Somebody out there rightnow is looking for you.Do you guys believe mewhen I say that somebodyout there needsyour help right nowand they're willing to paytop dollar for that help?The biggest problemis they don'tknow who the hell you are.Because you've made it verydifficult for them to find you.Let me get into this.This is how I'mwriting my chapterof the first book or the firstchapter of the book, whichis how to get known.Your website haspoor SEO when theyget there, it'shorribly put togetherand they can't clearlyand quickly understandwhat it is that you do.You talk too muchabout yourself and notabout what you do for yourcustomers or your clients,and therefore they're gone.So first of all, they can't findyou on Google, but by chance,by random, dumb luck.They find you and your websiteand it's not what they want.So they bounce, sothey go and hirethe person thatyou want to become.So the easiest way Iknow how to do thisis to study the personyou wish to become.They're clearly visible,they're clearly well known.That's why of themFollow their footsteps,and if you thinkwhat, that's lame,I'm just ripping offsomebody else's template,well, then you could trysome other inventive waythat I've not heard of before.You can try out thereally hard way.So it's good to go to events,but what we have to dois have a clear goal,what are we trying to do?So Jennifer's goal whenshe goes to these eventsis I want to hearwhat people aretalking about sothat I can formulatea more personal email.So I'm doing reconnaissance.I'm researching mypotential prospects.So we want to be veryfocused on our efforts.I believe in the long game, too.I just want to make surethere's a good sound strategybehind it.OK, so you first have torecognize somebody outthere is looking for you.Who are those people?Where are they congregating?And who is currentlyserving them right nowwith a little bit of research.I'm going to talk, I'mtalking about like two daysworth of work.I believe you can findall these answers.Now, should you see one ofthe companies that's doingwhat it is that you want to do?What should you seeone of their ads?That's good news for you.Click on their fricking ad.Photo, which we'll call itscreen capture their ads,go to the landing page, gothrough the entire salesfunnel.So that you can seefirsthand how they do it.And then create anoutline from thatand then write your own frickin'copy and create your own imagesand create your ownvalue proposition.But the template is there.Like when we went to createan overhaul, our Academysite for the future.Who do we look at what welooked at master class?They do a masterful jobof putting it together.I don't want toreinvent the wheel.So if very like valueprop image here,whatever it is thatthey do, we aregoing to value prop and chair.We're going to dothe same thing.Because if the market leaderand everybody understands this,I don't want them tolearn a new language.I want to make it really easy.OK, so if the personthat you want to becomeis speaking on stage,you have to ask yourself.Why aren't I speaking onstage, what do I need to learn?Who do I need to become sothat somebody in a positionto put me on stage?We'll see the same thing.Years ago, I made a pointbased on some encouragementfor my business coach here togo and become a public speaker,and I have to tell you, I'mlight years from where I was.Back in the early days.You make the intention, you setthe goal, you take the steps,you do, the work that's needed.So that you're out infront of everybody.Now is there somebodyin this groupwho is like, yeah, thatdoesn't apply to me,I want to hear from you.Come on, guys.Step up, so.So I'm not sure,I'm not sure that Iwould say thatdoesn't apply to me,but the way that I lookat it with the blade,innsbruck, with thewind without pitching,Brooke is that you want peopleto be coming to you, right,as opposed to going to them.So that's kind of whatholds me back from,you know, from wanting to docold calling or cold emailingor that type of thing muchmore having people come to me.I know one thing thatI definitely need to dois I need to changeup my website.I'm looking at thisweek because I rankrank number one for social mediaScotland, things like that.So that's positive.But that holds me back fromgoing and approaching peoplebecause I want ifI'm going to them,it makes it more difficult,then I'm selling to them, right?I want them to buy fromme, not sell to them.Yeah OK, Andrew, I want toaddress a couple of things.There are very fewpeople in this group.That are