume a positive futurestate between you and I.And this is before we'veeven agreed to work together.So I'm saying so I'mkind of implantinga seed in the client's mind ifwe're having this discussionthree years from now.So three years from nowis a finite period of timeto look forward intothe future, whereyou can have someclarity, but youhave to do a littlebit of of, I don'tknow, projecting into the futureand is a great place to be.It's not one year from now.It's not 30 years fromnow, because that'stoo far off in the distancefor us to figure it out.So three years.Now the cool part about thatis when we look forward,we forget about allour problems today,like we forget aboutour supply chainmanagement, our lead generationor our executive team who'snot quite delivering.So it puts us in a positivefuture state of mindfor us to dreama little bit, ok?And now when we'relooking back, it'sasking the prospectiveclient to kind of figure outhow they got there.OK, so it's prettycool from where I'm at.I've got a lot ofproblems, I'm goingto ask you to lookforward into the future.What would your life looks like?And each and every one of youguys could do that right now.You can sit there andthink, OK, I'm goingto ask you to do it right now.I want you to think aboutthree years from now.Where you are andwhat has happened.OK, for you to be reallyhappy, both personallyand professionally.Everybody just take amoment to think about that.Where are you threeyears from now?Tell me as muchas you can, and Idon't mean to like,literally tell me right now,but just jot downsome notes right now.Think about that.If you're 20 five,so when you're 28and we're coming uponthe third anniversaryand you and I are still onthis future group together.What has happened?Do you guys haveclarity on that?Absolutely not.OK, hold on.You think about that and I'llget back to you, OK, good.I guess I'm also here,I guess not very clear.Oh, you guys arein the wrong group.You're in the fuzzy group.Yeah, no, no, no.When the right,you know, you haveto know where you want to go.My friends have to worry.Yeah, Yeah.More or less.Yeah, dude.Put that into focus, man.Let's rack that lens andjust get that in focus.All right.Or tap your iPhone.Just touch thatpart that you wantand then get someclarity behind it.We need to knowbecause we don't wantto jump in a carand start drivingand not know wherethe heck we're going.We're going to Yosemite.We're going to Nordstrom.We'll get there eventually.You have to know.Otherwise, you drivearound in circles.And I think Iassume many of you,especially if you're a careerswitch or his second startor late bloomer, if you will.If you've switched many timesand every time you switch,you start at the bottom andit can become demoralizing.All right.So now that where you'regoing through years,if you look back on yourown life, what has happened?I've scaled my team.I've been able tocharge this amount.These things have happened.I'm now married.I have two kids.I live in Malibu.Whatever it is, thishas happened now.OK and the otherpart of the questionis it doesn't just talkabout professionally,personally and professionally.So this opens up theideas way beyond whatit is that you designerperson can do for this person.And this is critical.So he has some kind of weirdmetaphor here or not a metaphorfor a way to remember this.I have multiple copies.Here we go.OK OK.This is there arethree types of people.Who will answer this question?OK and you'll know exactlywho you are in a second.OK the first type of personwho answers this question?He calls the user, which ispretty much everybody thathas this question that asked.They kind of know, and theygive him a substantial answer,and they'll talk for 10,15, sometimes 30 minutes.So that's who hewants to work with.He wants to workwith the user, thenhe's going to talk to aperson who is a confused.That would be Alexanderanonymous, right?Who's like, I have no idea, bro.Basically, if you have noidea, I can't help you goodbye.Goodbye so if you don't haveclarity on your own frickinggoals, he's like,I'm out of here.Ok?then he has the diffuserwho sees the question comingand says, I don't wantto answer your question.Is and he also says goodbye.That's it.Now, he says somethinginteresting has happened.He says, basically whenI come to work with you,you only get one shot with me,but I ask you this question.You're either a user, aconfused or a diffuser.And if you're eithera confused or user,you don't get a second shot.Here's what happened.He tells the story in the book.Gentleman approached himto ask this question,he's like, I'm not goingto answer this question,I feel like you're askingfor too personal information,he goes, that's fine.Not a good fit for you.He walks away and theguy was super successful.He was shot.He was angry he's out whatan arrogant, blah blah blah.So, so Dan runs some yearslater at some kind of