Get Stuff Done & Make More Time: Q&A Pt.3

October 27, 2020

We want to figure out the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, because if you can do that, you'll be able to figure out some of the things and adjustments you'll need to create to get there.


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Ultimately going toreward you the most.OK Q&A, this is notby Peter Drucker.This was made by Matthew andTina at 11:30 PM last night,so I'm going to openit up to Q&A right now.And feel free to come on,let me stop you to share.OK um, I just want topoint out something.Yeah I just want to shoutout to my man, Garrett.He's the most hardcore listener.He's driving with headphoneson in the group I look up to.I was like, what in the.Oh my god, I hope he's safe.Anyways, I saw that.I saw that.All right.Do you guys have anyquestions on this stuff?I know you.Yeah hey, what's up, rahul?How's it going?OK, so my onlyconcern is 15 minutes.Every 15 minutes does not likethe whole concept of tasks,which if you're like jumpingfrom a task to do this,doesn't that hurt your day?That's a good question.And that's why Ireally like that app.That now then app is becauseit takes very little timefor me and.So with that, for instance, ifyesterday I was in deep focusin writing where I was probablywriting for three hour chunks,so what I did isI just pushed timewhere writing andthen my phone was goneand then I was just working,working, working, working.And then I was like, oh, I can'tlook at the screen anymore.I grab my phone andput it on break.And then I just walkedaround and I paced around.So for me, that's whyI really liked the app.And it could be thatmaybe you're just doing itevery time you switch tasks.Right that will make youvery aware to also likeif you're let's say, if you'relike, OK, 10 am, I'm writing.And then all of a sudden, 10 15AM I'm looking at social media.That's not good.Right? all of a sudden,you're going to slap your handand be like, oh, nope, Nope.Nope, I'm supposed tobe writing right now.I'm going to start focusing.And then you don'teven do that thing,and then you won't switch tasks.So that's definitelya big problem for me.I get distracted really easily.And yes, and I haven'thad the courageon putting my phone onairplane airplane mode yet.So, all right.Yeah, yeah, we're going to getinto that in the next module.Like all the ways that youcan truly focused your time,but just by simply doingthis, you'll realize,like, why do I keepreaching for my phone?Why do I keep tryingto check email?And then if you'rea day, looks likethat where it's like15 minutes and it's allsporadic like that, it'slike, oh, maybe that's nota great use of your time.You'll see on my deck therewas a whole big chunk,all those big green chunks,dedicated focus time,which I loved.All the stuff in betweenwere just miscellaneouslike admin things orthings I needed to do.Part of my day to day likeanswer emails or check upon the team.Those are like managerialtasks or admin tasksthat I have to do.But it looked like I hadtwo or three solid chunksof just straight working time.So just by simplydoing this, you'llprobably start correctingyourself course,correcting yourselfand slapping your hand.You're going to smile themoment you start this later,you're going tobe like, oh, thisis what Matthew wassaying, and thenyou'll probably do it 10more times during the dayand you're like, oh, why doI keep having that phantom,that phantom twitchwhere I'm gettinga notification on my phone?You know, it's like itshould self-correct itself.So awesome, thank you.Yeah, I think in myown the Facebook page,I asked the same, I ask thisquestion, but like, how do you?I'm not sure if thisis part of this call.But like, how doyou dedicate time?Maybe splittingup work, you know,between your personal workand then also work work.Because what I've beenfinding myself doing.And sometimes maybe it'sjust the crunch time,but I've been findingall of my timewhen I have like extra timeis being spent like refiningclient work and then goingback and doing final toucheson client clientwork or checkingin on someone I haveworking on somethingand giving them notes.So it's like alwayson work and notnecessarily on myown personal thing.That's that's afantastic question.And I think by firstdocumenting your time,we're just going toget an assessment.We're just diagnosingright now, right?We're just tryingto collect data.And once you see this,you'll have a really goodunderstanding becauseit's right in your face.It's going to be like lookingin a mirror, like, this is me,this is my identity, and thisis how I'm spending my time.And just by looking atthat, you're probablygoing to start wantingto make adjustments,and the next module, whichwill do together is really OK.Now, how do I focus my time onone of the things I need to do?But then focus, how do I alsodedicate time