actuallyskilled enough thathave that kind ofmental fortitudeto be that cold callsales kind of person.And I only a handful in thisgroup and only one of themcomes to my mind rightnow is Aaron Pearson.Aaron Pearson is a guy.We pick up the phone like,hey, what's going on?Let's do business here.Let's have lunch.He's that kind of person.So I think the rest of usshy unicorns in the corner.Are fantasizing aboutbecoming Aaron Pearson,it's like, I want someoutbound strategy, Chris.Tell me how to do coldemails and do you know what?I don't know ifyou have it in you.I don't have it in me.And if you want to be seen as anexpert, you can't chase people.You've got to doinbound marketing, whichis quite different.So one is pushing stuff outand one is pulling people in.What can you create?That's a magnet for peopleto start to think of you.So Andrew must be doingsomething right on SEO.He must be producing something.But like I say before, thereason why I think all of youare here is becauseof some effortof some inbound pieceof content that we'vecreated in the future.It could be a PDF, a template,a course, a video, somethingmaybe you see mespeak somewhere?Andrew did.So I'm making it easyfor you to find me.And that's the thingthat is differentthan you approaching a stranger,tapping them on the shoulder.Hey, tell me about yourbusiness, by the way.I sell this.Would you like to buy?That's a verydifficult thing to do,and I personally am notskilled at doing that.I don't even want to do that.So what I try to do iscreate as much noise and buynoise, any content that otherpeople find to be valuable.So I'm top of mind.So that people who havenot spoken to in decadesreach out to me.I'll give you anexample right now.Give me an example.Two years ago or yeah, Ithink it's two years ago,I was flying back fromLas Vegas after neband I was doing acouple of talks there.I'm sitting in theairport lounge, right?And I got my laptopout, my bags everywhere.I'm just writingsome notes because Ifeel inspired to update mydeck right after the talk.I'm like, oh, I couldhave done this better.I want to tweak this.I'm sitting there andthis gentleman walks byand as he's walking by, hekind of looks like this me.And he's not a youngman, he's got like,shocking like white hair.It is like, Oh my God.I'm sorry to bug you.I'm a huge fan.My girlfriend and I watch theshow and the design directorat this agency, andwe work on x, y and z.I'm like, wow, we'rea 500 person agency.We have multipleoffices, everything.And he's like, I don'tmean to bother you,shake hands and everything.That's cool.I smile.He walks away.Few minutes later comes back.I know this is super geeky,can I get a selfie with you?I'm like, sure, let'sdo it rock and roll.We do the picture right.I've been in touch withhim every couple of months.Not like long emailsor long conversations.Just little thingshere and there.Um, I think a month and a halfago, he reached out to me,this is two years ago,OK, so a month and a halfago reaches outto me, says Chris.This a project anda woman consultant,and she has something and wecan't take it on as agency.It's a conflict of interest.I think you should talk to her.He sets it up.So Ben and I are having theseconversations, the meeting.It's a million job.It's a million job.I don't know ifwe're going to do it,I don't know if we're right.Then things were right, andhe things were going to do,but I'm not alwaysthat optimistic.The point of what I'mtelling you is all of thishappens because I've made iteasy for people to find us.Hopefully to someof them are likable.I know I'm notlikable to everybody.I get that and I'm OK with that.All right.So we're knowledgeable,sometimes likable,and we're consistentwith putting out contentso that peopleremember who we areand know what it is that we do.I've had calls andmeetings with peoplewho just I think webooked 101 120,000 websiteassignment recently.And the guy who met with me, hesaid, Chris, you're the expert.I'm like, Oh god, really shoot?I don't know where yougave you that impression,but cool, I'll take itif you say so, I'm notgoing to challenge that.So a lot of you guysare sitting there like,how is it the worldgoing to know about you?You've made it verydifficult. It'salmost like youdeliberately planto sabotage your own career.You should be out therewriting you shouldbe out there producing content,either in video form, long formarticles or doingpublic speaking.You need to be out there.Get in front of the peoplethat are in the positionto hire you.That's the