seminar.And he goes down.What you said to me reallyshocked me to my core.I started to think about whythis was such an a-hole to youand why I perceived you as beingsuch when all you want to dois really help me.I've changed my businessand changed my life,and I can't tell you thegrowth that I've had.Now that that'shappened, I'd loveto work with you because thankyou very much for sharingthat story with me.I'm not interestedin working with you.You get one chancewith Dan Sullivan.That's how he does it.I see a lot of you guysare a little confused.Some of you are a little angry.But Radhika is superhappy about that.You get one shot, baby.That's who hewants to work with.OK, now the reason why Ibring this up in regardsto this question isthis is that and Ibelieve this to be true myself.You are a facilitator tohelp people solve problems,and people don'twant other peopleto actually solve theirproblem, believe it or not.I think Jennifer hadasked this question.They already haveall the answers,because guess what,as quick of a learner,as I am, as much as I believein my ability to learn,I can never learn more about youand your life and your businessthan you could ever forget.You'll forget morethan I hope to learn.So for me to come in andlike, you must do this,you must do that is reallypompous and arrogant of meto say that,especially because Idon't have to live with thedecisions that you make.I don't have tolive with the advicethat I'm about to give you.So his mentalityand most consultantsthink the same wayis all I want to dois ask you the right question.That's the skill.Listen, help youcheck whether or notyou're being consistentwith yourselfand to help you unearthwhatever problemis that's in front of you.Therapists work this way.If you ever gone tosee a psychotherapist.They don't necessarilyjust tell you the answer.So they take thatSocratic approachand they start toask you questionsSocratic comingfrom Socrates, theykeep asking you morequestions to helpyou discover the answer.Now some of you guys areon a business boot campcall with me, but I'vetold this story before.When I was sharing astory about my cousinwho was feeling likehe wasn't good enoughthat he wasn't livingup to his potential.The therapist toldhim, would you evertreat your child this,would you ever tellyour own child thesame thing that you'rehearing in your head?And he goes, no.And then it dawnedupon him that he.Was not taking a good hewasn't taking good careof his own inner child.That some imaginary childthat he has yet to have,he would never treat thisway, yet he treats himselfthis way every single day.She could have started outlike, you know, Johnny.Don't ever talk toyourself like that.This is not healthy, isn't it?And he would have heard that,but he would have pushed back.She just asked them a seriesof very carefully designedquestions to lead him tothe conclusion, which is howhe can solve his own problem.That's a genius ofbeing a consultant.So, Jennifer.There are lots of things inthe world that I know nothingabout, but I am and maybefalsely so supremely confidentI can solve almost all of them.It's because I'mnot relying on me,I'm relying on the personwhose problem it is.OK, so when you'resitting there thinkingI've been trained on how todesign and make great brandidentities, I knowhow to write copy,I know how to developfront end back end.I'm a full stack developer.When it comes theseother problems,I have no idea what I'm doing.Right and that's OK,because the personyou're talking to most likelyalready has all the answers.Hearing this helicopterin the back, sorry, guys.All you have to do isask the right question.That's why I'm not afraid ofthe scope list that comes out,because I know either Iknow somebody who can helpor the client alreadyhas the answer.How does that mean thenin your final meetingto conclude a course sessionor discovery session?You are still basicallyasking leading questions.Even in that final versuscoming in and saying.You need to dropthese types of clientsor you need to outdo the other.Right?OK.This is a fundamental differencebetween the way I do itand potentially the way youdid it for the first time.I don't go away and comeup with the answers.The answers are alreadyrevealed during the meeting.Values already been createdbefore I even end it.The only thing I do is Idocument it after the fact.so, for example, ifthe conclusion iswhat is your conclusion again?I example thesetypes of clients,you know, not me,not the clientsyou want to keep youbetter off despite droppingthose types of clientsand focusing perfect.These other clients?All right.Check this out, you guys.This may be worth theentire call for you.Let's try this.OK, Jennifer, youand I, we're goingto talk a little bit here.Let's pretend.I think this is thecase that you needto fire these kind of clients.OK, if this isn'twhere it's coming from,your mouth, the client,you