to the thingsI want to do?And those are twodifferent thingsbecause some thingsyou need to doand you just can't getthat off your plate,but you want to minimize someof the obligations you have.And then the next part is how doI make more time for the thingsI want to do?So that's what the next moduleis going to be focused on.And really, the wholepoint of this Q&Ais to address some of thestuff that I shared todaybecause I know it's prettysimple, it's pretty light,but also to field your questionsto help me shape the next threemodules as we move forward.So that's a great question.But right now, I want us tojust focus on assessing timebefore we get too farahead of ourselves.Yeah, that's just fine.That was just the questionI was asked on Facebook,so I was trying to figure out ifthat was for now or for later.That's a great question.Thank you.OK who else who else hasa question or comment?I can't comment on something.Mm-hmm Yeah so I watchyour latest videothat you wereorganized in your dayand you had your calendarand your notion thing,and I basically plagiarizedthe whole thing.Mm-hmm what I likeis that, OK, so Ihave my ideal day planned out.It never happens.Like I'm alwaysmoving around things,but sometimes it feelsgood that it doesn't move.More than 50% thinkit moves a lot,but also it's like it'sso hard to say, OK,switching tasks is goingto take me 15 minutes like,no, sometimes ittakes me longer,or sometimes I justI'm ready to jumpto the next thing and then.Or or traveling.It just consumes so much.And then I don't know.Like, I thought youwere going to give usextra hours in this call.How do you get so theextra hours reallyare going to comefrom you realizingwhere your time is spent?And I think the first partof any kind of changesin your life is to be awareof the challenges you face,be aware of the problems youface because until somebodytells you to your face oreven if somebody tells you,roxy, you spent toomuch time with your cat.You spend way too much time.Exactly right, you getdefensive, you're like,no, I don't like whatare you talking about?But then once you startrecording your time,you're like, oh, shoot.There goes 333 minutes ofmy day playing with my cat.You know what I mean?So it's really this isa self-study part whereyou're just goingto start to realizewhere your time is going.And I do want you guys to.Maybe I should have putthis in the assignments.Like, what does dayone look like for you?What is they tolook like for you?What is they?Three so I would start lookingat the averages every daybecause you'll seethese things aregoing to radicallyshift and changejust because you arestarting to become awareof how you'reinvesting your time,you should start to see thesechanges and then what you.That was part of theprompt there, whichis here's how youspend your time,but here's how I want tospend my time instead.And like you'vealready done, whichI think could be a goodexercise for everybodyas well when they'rethere, think,Oh yeah, oh, whatI was going to sayis like, you did you kind ofdescribe your perfect day?Maybe that's one of the promptsthat you add in there as well.So it's like, what is myideal day actually look like?And you could add thatas one of the prompts,and I might add thatto the exercise here.Just so again, we'rejust trying to showthe gap between whereyou currently areand where you want tobe, because if you'regoing to understand that,you might understand someof the things andadjustments youneed to do to get towhere you want to be.And it's just an ideal.It's just an aspiration.And if you can move a fewinches towards that thing,that's already betterthan where you are today.Mm-hmm mm-hmm.Mm-hmm OK so no moreplaying with the cat, OK,and whatever itis that you do, Idon't know what youdo in your free time.It will be revealed.All will be revealedin the next seven days.No, it's like public shaming.It's for yourself.It's for yourself.But it's good toput it on there,just because it's agood moment to reflect.Yeah cool.Thank you so much.Yeah so we're discussingin the chat about napping.And oddly enough, I spenda majority of my time.Working, but I wonder,like for most creativesthat I know, entrepreneursthat I know, like you said,leisure time and I'mlike, what's that?I don't like, I feellike I've worked so much.I don't know what fun is like.I go to a party oranything like that,and unless I'mnetworking and lookingfor someone to dobusiness with, Ifeel guilty likeI wasted the time.And I wonder for you like.Like, how do you handlethat kind of pressureor if you deal with itat all, like, man, Ilike like, for example,the party method,like I miss an opportunityto talk to that person.Now I have new leads,et cetera, et cetera.And like, do you contaminateyour life buckets?Like, I guess that would be likethe 15 minute switching thingas well.Yeah, that's a good question.So there's a couple ofthings