bestadvice I can give you.So now I'm going to take astep back and ask you guysthis question.Ramsey is joining us.How many people are workingin their inbound gameright now besides bonnie?Besides buying,because I know she'sworking on it all the time,she's obsessed about her.I was just aboutto add somethingand you're like, what areyou going to say, bonnie?Well, I was going to say that myjourney with crystal because Iwas at a point wherephotography is getting boring,just done with where I'mat, I'm like ready to scaleand all this stuff.And I stumble upon an articleabout his book camera thing,and I'm like, who isthis Asian guy right now?I'm just like researching,researching and listeningto podcasts on my all right.He's legit and just wantedto get into the program,really just wantto see what they'redoing, like learn from him.Like, just likewhat he was sayingabout looking atother people's site.But that's why I'm like, I'dpay to get them here to like,learn on the secret from you.Yeah, which ended upbeing like, I learn a lotand I continue to stay here.But I think whenI, someone startednoticing my social media andI didn't want to mention,I just want to behiding in the corner.I'm like, I'm justsecretly learning from him,like, don't let me,don't let him see me.But somehow someonefound me and thentagged him like, hey, youshould get her on your show.And then when he asked meto get on the YouTube show.And I was really freakingout, why shouldn't Iget questioned by krystal?But yeah, just say Yes.Anything, even someonelike a small social media,like someone with a smallblock with like five followers,I still say Yes tothose interview.Are you going tomeet them in person?It's just constantlygetting myself out there.And I think now, because of theYouTube interview with Christo,I instant overnight gainlike 1,000 followersand continue togain new followersand then getting questions beingasked by this younger audiencethat I didn't even get before.So it's like, I think myjourney was that, yeah,even at this stage, beingin business for so long,I still have toconstantly put out contentand being above the water.Otherwise, there's somany people come inand there's so manyphotographers like,I can't compete likeI don't even want to.I don't have time to compete.So, Bonnie, there'sa couple of thingsI want to share withyou guys, and I'mglad that you shared the story.So here's the thing BonnieBonnie's already successful.She's well established,is millionsof followers onsocial media, and yetshe still has this curiosity.She's always thinkinglike, what's next for me?Where do I evolveas a human being?Because some of this stuff,after you do it a while,it does get repetitiveand sometimes boringfor some of us, right?And so she infiltrated ourgroup because somethingrandomly caught her eyebecause I made it easy for her.And other peoplelike her to find us.So she infiltrates thegroup as a total spy,and then she's outed and she'slike, who's this body girl?Like, Oh my god, she'sgot this following.You can't hide.And then she has thecourage to come on her show.And I know becausewe chat a little bit.She was nervous.She didn't want to.There's all thesereasons, right?Whatever we don't want tobe on the show, it's five.You can't take anything back.And will she say too much?Say too little?And right now, herlive stream alreadyhas 25,000 views, which is abig number for a live streambecause live streamsare very longand most people don'twant to watch that.So as a consequence,she says she'spicked up 1,000 new followers.But I imagine over time that'sgoing to get to 100,000 viewsbecause I can tell, likewhen a video deliverson its value and notthe host, but the guestis likeable people will watch.And she gave like really adifferent, very tactical adviceon what you need to do.And so that kind ofshook up a lot of people,and that's super cool.And hopefully verysoon Bonnie and Iare going to do acourse together.So she's going to create apassive recurring revenuemodel for herself,which is goingto be fantastic for all of us.We all win.So there's a lot tolearn from Bonnie,even though she'ssuccessful, even though shecan pretty much, I think,cruised into the last partof her career.She's not going tosettle for that.She's she's looking for moreand she's willing to do it.And I'm super thrilledthat she actually came on.The show had lots ofthings to contribute,and that was a very successfulepisode because there's stilla ton of people watching it.And eventually, when we cutthem down into bit-sized pieces,she'll