are, the client.I'm the consultant right now.It's going to bepretty shocking to you.So here's what I'mgoing to ask you, ok?Here's how I would get themto figure this part out.You've identifiedthree types of clientsthat you like to have thatare vital to your business.This first typeof client that youbelieve to be very important.I have questions for you.How much revenue are theybringing to the companyright now?And then what you would sayis something very low, right?And then how much ofour time and energyis spent acquiring this client?And then you'll say very high.So the cost ofacquisition is very high.You get the lifetime valueof this client is quite low.Do you think this our energieswould be better servedif we find a differenttype of client?And then answer would be Yes.And then I'm done.OK, and now in thisparticular case,there's a different thinggoing on where you have kindof a bread and butter client.And then you havethe gold client,which is a bit of an unknownbut is more fulfillingin other right areas.Write the growth client, whichthey've had a small bit of,I don't think they could eventell me whether, you know,an easy kind of we spendthis much time acquiring.And we have this muchpotential to gainfrom a financial standpoint.It's a little bit more ofthis would be the type of workthat we would bethe happiest doing.And just to explain,this particular companyis kind of not really wantingto focus exclusively on.They get a little jumpyabout just talkingabout just making money.They're not they used to bein the financial space usedto be all about working withcompanies that could pay thema lot.And now they're smalland they kind of justwant to do what they want to do.That makes any sense.It sort of makes sense ifI'm hearing you correctly,they've asked for help and theydon't want to change at all.There is a littlebit of that going on.Yeah, OK.Yeah, maybe you should ask that.So you see, like everythingthat you think, don't save itfor a documentlater to tell them,have the courage to bring it up.So you can say this.What I'm hearingfrom you right nowis after doing someof these exercisesthat actually you thinknothing needs to change.If that's the case, Ithink I've just saved youguys a lot of money and time.Let's let's wrap this suckerup and I'll send you a bill.Yeah, except thiswas the them agreeingto do a practice round withme, so I couldn't really it.But like in real life, Yeah.Yeah you mean youcould say that?And that's fine.So here's the thing everybodywants different results,but they don't want todo anything different.So one of the quotes Ilike to start off with,which is a StephenCovey quote, Ithink he wrote 7 Habits ofHighly Effective People.And it says, if you wantwhat, you got to keep doing,what you're doing.That's it.It's something like that.Mm-hmm Well, I guessI feel like maybe I'm.Kidding myself of havingcake and eating it, too.I understand this is somebodywho spent a long time, workingwith very well paying clientsin a financial space thatcould pay very well,but is unfulfilled.He wasn't really doingwhat he wanted to do.So I think you canmake an argument for.Focusing on a dreamthat perhaps isn't.The most financiallylucrative dream.But doing it in a way thatyou don't go belly up, right?I mean.Well, this is theinteresting partbecause if you ask themto dance, all of themquestion is life is morethan just professional goals.There's personal goals.Right we don'twant to be workinguntil we're inthe ground and nothave any kind of fulfillmentbeyond just making money.Right, so you could askthe Dan Sullivan questionand see where you get with that.So he could say,look, you know what?Money is not my main motivatorin life at this point.I want to spend moretime with my family.I want to climb Everest.I want.So what's going to have tohappen in order for thisto take place?Well, we need to hire managers.I need to be able todelegate the work.OK OK, so what'sholding you backfrom achieving that right now?Well, I don't have thetime, resources or whatever,and you just go through itand eventually the answerwill come.Mm-hmm I'm like abloodhound, right,with the floppy ears,and the dog, right,so I'm sittinghere thinking, I'mnot going to stopuntil I get the truth.And you have to gothrough lots of layerswith some typesof people in orderfor you to get to the core.OK people give you a lot ofsuperficial, not well thoughtout answers, and I don'taccept those answers now.I don't do it in anunkind, mean-spirited way.I'm like, I'm hearing this,but what's driving that?OK OK, and then once youget there at some point,do you stop asking questionsand do you actually?Deliver any kindof an action listor when you begin theprocess, do you doyou set out an expectation of.Well, I'll show you, I'llprove it to you right now.OK OK.I can see there's a lot oflike, very tactical questionsright now, so I'mgoing to help you.Ok?what's