in there, right?You're talking about leisureand how much time you shouldactually dedicate to that,and maybe that's somethingthat you want to work on.I think it's alldifferent for each person.For me, I was assuming that aquarter of my life, a quarterof my time yesterday wasspent on leisure stuffwhere I don't havea clear agenda,but I'm just relaxing mymind because you do need restin order to be productive.And we'll talk a littlebit about that and someof the upcoming modules.But I know that in order todo some of your best work,you also need downtimeto recharge your brain,recharge your energyand then also preventdecision fatiguewhere all you're doingis critical thinking all day.And the concept is thisis that your brain is kindof like a computer chip, right?It does the processes in andout and making decisions.What happens if you run your pc,your CPU on 100% load all dayevery day?That thing burnsout that thing friesand then you got to replace it.Your brain is the same way,except you can't reallyreplace your brain.Right, so it's your CPU.This is the thing thatcontrols everything.If you're running thisat 100% every single day,what's going to happenis this is going to fry.And if you haven't experiencedthat yet, you will,which is I'm burnt out.Yeah, I have a lot ofwork for work sake momentsinstead of reallyworking towards a goal.So I think this would be ahugely great exercise for me.And oddly enough, youknow, it's turned up.This is I just got my journal,so I'm going to be doing that.That's good.And I was going to say,oh, go ahead, Randy.One thing is like, I knowyou're an iPhone user,but there's some comments inregards to Android to see youlike leaving us out like Apple.I just know what I know, man.There's probablysome other task.There's probably othertask input things.Last night, I spentprobably 30 minutestrying to build a GoogleSheet for you guysto try and do all these macros.But the thing is, I'mnot good with macroslike I barely use Google sheets,so I was like, Oh my gosh,if somebody elsewants to take it over,if somebody is really good atmaking macros in a time sheet,I'm happy to hand it over.Or if you guys want tobuild that for somebody,for everybody else,feel free to do that.So there's a universal waythat everybody can use.But I did get stuck.I hit a wall, so I wastrying to program one myselfand I fell flat on my face.I was like, oh, I have tofinish my presentation.First So, yeah, but if youalso find an alternative,feel free to DM or just putthat in the group again,I'll be collectingall of these resourceson Academy of thefuture xcom, as wellas the units in Facebook, sothat you could track alongand have all thatinformation there.I was going to say,randy, in terms of leisureand doing workrelated stuff, thereare exceptions to the rule.And that's if you have avery clearly defined purposein your life.So one example Iwould cite as cristo,though he works crazyhours, but he loves it,and it's not likehe doesn't feellike he's working all the time.Like, for instance,these carousels.I know he loves doingthem, at least right now.And what is he able to?What itches is he scratching?One is like he's trying togenerate business ideas there.He's trying to grow hissocial feed, which is great,but then he's alsoteaching whichat the very core of him, if hewas making zero dollars, if hewas teaching otherhuman beings, that'sthe thing that drives him.That's why he's sopassionate about the thingswe do at the future.That's why he's able to be sosupercharged and move so fast.So I would say that foryou, randy, and anybodyelse listening is that.If you found yourpurpose and in lifeand you enjoy all thethings that you'regrinding on every day, thenit's not really a grind.You know, those are things thatare quite fulfilling to you.The things thatwe want to removeare things that are busy work,things that aren't reallybuilding towards the goal andthings that maybe have verylittle impact on their lives.Those are the thingsthat I want you guysto start seeingthrough this practiceand start removingfrom your day to day.hey, Matthew.A quick question.Yes, eventually, canwe discuss in maybe oneof the other modules perhaps howwe deal with either client, notnecessarily clients, but justpeople in the business spherewho are sucking our time likein a real person situationwithout, you know, while stillremaining tactful and notbeing rude about it, I guess.Mm-hmm Eventually, I'd loveto hear your thoughts on that.So right.So how do you deal with thetime vampires in your life?There's somethingpretty interesting,so I really appreciatehow detailed and defiantthis time management and timeaudit is, what I've been doingis doing.Marcus releases nightly routineand while it's very helpfulbecause I'm assessingwhat I did well,what I could havedone better and howI can go about bettering that,this is a much more preciseviewpoint.So I