get even more knownbecause those are a lot easierfor people to consume.So good job, Bonnie.Thanks for sharing.I'm going to turn over to.J, what do you got from me, man?Hey, Chris.So kind of a touching backon what you said before,I think and it's notreally a question, justkind of maybe moresome advice on it.I think the thingthat I strugglewith the most is kindof like seeing people'spatterns or journeys andwhat they're doing on socialand putting themselves out thereand just having a hard timefeeling like it's like ickyto just like duplicate it.If that makes any sense, likejust it feels kind of weirdand like for me, it's like Ihave this feeling like they'regoing to track me down and killme as I walk out of my housesomeday or something like that.So maybe if you couldjust touch on that,that might be a little extreme.But just touch onthat a little bitand maybe kind ofguiding past that.OK, first thing is, Thanksfor asking that questionand probably voicingwhat a lot of peoplefeel but aren't sayingon a technical note,for some reason, yourmicrophone super staticky.I can just hear like this snap,crackle and pop the whole time,but I heard you clearly.So he's like, is that wrong?Doesn't it feeltotally slimy for usto just rip off otherpeople's models?Maybe I have noissue with it at all.And let's just talk about thisbecause you guys have heardme rail against this idea thatto think that your original isarrogant and ignorant, right?You've seen thattweet from me and it'slike, what is original anyways?And would you ratherget work, be knownand live a fulfilled lifeand be able to providefor you, your family andgenerations to come, hopefully?Or would you rather be thisoriginal guy who gets no work?I don't know.So when we takeEnglish class, welearn about composition,the topic sentence,supporting sentencesand a paragraph.The formulas, when wetake a cooking class,it's here's the recipe.Here's what you do.There's a step, step by stepinstruction for everythingin our life.If you want torepair a car, they'regoing to teach you this way.If you want to learn math, theystart with the fundamentals.Whole numbers, fractions,division integers, whatever.They just get into allthat kind of stuff.It's a formula.Think there's something aboutthe creative human being whosays I'm so differentor she says,I am just radicallyunlike anything elsein the whole fricking world.I don't think that tobe true, even cubism.Was co-invented byPicasso and George Brock,but Picasso gets the lion'sshare of inventing cubism.It's interesting to peoplehappening at the same time,so it becomes a movement.So I'm telling youright now the waythat your competitor talks toyour potential dream client,you need to understandsomething from them.It's successful.Figure out that formula.There is a reason why athletesand coaches review the tapethe day after the game.They want to see what theydid well, what they did poorlyand fix those problems.But they also want to see whatthe other teams are doing welland what they did, Paula and usethat as a learning opportunity.You are not rippingoff their images,you're not rippingoff their exact copy,you're looking at theirstructure, the tone,and that's what you're stealing.And if you thinkabout it right now,if you go and look on the webat any successful website,you can quickly pick out thatthey're probably universallyabout six different templatesthat everybody is using.Are they being sleazy orare they being dishonest?I don't think so.It's just because aftera while, human beingshave figured out this isthe six best ways for usto serve up content.Why are there?Why is it a three coursemeal, not an 18 course meal?Why are there three meals a day?It's because this isconvention, and it's OK.It's OK to follow that kindof convention just populatedwith content that'srelevant to you.And if we want to talk moreabout this icky feeling,we just got to get over it.Some people feel horribletalking about money.They feel like it's sleazyto talk about money toor to charge more thanwhat it costs them to make.If that's your mindset, wehave to have a whole mindsetconversation, and thereare a lot of thingsthen that we're goingto have to undo.I'll give you one morequick example, right?When when I wasteaching at art center,quite oftentimes I wouldpresent an idea or conceptor a critique forthe student to try.And then it lookedI mean, they'rescratching your head like,wow, that seems so obvious whenyou said it.I didn't know we could do that.That's almostalways the response.I didn't know