the problem thatyou're having right now?What is it that you wantto accomplish in your lifethat you're not able to do?You're asking me, yeah,I'm asking you for real.OK, I'm looking toget new clients,specific types of clients.OK, well, what type of clientsyou use the word specific,but you were very unspecific.Well, I didn't knowif he wanted me to.Right now I have.Give me one smallproblem I can solve.OK, because I can't solveall of your life's problemon one call.Just give me one.Really?Yeah.I mean, two calls.I can it now.Give me, give me one smallproblem like an onboardingproblem, a negotiation problem.Just give me one smallproblem because otherwise I'dhave to spend 30minutes talking to you,and I have a lot moretopics to knock down.OK, I need to onboard a.Mid-size client in Chicagoin the health tech space.Is that specific enough?I don't know.Yeah how much does it mid-size,I don't know what size means.OK a 10 person.I guess that potentially what'sthe size of the engagementfor you besides engagement?OK Yeah.10,000 OK and whatwill you do for that?Branding and newbusiness presentation.I don't know what newbusiness presentation means.16 slide PowerPoint deck.Is that a pitchdeck, a pitch deck?Exactly yeah, theywould use that right?Mm-hmm OK basedon what you know,because I don't know anythingabout the health techspace in Chicagospecifically, or do theyneed desks to dopresentations quite often?Is there a lot of this demand?Yes and how do youknow that to be true?Because I've attendedevents and watcheda lot of lousy pitch decks?OK well, that's anassumption that because it'sugly and lousy, not lousy.OK, lousy is toogeneral unclear.But still, you're thejudge is unclear, right?I mean, strictly froma content standpoint.OK, let me rephrase.OK, hold on.I'm going to have to treatyou like a hostile witnessright now.OK so when you're sittingthere and the whole groupright watching thesepresentations and you're like,this is a lousy, it's unclear.Do you and everybodyelse in the audience?Does it get up and walk out andjust scream, this is stupid.Why should we wait, no.Have you have youwitnessed this?I've just witnessed people whokind of glaze over and don'ttake in, it's kind of likea lot of presentationstaking 10 pounds of poop andputting it in a five pound bag.That's that's OK, but I want toget to objective things here.OK, so I'm going to challenge.I don't necessarilydisagree with you,but I'm going to try and teachyou something right now, ok?So I'm going to tell everybodythat's watching this.This is not aboutJennifer and I.This is something thatyou guys can learn from.So I just want you to watch thekinds of questions I'm asking,the tone that I'm taking andwhere I'm going with thisand also Jennifer's reactionand her potential answers.OK there's a lot foryou to learn here.We didn't plan on this,but we're inadvertentlyrunning into roleplay module right now.Right OK.OK I just realizedsomething I wantto make sure my audio is comingin from the right microphonehere.Give me one second, you guys.I'm like, Oh my god,I've done this whole calland I've not checked my mic.Where's my microphone settings?Yeah, OK, cool.All right.So, Jennifer, I knowyou're not a mind reader.Because I know I'm not one.So to say that you can readthe back of people's headsto see what they'rethinking and notthinking, because if they'reall thinking this is a 10 poundbag of poop, pushthrough a five pound,I don't even knowwhat that analogy is.Oh, I know.I don't use that kind of.That's all within my vernacular.OK but you're pushing alot of poo through a bag.That's what I hear.Right so I've been atconferences before myself.Most times I'm facingthe speaker, so all I seeare backup heads.And then there areheads facing me.But I don't turnaround and look at thembecause it's awkward to lookat people like that right now.How is it thateverybody's go ahead?OK, I'm sorry to interrupt.I think I misspoke ondefinition of client.These are startup clients.Potential clients, therefore.The issue I see is that theyare not getting the fundingthat they need.And how do you know thatBecause I can look it upand I know where they are.And I can see the onesthat have gotten fundingand I can see whatthey look likeand how they're communicating.OK, so you are insome place whereyou see startupshave pitch decksand they're notgetting their funding.Mm-hmm Wow are you?Are you like aventure capitalist?I go to the presentationsthat are hopingto attract venture capitalists.Really?well, you have totalk to me about thatlater after this call, because Idon't know anything about that.OK, I get it.So there are startups that arepitching in the health techspace that are notgetting funding,and you can clearly seethat the result isn't there.So this has nothing to do withwhether it looks good or not.There's just theresults aren't there.That's very objective now.I love that part.OK, so it