just wantedto bring that out.And I will keep doing MarcusO'Reilly's nightly routinein addition to this, becauseI feel that for myself, that'sgoing to be a goodsupplemental way of reallyhaving another overview.Mm-hmm Yeah, absolutely.I wanted to keep thispretty simple and tactical,but feel free to add any kindof layers to this processas you guys are diagnosingand assessing your time.So another thing interms of Marcus Aureliusis daily practice.There's also thefive minute journal,which I've recommended tosome of you guys in the past,and it's a very similar prompt.What you do is you wouldset your intentionsat the beginning ofthe day and tryingto develop a positivelens on life.And then you reflectat the end of the day,like, what did I actually do?What were some of the beautifulthings that happened today?And what can I improve on?What can I work on better?So it's very simpleprompts and you justwrite a few minutesin the morningand a few minutes at nightand you do that every day.So if you guys haven'tpicked that up,I do recommend that as well.Just if you need helpshaping your lens on life.Because for me, I was havingsome challenges before,but that really helped me forma more positive lens on life.So thank you for sharing that.I do.I do like that a lot, andI think any of you guyscan hack and modifythis however you want.And I think allof this is mostlymeant to help you reflect andjust get a real understandingof your life.Anna, you have your hand raise.Thank you for being verypolite and being patient.Hi Hey, hey.Thank you fortaking my question.Actually, I wantedto add something.I think Chris is doingthis idea of patching,so basically having one dayset out for one specific task.I think I can relate to thisa lot better because, yeah,I think your daysare never the same.And I think it'smuch easier to say,allocating just20% to this and 50%I don't think I would be ableto hold on to that schedule,even if I knew that I needed.I think a week,though I might, Imight be able to doit so I might allocatea day for writing, a dayfor reflecting or workingin a day for leisure.Right?easier than just switchingtasks between the day.Yeah, absolutely.And I think that's going to bethe next part of our module.We'll I'll definitely talkabout that in module 2about how to be moreintentional with your time.So that's one of the methods.It's just chunkingout time, and we'llget into examples ofwhat that looks like.If you could do full days.That's awesome, right?If you get if youhave the luxuryof doing full days to justfocus on reading or writing.That's awesome, right?Not everybody has that.So they might have to chunkout their days differentlywhere there's a portion.Let's say all of my morningsare all personal development,and everything afterlunch is all work.Yeah, Yeah.So this work in the morning,leaving right or whatever kindof works with your energy levelsand how you like to focus,that's totally fine and that'sgoing to be the next module.But I do still encourageyou to track your time.Not because, again,because I think a lot of ushave this assumption of, here'show I'm spending my time,and you're right, everyday does look different,but just catalogingthese things,we'll give you a real assessmentand you could be really close.You could like, you know,these were my guesses,and I'm exactly right.Maybe it's aself-fulfilling prophecybecause you wrote it down.That's how you're goingto spend your time.Who knows?But I think it'sreally important justto get the real world viewof where your time is goingbecause you wantto prevent leaks,you want to preventtime that's just wastedinto things that don't matter.So I think that'sstill important.I still highly recommendthat you do it.I know what you're saying.It's like if you're oneperson that's like if I justput it in my calendar.And I'm going todo it and you liveby your calendar, totally fine.But if some of youneed that reflection,you need thatmirror held up, it'slike, this is what I really looklike, this is my real identity.I'm actually a slob andI spend too much timeplaying video games.Matthew, stop playingthe new Star Wars gamelike this is whereyour time is going.What could you be usingthat time for instead?Or it could be likeMatthew, you'rejust work, work,work, work, work.80% of your life is work,work, work, work, work.Is that how you want tobe spending your time?What about your wife, man?What about yourpersonal development?Right? what about allthese other thingsthat you should be?What about workingout like matthew?You're 100 pounds overweight?You know why?It's because you spentzero time working out.So I think it's important,just assess your time,I hope you can commit tothat because the next part,the next module, which I thinkwill probably do next week,is now how do we chunk our time?How do we dedicatetime and make more timeso that it'sintentional and focusedon the things