we wereallowed to do that, Ididn't know that was an option.And then I would ask them.Well, who told youthat was not an option?Did I tell youthat's not an option,did I eliminate that possibilityfrom you by saying you cannotmix two typefaces or youcannot connect images thatdon't necessarilybelong together?No so what teacher atthis school told you that?I don't know.OK who in your lifehas told you this rule?And then they can'tfigure it out.So there are theseself-imposed rulesthat we accept to be true, thatwe're making lots of decisionson.That we never evenstop to think.Is this piece ofinformation true?Does this piece of informationhelp me or hurt me?And then they justassume it's always true.So ask yourselfthis question, jay,who told you you can'tlook at successful peopleand emulate whatsuccessful people do.Well, on the contrary.There are hundreds of books.One of them is called 7 Habitsof Highly Effective People.We actually have a culture ofstudying successful people.Isn't that weird, soin the literary world,there are tons ofbooks that break downwhat successful people do.Think and grow rich,there's tons of them,I have them right behind me, youcan't see them with all their.So what's holding us back?Why maybe you're doing itfor the good of the groupand you don't actually believeit, but if you do believe it,I'm just curious why doyou feel like it's not ok?To look at what successfulpeople have done.And then emulatesome part of that.I don't mean to rip off.I mean, to borrow the framework,the structure, the cadence,the vibe, theenergy, that's fine.Not literally copy andpaste, because that'scalled plagiarism.Yeah, I think and I don'tdisagree, I just think to me,it's like it almost feels alittle inauthentic, like I'llflip through Instagramand stuff like thatand you watch the like hundredsof 1,000 Gary V imitators.And to me, you see some of this.And it just feels like almostlike you see the tactic of it.And that feels kind of weird,like you see it as a tacticand you feel like they're lazy.No, not at all.I don't think that at all.What is it?I don't know.Maybe, maybe unoriginal, but Ireally can't just pinpoint it.I mean, it just feelslike seeing the tactic.You almost kind of recognize it.It's almost like peekingbehind the current,I guess, a little bit.And that's the thing, ok?But I also feel more mysterious.Yeah but I also likeinternally recognize that like,not everybodyrecognizes the tactics.So it's like, OK, that'skind of my struggle.It's just like, like knowingwhat needs to be donebut feeling kindof like a imposter,I guess, for doing itis kind of the thing.Let's talk about this.Yeah how did youlearn how to talk?Well, probably from myparents, but I can't remember.Right, right.Because what they would do islike a B And what would you do?You emulate it?Yeah at dog.So that's how we learn.We emulate.So there's a lot of people likeGary V is doing an awesome job.I'm going to startto emulate that.I studied comics,stand up comedians,and I emulate them too.So there's a littlebit that they do,and I borrow from this personI borrowed from that person,and I want to be veryclear about something here.None of the ideas that Ihave are my own 0% of themare my own.I read books, I talk topeople, I borrow all the time.I'm mixing and smashingthem all together,and I believe you'rehere and you're giving megood money that you'veworked hard to earnto be part of this group.Would you do that?If I'm being inauthentic orwhatever it is, I'm doing?And I freely admit when I tellyou like success leaves clues.I tell you, it'sJim Rowan's idea.I just read his book.I'm making no bones about whereI'm getting my material from.I literally go up onstage, I do a talkand then I tell the people,I just read that bookon the flight over here, andhere's who you need to look upand if you like this idea.So what I've done isI've saved people time.I've gone throughI've read things,I've curated the content,I've distilled it downand explain it in the waythat I am able to explain it.And people find value in that.And that's 100 percent, OK.Now the reason why Iread Jim Rowan's bookis this because I wasreading Brian Tracey's bookthe power of self confidence.I was listening toTony Robbins and Iwas watching Jack Canfield.All these people.They all reference Jim Rohn.So eventually, I'm like, wow, Ijust took a step back and said,so in grant Cardone, all theseguys, all these business,motivational guys, even GaryVee, he references Jim Rohn to.All they were able to do isto regurgitate the