took us awhile to get there.OK, but you see, like onething that I'm doing now,I'm going to get a littlebit mad and step aside.I hope I'm not overexplaining things to everybodyis tuning in on this callis that I don't acceptyour answers at facevalue, and every time Ihear a subjective opinion,I'm going to challenge it.The role of facilitator isnot to sit here and just takenotes.It's really to make surethat you're being very clear.And so through a littleprodding and poking,you're able to actually tell mesomething that is totally true.They're not getting funding.OK, now they're not gettingfunding, possibly one or tworeasons right or three reasons.One, the economicclimate is suchthat investors are not thatloose to spend money to,they're not doing a good jobof articulating the valueand investmentopportunity, right?Or three.It's just a stupid idea.Mm-hmm Only one ofwhich you can solve.Right we accept that.Yes OK.So if we hear a good idea.Right, this is a good idea.Why didn't they get funding?Those are the kindof clients we wantto go after, so it'snot all of them,it's just a very specific typelike that was a bang up idea.They just did not do agood job of presenting,and now I want to talk to them.OK right.All right.So where's the challengefor you right now?The challenge ispresenting myselfas somebody worthwhileto talk to about that.Ah, here's the dilemma.Here's what I just heard youwant to help people present.You think you can helpthem present better?But you yourselfcannot present to them?Mm-hmm catch-22.Yes so if you go in and youpresent like a rock starand you're able toclearly articulatewhatever it is that youdo your elevator pitchso succinctly, they're like,Oh my god, Jennifer is amazing.We've got to work with herbecause she just sold us.If she can do whatshe does for, for usthat she does for herself.We're going to go, thisis going to be amazing.Mm-hmm OK so how can youput yourself in a positionwhere you're seeing as a greatcommunicator via PowerPointpresentation?With a track record, that'sa chicken or egg thing.Thinking that's just one way.OK, so I'm looking forgaps in how you guys right?So Jennifer says,I lack experience.OK, that's one, what else?How can you demonstrate this?Now I don't want tolook for the negative,I want to look for a positive.We can sit around all dayand all of us sit aroundand generate 1,000 ideas.While you're not good atwhat it is you want to door why you're not getting asmuch work as you want to get.But I want you to put yourselfin a future positive state.What do you need to do todemonstrate your expertiseand communicationvia powerpoint?What could you do?Well I do have experience withlarge corporate level decksand things like that,which you run into,you can't reallyshow those directly,but you can talkto them, so one waywould be to talkabout that experience.OK so I notice something.If I were to phrasethis questiontwo ways, one way I wouldget lots of answers for.And another way I getfew answers for it.And this is partof our problem, ok?If I were to ask youwhat's wrong right now,I'm pretty sure yourlist would be super deep.OK I've asked you, how couldyou solve this problem?The list gets super shallow.Would you agree ordisagree with me?Well, I agree it's harderto answer the second.Right?so if I were to help youfind lots of answers,don't you think this call wouldthen be very valuable to you?Sorry, say thatagain, if I helpedyou figure out abunch of answerson how to solveyour problem here,the specific problemwould be valuable to you.Yes right.And this is what you're goingto do for your clients, right?So we're going to sithere and we're goingto think about what we can do.Have you seenother people who'vedone a really good jobof getting this workand who are they?I have not seen alot, and there arepeople who out there who doat a very high level, I mean,like large you have NancyDuarte, comes to mind.But you know, she's kind ofat the she's the queen, right?And I have not seen a lot.Uh, most honestly, I feel likemost designers in the space,don't tend to.It's not a.It's not a thingthat tends to be.I don't know why I don't see alot of that's fine because it'sa very narrow group ofpeople who can do this workor they don't do a giant jobof publicizing, most likelybecause they can't publicizeany of the work they do.Right? all right.But here's the cool thing.The first thing Iwant you to do isto stop seeingyourself as differentthan any other human being.You have the same heart.You bleed the samecolor of blood.You have two eyes,a nose and a mouth.And I don't want youto put yourself everin a position where yousee somebody else issuperior to you.They may have done more things.They may haveaccomplished more things,but they're just anotherhuman being, just like you.OK, so that's onething that I don't everwant you to get into the habitof, which is excusing yourselfbecause you think