Welcome old and new.This is call number 99 zero,and this is an open agenda call.So what I like to do isto start to write downsome of the key things youguys want to talk about.OK, and then we'll jump.Oh, I probably shouldspell agenda, right?There we go.Open agenda call.So this is a slate, so youguys help me monitor thisbecause I can't run thekeynote and watch you guysat the same time.Let's put up sometopics on the board now,I know from reading thechat yesterday that.You guys want to do someobjections, but not from fans.Well, I don't evenknow what that means,but we'll talk aboutthat a little bit.Not from fans or.I don't know peoplewho are too compliant.So I need to know whatthose objections are.OK, so we're goingto figure this out,you guys want todo some role play.I'm happy to do that.I'm happy to practicewith you guys.And hopefully giveyou some experiencein dealing with problemsbefore you actuallyhave to deal withthem with a client.This is the martial art studio,this is us in training campbefore you guys areup for the big fight.We have to roll, wehave to do the roadwork,we have to do allthat kind of stuff.So that we're prepared.OK, so who's got some topicsI want to throw on the board?We'll spend a fewminutes listing them outand we'll prioritizeand we'll tackle them.I got one, Chris.OK so I can't see you.So you just say yourname and then tell mewhat you want to talk about.Go ahead.It's Tom, and Ijust want to talkabout employees leaving thecompany and kind of replacingand kind of everythingaround that turnover.Yeah OK, beautiful.I got one here, too,Chris, by the way.Who's this?Mustafa Kirkcaldy from Detroit.Hey, Mustafa, how you doing?All right?How do you transitionfrom mom and pop to momand pop shop type clients togetting bigger clients whoneed a lot more work to gain?OK, let's put a financialbenchmark on the board here.When you do find mom and popshops, what range of budgetsare you talking about?Like 1,000 to like 10.So you're talking about nowjust above 10k, K and above.Yeah OK.Good next.This is MikeDishman, I just wantto know after you makea piece of contentthat you spent alot of time on, howdo you make it work foryou as best as possible?How do you spread itaround and chop it upand get people to see it?So repurposing your content?You ask youquestions or Michael.I'm really sorry about that.Do you want to talk abouthow to repurpose content?Or do you want to talkabout how to see contentso more people see it?And so when people see it, ok?Great, excellent.Who else?Hey, Chris, this is Hugo.How are you today?Good, good.Hi, Hugo.How are you?I have a question.How do you convertstrangers into warmer leads?OK in person online.Online?OK, I know how not to do it.We'll talk about that.Thank you.hi, Chris, this is Adrian.I have a quick question, andit's based on my experience,so could I tell you what?No, just the question or topic.Don't tell me your experience.How do you explain?How do you explain?How do you sell strategyto a large companywhen they don't really knowwhat strategy is, nor realizethey didn't really need it?And they have to come to theconclusion that, Oh yeah,actually, we need that.No problem.This is an easy one.We've done this so I cantackle this one super fast,and we don't need to put theadditional information in,like how to sell strategyto large companiesbecause all companiesneed strategy.The question is cancharge more or less,depending on how important thecompany perceives it being OK.Right so the problem was that Imet with the CFO, not the CEO.So am I also was talkingto the wrong person,not anybody in the c-suite.Should, should work.Anyway, the decisionmaking level will work.You will not workwith the art director.What?I don't have the authority, Idon't think this is important.I'm just concerned about myjob and don't make extra workfor me.OK OK.All right.I have one.Go ahead.I heard a male voice firstin the female male voice.Go first.It's me.How do you approach clientsthat have bad experienceswith other designersor strategies?Well, that's aneasy one to you wantto talk to people whohave had bad experiences?Ok?and who is the other personwho is going to say something?Is korina?Hi, Hi Karina.I want to talk aboutniche and positioningand also how to define thebest services for that niche.OK, so you got twoquestions for me, right?They connect with, yeah,let's just start with the onethat you want to know.Nice OK, now form thatinto a question or a topicor statement.OK, I want to define myniche and to understandif it's too narrow or wide.Perfect OK, that's nota question, but OK.No, no, that's good.I get that because youcan see my screen right?Yes, Yes.That sounds likewhat you wanted.Yes OK, thank you.Yeah, I'll take a couple moreand we're in a good grooveright now.It's almost so far away.This is Zach.Hi my question, or it'sreally just a statementor is the question.I'm looking to get tips forwebsite copy, for our site,for our agency site.So how to write bettermarketing copy for our site?Some tips on it.Right how to write marketingcopy for your site?Yeah, beautiful.OK, I'll take a couple more.Go ahead.Whoever is that?Go ahead.Go hey, Chris, this is Angel.How are you?Hi, angel.Hey so I just want sometips on scaling down insteadof an agency model to bemore of a solopreneur.So just transitioningfrom agency down work.All right, next.Hey, Chris.OK, well, Thanks.Chris, what is yourthoughts on howto make the strategy session?Not monotonous, less monotonous?OK Thanks.Mm-hmm OK that'sa loaded question,and I'm glad you askedit because I've