informationfiltered through theirlens of their personality,and they're able to build ahuge audience and followingand therefore convertthat into personal wealthjust through their style.Now, Jim Rohn wasn'teven the adventureof what he thought he learnedit from a guy named EarlScheib or something like that.That's probably not the same,I don't remember his name.Does a car salesman, I think.But he learned itfrom his mentor,but his mentor didn'twrite any books.So that knowledge wouldhave died with his mentorunless he wrote the book,and then he started to speak.So what we're saying isthere are no new ideas.Ideas are justbeing regurgitatedand they appear to be newbecause the vessel whichis being delivered appearsnew to us or the wrapper.The technology wrapper thatappears in makes it new.It's just a combinationof old things.Over and over again.So my business coachwould often tell meit's like, Chris, there'snothing new here, man.There is nothing new.At the end of the day, you haveto go get clients and clientsneed a problem solver.You need to answer that.They need to know who you are.Once they workwith you, you haveto give them greatcustomer service,and that's how businessis done, and youhave to arrive at a price thatfeels fair to both parties.Otherwise business is not done.So there are formulas,there are rules,there are thingsthat we're all doing.And when you digdeep enough, you'llfind that everybody'sborrowing from somebody else.And I don't begrudgeanybody for ripping offanybody else as longas two things, oneis they contribute somethingnew to it, that it's notplagiarism, which is the exactverbatim copy of something,not any kind of summary and notgiving any attribution to itand pretending likeit's their own.That's all.Otherwise, I'm good, man.So you've learned everythingyou've learned how to design,you've learned literally howto talk and think because youemulated people around you.So here's the thing, ifyou don't like who you are,emulate better people.That's as simple as it is.Great, thanks, Chris.So now it's just practice itand you'll get used to it.Yeah and my wife seesme do this all the time.I aspire to be an entertaining,dynamic speaker whohelps to motivatepeople, but alsogive them tactical tools onhow to improve their lives.So I'm studyingpeople all the time.When you see a newbit on our show,it's because I just Stolethat bit from somebody else.I'm like, well, thatworked on The Tonight show.What can we do?What's our version of that?Let's try that out.Right so I want to be betterthan whatever I was yesterday,so I'm studyingpeople all the time.I'm watching Netflix andwatching those comedy specialsover and over again,learning from Ithink her name is Amy Kawata.Tiger mom orwhatever her bid is.I'm learning from.Jasim Nassar, I don't know Idon't know this name either,but he has a bit.I love it.It's got so funnyand the props I'mlearning the way theyspeak, the cadence.The way they movetheir hands, the waythey exaggerate certain wordsand they hang on to something.That's what you guysshould all be doing,so somebody out there iskilling you on social mediaor their inboundgame is on point.Or their Ted Talk is amazing.Study it.And then try it.It's a lot harderthan you think.It's not so easy to ripoff Gary Vaynerchuk.So I thought ofme also identifieswith the same kind ofputting yourself outthere kind of problem,and I try and rationalizethe whole thing, kind oftalk myself out of it.And I kind of realized thatwhat was essentially missingfrom my approach to solvingfor that problem wasthat when you see somebody likeGary, you, what you're seeingis their authenticpersonality isa manifestation of like realhard work and perseverancediscipline for a long time.And they just put in the effort.They just put in the time.And that was themissing ingredient.Like, I wanted to emulatepeople like those.But I wasn't puttingthe time, and Imeant I somewheresubconsciously didn'thave the confidence in myself.It's like, oh, I'vegot it, what ittakes to rise to thator something like that.So it also was a factorof self-confidenceto kind of break outof the shell is like,hey, if somebody reaches outto me for design solution,I can do it becausemy foundation is setand I'm on the way to becomingmy own best version of myself.So that's just arationalization.I might be wrong.I might be correct,but I think it'llplay out in its due course.OK, I want I need to end thiscall because I got to preparefor another thing here.I'm over time as it is, I dowant to say a couple of things.I need