somebodyis too far away from you.I never see it like that.That just means thereare more steps to take,but there are stepsthat I will take.Ok?what Nancy done?That is, establish herself asthe Queen Mother of this thing.Yeah what has she done?Oh, what is she doing?Yeah, there's a question.She very clearly articulatesit on her website.OK, so website what else?She does a lot ofthought leadership piecesand has transitioned.A lot of her work into teaching.How so?What evidence doyou have of that?Well, through herwebsite, again,it's beyond lookingfor particular clients,it's now come to us fora workshop will teach youhow to do this yourself.OK, so she does workshops.Yes OK, so I'm goingto help you justto expedite things that Ialready know the answer,and most times whenI ask the question,I already know theanswer to them, ok?She's done a Ted Talk.She's written atleast three booksthat I know of because Iown at least three of them.She's done multiple interviews.And she has a longand enviable listof clients she'sworked with, right?Right OK.And she's established herselfas the person to do this,so her branding is on point.Yes.Have you done anyof these things?No do you know whatthe problem is?What I need to domore of these things.Any one of those things?Mm-hmm And none of itrequires experience.Well, you could literally sitdown and write the top fivethings to make your PowerPointpresentation better,or you can just writean article about sittingin one of these venture capitalmeetings and just saying,here's the thing that Ikeep seeing happening.When people aretrying to get funding,they commit thesethree Cardinal sins.Mm-hmm You canestablish yourselfas an expert in this space.You could go outthere and give tipsand you can teach whatit is that, you know.And then you justbecome the expert at it.I don't know how manypeople in this space,me especially wouldhave even knownwho Nancy Dougherty wasunless you did that, Ted Talkright in that Ted talk.I don't think she mentionsa single presentation she'sdesigned.Right just observations.Right true.What's holding youback, jennifer?confidence.Organization organizingmy thoughts into I'vetaken some runs at tryingto organize and writearound this subject.And it's well, it's justdifficult to come upwith this sort of succinct.It's one thing to have a goodidea of how to do something.It's another thing to be ableto explain it to somebodyelse in a succinct manner.OK therein lies the problem.The thing that you want to doand get paid a lot of moneyto do.You're not quite surethat you can actually do.You want to helpother people come upwith a clear, succinct messagingand to articulate that clearlyand a dynamic, powerful way?But you yourselfaren't able to do that.So what you need to do is toacquire the skills in orderto be able to do that.Have you read all ofthe Nancy's three books?I have not.No do you own the three books?I've got them on the waitinglist for the library.I don't own them.OK The relatively inexpensiveyou buy them through Amazon.You live in America, right?Mm-hmm Yeah so they'resuper cheap, girl.Yeah so is the library is free.OK, but they'reon a waiting list.I don't have time.I don't have time to waste.Yeah, Yeah Follow here.All right.OK, if you needto, I'll give youpermission to cancel yoursubscription right nowand get away from the programand buy those three books.So you can have theknowledge that you need.So here's what I'm hearing.I going to sum itup for you, and if Iwere to write this out, itwould be super clear for you.There would be an actionplan, and I would say oneby these three books to watchNancy's talk again and writean outline of whatthe talk looks like.And you can start to giveyour own talk in your own way.Ok?and immediately applyeverything you learn ASAP.So however, you have toscrape two nickels togetherif you have to doa lemonade stand.Oh my God.Jennifer's lemonade stand.So she can buy three booksand she set out her life.I'll have my son do that.That's a great idea.Somebody needs to do thiskind of work for mom.All right.Somebody else, youneed to do this.So I've said this many timesbefore success leaves cluesas the gym quote.Here's a super successful personwhy we haven't broken themdown, I have no idea.Maybe because we put themso far up on a pedestalthat we don't evendare to approach them.See, I'm cocky enough.I'm arrogant enough tothink I can be anythingthat I want to be.And there's a quote, whether youbelieve you're right or wrong,you're right.Or something likethat, whether you thinkyou can or can't, you're right.Yeah, right.So you somehow have eliminatedthat as a possibility.You don't have clarity on whatit is that you need to do.Therefore, you cannot putan action plan in place.So that's what you need to do.This is very attainable, ok?Because I saw Nancy,she's not a supermodel,and she stumbledthrough her presentationand I didn't love hermetaphors