neverhad a monotonousstrategy session,ever, so we're goingto unpack that and why?Why would you think it's thatand why your clients thinkit's that ok?And hopefully wecan answer that.Ok? there was anothervoice in there.Go ahead.Yeah, it's me.How do you get to knowyour customer if you don'thave clients from your niche?I mean, how do youget to know them?Yeah, it does me.How to get to knowyour customer.Yeah from your niche, if youdon't have clients from it.OK, how to get to know yourcustomer if you're new?Yeah, OK.Thanks awesome.OK, I'll take one morewho's got the last one?Anybody?I want to have a question.OK, you got in there.Go ahead.So let's say you'reinterested in.The Fluentd agent model.What are some strategiesfor promoting your quoteunquote team yourfluid team online priorto any kind oflike call or like,you're an opportunity toexplain why the fluid agencymodel is a benefit.Beautiful OK, here'swhat I'm going to do.I'm going to switch overto the light table modeand we can look atthe questions here.I think this is the maximumI can Zoom in on it,so I'm going to hide this part.I forgot to mention onething at the top of the showor at the top ofthe call, which isthis is I wouldjust encourage youguys all not to log in early.The first person who logs insets the size of the recording.I didn't know this, so Ihave a 5 to 5 k monitors.So when I start, thefiles are ginormous,which is what we want.But if you come in and you'reon a really low resolutionmonitor, whoever's first ina zoom, it starts recording.So it starts recording yourscreen essentially, right?So then the last few, the lastone I had to upload the screenwas all wonky insize and proportion.So that's why you guys aredealing with the Black barsat the top and the bottom.Now So I'm justgoing to say, if youwant to get an early,make sure you'reon a really highresolution displaybecause that sets therecording for everybody, ok?All right.So we have somethings on sales, wehave some things on positioningand some things on strategy.So the first thingthat I'm goingto do, I'm going to do this withyou guys in real time is I'mgoing to group things together.We want to cluster activities.It's a much moreefficient way to work.OK, so that's kindof what I saw.So first thing I'm going todo is I'm going to do sales.And I'm going todo this in bold.And I'm going tochange the background,and if you guys have anyquestions about how I'm workingor what I'm doing, just let mebe more than happy to tell youwhat's up.These are two.There we go.So do sales.And some of theseobviously overlap strategy.And then you have positioning.Did you guys hear any otherkind of general topic?So now objections.This is definitelyprobably in sales.Employee turnover, thisis management, then.Since some, somepeople don't likethe word management will alsorefer to this as leadership.There's the difference.So a lot of go there.Get bigger clients.That's going to mean sales.If you guys disagree or you'relike, hey, hey, not so fast,let's move that over thereinstead, just speak up, ok?How to see content for moreviews, sales and marketing?Well, how to doslasher because Idon't want too many categories.It's not like we have agazillion things to talkabout when you're given thesemethods, their general methodsabout how to sell in thecreative field, correct?They're not specific toa graphic design niche.Yes, you, Mustafa,you're new here.Yeah, this is my first time.Oh, excellent.Well, welcome to theWelcome to the group.Anyway, we're going tobe doing is we addressthese things in the macroview and then the micro view,depending on whoneeds what, and you'regoing to find that quickly.We're a very diversegroup from allover the world in different timezones, different skill sets.Some have, some arestill in school.Some have been workingfor 2021, 30 plus years.So you'll see, OK.All right.How to convert strangersinto warm leadsthat would go into sales.It's not a sales strategy,well, the words there,but since we're a littlelacking on the strategy part,we'll put that there.Ok?which clients who've hadbad experience in sales?Almost all of your questionsseem to be in sales,find and define your niche.That's in positioning howto write marketing copyfor your site.It's probably positioning.Scaling down, that's probablyover here in management.How to make strategy sessions.OK, that's definitely here.How to get to know yourcustomer if you were new,where would thisfit maybe strategy?It's a UX issue, probably, but.How to promote fluid agency.I believe that'sprobably in sales, too.All right.So now let's look at this again.So now we have chapter breakshere, and from time to time,I will share withyou guys what'shappening on the meta moment,so I'm talking to you guysat real time.I know taking, I'morganizing, I'm alsoclarifying and summarizingwhat it is that you guys want.And I'm also hopefully.Intelligently groupingand clustering activities,and then I'm going toget buy in from you guys.It seems like thepredominant topicsare clustered around sales andmarketing just by the volume.We can see that probably morethan 70 percent, around maybe50 percent, 60% are on sales.Next up is strategy andthen management leadershipand then positioning.I guess those are a toss upbecause they have to each.OK, does this soundabout right to you guys?You guys want me to diveinto sales and marketing?OK Yup.All right.So I'm going to stopthe screen share nowbecause I've taken the notes.We have agreement and I'm goingto now just talk to you guys.
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