you all to seeyourselves as human beingson the plane of humanbeings were all the same.I hate it when guys say this.I hate it when guys sayI would ask her out,but she's out of my league.I said, you know what?Nobody's out of yourleague, but the wayyou think she isout of her league?Why do we put these barriersbetween us and wherewe want to be and thepeople that we admire?It's OK to admirepeople, but thendestroy and kill your idols.Just go out there andlook at what they've doneand break it down andretrace it to a point in timein which they aremost relatable to youand start taking the stepsnecessary to get there.Nobody starts out asa superstar genius.They all work at it.And that's what youcan do now, justby a raise of hands,digitally or real hands,the ones that have their camerason how many people reallyadmire and look upto Gary Vaynerchuk.Just raise your hand.Anybody OK.Just a few people.OK, let's say this,let's just sayyou're the staunch thestaunchest like hard core GaryVaynerchuk fan.Here's what I want you to do.I want you to walk his talk.Watch this talk and I want youto write down whatever idea hehas, whatever suggestion.You'll find out heonly has four ideas.He just says itover and over again.Louder and harder and meanerand more swear words in there.It's not even that phenomenal.Just watch it like workhard, grind, hustle,sell this and stopmaking excuses.I don't at first whenI watch them like, hey,wow, this guy is superhigh, high intensity,super angry aboutsomething I don't know.And then watch it.And they're like, afterwatching like Gary,you're boring me now.You're saying the samething over and over again.I don't want to do agarage sale, is that all?That's the bestadvice you got for me.Sell my junk.Is there another tactic?Yeah, I know you're from theformer Soviet union, I get it.I know you're like selling cardsand making more money than mostof us.I get that.After that, what do you have?So you see, evenGary vaynerchuk,who some people find itvery hard to emulate.It's most of the time it'sbecause people don't study.That's the thing.Like, some of my staffsuffer from this, right?There's a handful of things thatthey look on that that's great.I'm like, what is it about?It's great.I don't know.I don't know.Well, let's sit downand break it down.Like, wow, Chris,you broke it down.Like, I don't know whatyou're doing with your brain.Are you just looking at it?Break that son of a gun down.What is it?Is it the lighting?Is it the cut?Oh yeah, it's got thisreally high energy cut.Are you sure?Because, look, they say iton that shot for 12 seconds.What's the feelingof high energy?How did they get?Oh, it's a camera movement now.It's just break.The son of a gun down,guys, is not that hard.But it has to require somedeliberate and intentionaleffort from you.Like, if you wanted to ripup, Bonnie, saying you could.I've been studying her.Right you can stillhere photographs,you can see your feet.Look at our paradox.What is she talking about?Well, she told a personalstory about her daughter today.I'll tell a personalstory about my son today.I could do that.And here's a moment whereshe feels beautiful,well, shoot, I'll find amoment where I feel handsome.I can do that, too.Look at the way they had thelights catching our hair.Oh wait, I can't dothat, but all right,so you see you guys can do this.There's a formula and youcan do it to deny yourselfof this is insane.It's almost like you want towin the race running backwardsor something, and that's OK.You can do it anywhich way you want,but I'm going to run for it.All right, guys.I got to get out of here andI will see you guys next time.If there's something else thatyou guys want me to talk about.Be very vocal.Enroll the communityto champion whatit is that you want tolearn, because that'swhat I respond to.OK, like we have acouple of other thingswe want to talkabout here, but Ifeel like we've donea pretty good jobof talking about regeneration.We've dipped our toesinto recurring revenue.We come back there.I think hopefully bywatching me talk to Jennifer,you guys have learned howto ask better questions.OK, and we can hit some ofthese other topics later,but what I want you to do, whatI will prioritize over anythingelse is introduce the topicand tell me specificallywhat it is that you'restruggling with whatit is that you hope to learn.Some of you were very vague.It's like it's ashotgun approach.It's like, I don'tknow what it isthat you want me to tell you.
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