that are going tohelp us grow and move forward?Matt, are you alwayslike, is this somethingthat you're doing ongoing or isthis like a 14 day sample like?Yeah so I just the first timeI did it, I did it for one weekand I just did itduring work hoursbecause I justwanted to see if I'mshowing up to blind every dayfrom 10:00 to seven PM what?How am I spending that time?And then it was veryrevealing for me,so now that thisassignment came up again,I'm going to just berecording my whole life, allof my waking hours,essentially from am to pm,because I want to geta better assessmentbecause the way my scheduleis, it's pretty fluid.Know sometimes I'llstudy in the morning,or sometimes I'll study at nightor in the middle of the day.It just depends.I just want to seewhere my time is going,but you need enough days toget a good statistics, right?Because one day doesn'trepresent your whole life.One week is probablya better assessmentof what the rest ofyour weeks look like.And if you want to keepgoing beyond seven days,you can do two weeks.You could do a whole month.What you could just keepadding to that data,however you want, butyou'll see after a while,it's just going to averageout like even if you addanother week, the numbersare pretty much goingto stay the same becauseI think a lot of usare creatures of habits andwe show up to things like,OK, we're going todo this for work.You do this foremails and you juststart developing thesehabits and they justaverage out and hold steadyafter a certain amount of data.So it's not it's not an exercisethat you do at night nido.It's not likeongoing assessment.No, no.Because it can be exhaustingto write like Rahul.I brought up earlier.It's like, well,isn't this another jobnow that you're trackingevery 15 minutes?It's like, yeah, Idon't want to do that.So that's why I didthis two years agoand why I'm doing it againnow is because my lifecomposition is so different.And I just want to know,am I spending my time?Well, I feel like I'm spendingit well, but am I really?And that's what the next sevendays is going to tell me.So just do this every so often.Maybe you're maybeyou do it every year.Maybe you do it every quarter,whatever feels good to you.And I think just doingthese assessments willhelp you really understand.OK Omar has his hand raisedand maybe somebody else to.I can't see everybody so, Omar,if you want to come on and.Then after a while, Iwas watching your video,I remember some timeago the one that youhave on your time management,how you manage your dayand gave me an idea thatI really need to sit downand you broke it downinto 90 minute intervals.I did two hours andI was, you know,because when I work, Ijust I just work, man.And it drags for the whole dayand my wife gets angry, right?So I decided I'm goingto do two hour intervals.And so far, it's been working.Sometimes I don'tachieve everything.But then againtoday, for example,I wanted to sit down and dosome soundscapes for a client.And I realized maybe I shouldlearn a little bit moreabout soundscapes becausethis is a bigger client,and I'm like buildinghim for more.So yeah, I need to putmore effort into that.So I get on to therevenge of this task.Video and it justdrags on and on and on.And I spent a whole day today.I would say this is personaldevelopment, right whenI plan to work for almost thewhole day to our internal.So I'm really lookingforward to the next modulewhere we're going to beintentional with that.I didn't really have a question.I just wanted to share.Yeah, no.That possibility of spiralinginto different things,you know?Yeah, no, this is perfect.And I think it might havebeen Mo who made this.Or maybe Mo gotthis from somebodyalready in the Pro groupwhere Mo's been running.Some of the AM calls forthe past couple of weekswith a worksheet, meaning.Here's a set of videosthat you should watch.And then here's a worksheetthat is a companion to it.It's a study guide.It helps you understandwhat is my goalto look for in this video andthen write down the key pointsand then summarizethose key points.So I will be including a versionof that, if not straight upinto the next module,so that as you guysmake extra time dedicated topersonal development and growthand learning newthings, you have a wayto do that with intention.Meaning, OK, I'm going toconsume this piece of content.How do I make sure I squeeze themost juice out of this thing?That's going tobe valuable to me.Right, so I'm going to try andunpack all the methods that Ido, but also just give you guysa worksheet, which I think Moe,did you create that or is thatsomething that Chris had made?No, it's an extension of I can'trecall her name at the moment,but she did onefor reading a book.Oh, right, there wereelements of it that I added.And elements that I took out.So it's like a hybrid, you know,still like this type thing.Right?OK.So yeah, Mo.After this