in her storiesthat the poster shop right.I've read her books andI get it pretty good,but they're notfreaking amazing, right?So she's very muchimmortal, and I'mpretty sure if I throwa spear, she will bleed.Pretty sure.So why we do these thingswhere we put ourselves downor put somebody else up?I do not know.The gap is clear.It's much smaller than youthink, but what you have to dois you have to putthought into action.Everybody wants somethingthey don't have,but they're not willing todo what they haven't done.And that's what you need to do.OK all right.Clear OK.Yes I don't want to talkto you again, Jennifer.OK, you have a frigginread those book.That's the cheapest form ofeducation I can think of.You kick your sonout of the houseif you can't go gethim on the books.All right.He's on the street.You got to just do it.I see things behind you.I see CDs.I see books.You're saying they'refrom like the 90s.Really?sell them all.Sell them all.Whatever you got to do.See OK.All right.Time out.OK, we're done now.Thank you.OK, now I want tosay some things here.Don't say a couple of things.One, I have no expertisein presentation design.I know nothing about the healthtech space in Chicago, startupscene and venture capitalists.I don't need anyof that knowledge.I don't even need to bean expert about Jennifer.Jennifer alreadyknows the answers,but the thing is she'snot willing to dowhat needs to bedone, and that'swhat I do as a facilitator.That's what I do as acoach and a consultant.That's what you should be doing.Now that I've talked enough, I'mgoing to take a drink of waterhere.I want to open itup to questions.Can I see some commentshappening in the peanut galleryin the chat window here?So let's open it up.Let's have a discussion,and then we'regoing to move onto the next thing.Yes, so, Chris, youmentioned talkingthere that puttingup the content,putting out the your expertise,doing some talks and whatnotlike that, OK, so like if youcould go down a specific pathbecause you mentionedearlier, I'mgoing to try to become the I'mgoing to be the expert as quickas I can.All right.We're to make it happen.So what would be your path like?OK, you're going into somethingyou know, nothing about.Like we just mentionedthe tech startups, right?OK, so you want to becomethe expert in this space?How would you go about doing it?I want to be an expert atwhat being a tech startup?Well, you know, venturecapitalists and tech startups.The thing you weresaying that youdidn't know much about here.Let's just say you wereinterested in that spaceand you wanted to becomethe expert in that space.What will you do toestablish yourselfas the expert in that space?OK, OK, Chris, you're askinga very broad question.I think, OK, I don't.I don't actually desire tobe an expert at anything.I want to be an expertat asking questionsand be a greatlistener and helpingpeople achieve their goals.That's what I want for myself.Right, right.What Jennifer wantedto do was to beperceived as an expert,presentation designer.And actually, smithers,who's part of this group,is already a part ofthat space, right?And she's doing quite well.So that's somebodyyou should definitelyconnect with Jennifer.All of the look for andeverything that I try to dois, who's doing thisreally well right nowbecause somebody is doingit when I meet peoplein developing countries likeit's really hard to get it.You don't understand theculture and the people.I'm like, are youtelling me there'snobody that's successfulin this country?There are no I'mnot saying that.So why do you make anexception for yourself?Like I was in Egypt,right in Cairo,and I know of a veryfamous Egyptian designer.His name is Karim Rashid.Yeah, he thoughtafter in the world.So you're telling meEgyptians can't make iton the global stage thatthey can't be known?That's not true.You're telling me there areno successful entrepreneursin the creative space.That's not true.So people have a tendency tomake exceptions for themselves.They excuse themselves fromdoing what needs to be done,so study the peoplewho are alreadysuccessful in this space.Find somebody.And then break it down,because, like I said,success leaves clues.All you have to do is bewilling to look at it.Now let's say you're not asanalytical and dorky as I am,where you can see somethingand break it down that fast.That's totally OK.Like I've seen Nancy, Idon't know what to do, Chris.I can't figure it out.Well, what you can do is youcan ask a friend to help,or you can hire acoach and say, Iwant to do what Nancy is doing.Help me out and pay for it.Now, of course, ifshe can't afford,Jennifer, can't afford the $3 ordoesn't want to pay for the $3.There's no way she canafford a consultant,so we have to make theinvestment in ourselvesto achieve what itis that we want.It's not going tohappen by magic.So you find a way.

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