call, if you couldsend that to me, what I'll dois I'm just going to thinkabout all the different waysthat I like to consume contentbecause a little previewinto how I learn isreally just that.Like, I just try tofocus on one clear goal.And then all of theinputs that are coming inare just filteredthrough that goal.And by doing that, I'mable to really connectthe dots on thethings that I needto accomplish for that week orthat day or that chunk of time.So those are someof the things that Ihope to unpack, ifsome of you alreadyhave really good learningmethods like, oh, you know,when I watch a future videothis is how I this is how I makesense of the content, orhere's how I turn that onehour of talking into likethree solid chunks of goldthat I can apply to my life.So if any of you guys havethose little hacks already,just the me, justsend that to mebecause I want to incorporateas many of these little.Methods of learning aspossible, again, I'llbe unpacking my own, butguess what, for the next week,I'm going to be thinkingabout how do I learn aboutand teach these things.So my radar is going to beopen and filtered to justbe looking for ways thatyou can digest informationbecause I feel like Ido this pretty well,but I'm open to otherways in how this mightbe helpful for other people.So that one methodmight be great for me,but it might notbe great for you.So I'm going to try andattack it from different ways.Thank you for bringingthat up, Omar.I think that's reallyimportant and definitelygoing to be the focus nextweek and into the coming weeksas well.Thank you.OK, who else.Does anybody elsehave questions?We are at 9 o'clock now, soour hour is pretty much done,but I'm happy to eitherfield another questionor anything else youguys want to talk about.Well, for me, this is kindof going to be hard, I guess,because I work 10, 11hours almost every dayfrom my 9:00 to 5:00,which hopefully soon I'llbe getting rid of that thing.So not only theway I was thinkingabout applying this inregards to my bucketswas actually what becausepersonal development,I can do all my workbecause I'm on a computer.95% of the day and Ican't do much else.I've been warned about mywalking around the office.It's not working out is allowed.So any advice onthat because I sitat a desk in front of acomputer during the day?Yeah, I mean, we wouldhave to spend timeto really assess your day.But my best guess isthat there's probablysome activities thatyou do during your daythat you can optimize.So there might be certainthings, certain tasksthat you are alreadydoing or it's like,you know, this isa repetitive task,I could figure out a wayto do this even faster.How's everybody doingthese types of things,by optimizing partsof your day, you'reable to come back and have moretime or leave work earlier.Again, I don't knowyour situation,and maybe this issomething that youare you're alreadyplanning on walking awayfrom because it doesn't allowyou the freedom for someof these things.But my intern hadtold me this, and Ithink it's from Ithink it's James Clearhis book the Atomic Habits.It's like I asked my internwho just finished with us.His name is Jaden.He's amazing.The overdelivered, heshowed up and he's justlike outpacingeveryone, including me.I was like, what the heck?What is?How do you get so muchoutput during the day?And he said, you knowwhat, every day I come in,I try to get 1%better than yesterday.So I look at all the thingsthat I was doing yesterday.Let's say, if Iwas editing a videoand I'm trying to lookfor a hack or a shortcutto do that task alittle bit faster.So if, let's say if part ofhis role as an editor is he'strying to.Uh, trying toorganize his footage,well, maybe there'sa hack or a plug-inthat will just allow him to dothat in five minutes insteadof an hour and justguess how much time hewas able to gain there.He was able to gainanother 55 minutes.And is they?And the reason why hewanted to do that is hewanted to maximizehis internship.He's like, I want to be ableto do stuff in less timeso that I can do morefor you, Matthew,so I could take onmore responsibility.I was like, that's afantastic thing because I'dlike to be super lazyand do very little workso that you could doall the hard work.But I love thatbecause what he didis he maximized the time helearned many, many things,I think, in the courseof his internship.And he took a lot ofstuff off of my plate,which was fantastic.So everybody winsin that situation.It's like what I heard.I think it was one of thecalls that you guys talkedabout the dry methodology.It says, don't repeat yourself.And then the wet methodologyis waste everyone's timeor something like that.So, yeah, I guess Ishould actually start.And that was oneof my questions.Have you started implementingthe dry methodologyor any typekit in the facebook?Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely.And I'll share one with you.That's a great question.So maybe you guyscan hear the storyand then apply this immediately.So any processes that you'redoing every single day that yourealize I'm doing thisagain, I'm doing this again,I'm doing this again.Guess what?That's a processthat you can eitherautomate or you can learnto be more efficientor to teach somebody anddelegate it to somebody else.So I'll give you an example.Every time we have newintern staff or freelanceeditor come in at the future,guess what I had to do?I had to onboard them.Here's where the files are.Here's the how we edit videos.Here's the file structure.The naming convention is theplaces to eat around here.Here's how you canbasically the working guideof how do you function hereas an editor at the future?That took hoursand hours and hoursto onboard a brand new person.And then after a certainpoint, I was like,I keep doing the samething over and over.So what did I do?I went into notion andI documented every step.Step one your firstday here at the future.Here's what you need to know.Here's where allof the files are.Here's the namingconvention, by the way.Here's a video to teach youhow to save your files in here.Here's how to syncyour Dropbox and then,like pretty much everysingle step that Ihad to repeat to somebodyelse is now just documented,all on one notion.So the first thing when somebodycomes in, I was like, OK,start a notion.Spend a day there.If you have questions,don't ask me.Ask one of your senior editorshere, somebody else here.And then if neither ofthem can answer it for you,I'm happy to answer it.So what happens like all thesehours and hours and hoursthat went into onboarding andtraining somebody off my plate?So think about thatfor your guys' selves,like for your dailytask, what are you doing?That's repetitive.What are things that youcan start to automate,or what are the things that youcan condense, like a emails,for instance, emails?Whenever I post theclients, I'm pretty muchsaying the same thing.Here's what we did.Here's what's next.Here's what I need feedbackon and I would spend,you know, 30 minutes, 20 minutescrafting a really good emailand I realized shoot.I keep saying the same thing.So what have I done since then?I've created email templatesthat are just one click, oneclick and I change their name.And then I just put in thethree details of the project,and now I'm spending2 minutes on an emailrather than 30 minutes.These are all littleshortcuts that youcan do to speed up your processand become more efficient.So that you have more time.So that's part of why this weekis important to assess wherethe heck is your time going?What are low value tasksthat you can identify, maybelow value or things that arerepetitive that you can do so.A lot of it is just reflectinglike, what is it in your lifethat you want toimprove and what arethings you want to get rid of?OK, now we're runninglong here, but Priscillahas her hand raised,if you want to jump on,then maybe we can end it there.Yes, hi, Matthew, Iwanted to know how you do.How often do you feelyou have interruptionslike unwanted interruptions?Yeah, it used to beevery 15 minutes,every 15 minutes becausewe have an open doorpolicy at blind inthe future, whereeven though I have anoffice, my door is openand everybody will walk inor message me and say, hey,can you check on this thing?Or, hey, I'd love to getfeedback on this, or hey,did you follow upwith so-and-so?Hey and it's like,Oh my gosh, it'slike every time it's like,oh, stop and go, stop and go,it's like, I'm about to start.So I've already documentedthis in other videos,but the focussprint methodology,which is just developingwalls around yourself,nobody bugs me whenI'm in my sprintand this is company wide now.Everybody in the companyat the future does sprints.So what they'll say,for instance, like Ben,is like, OK, I'mworking from home today.And then at a certain point,he'll say, I'm sprinting,so I'm unavailable forthe rest of the day,meaning no one's ever goingto bug him during that time.It's disrespected.We have an openoffice plan, meaningthat a lot of thedesks, like there'sno barriers betweenpeople, so it's easy to getdistracted there.So what did our editors do?All of them, theyprinted out signsof this guy sprinting like this,so whenever their sign goes up,they put their headphones on.Nobody bothers them.And then when they're ready,they flip the sign offand then peoplecan talk with them.So whenever I walk by and Ineed to say, hey, Ricky, Oh no.Respect the sprint man forme because I have an office,I just closed mydoor now and thenI just messageeverybody on slack,I'm sprinting unavailable.Matthew, that'sinteresting that yousaid that because Ithink it was Googleimplemented something similar.It's pretty much adoll and they justflip it upside down, right?And one's like,I'm open to talk.And the other oneslike, don't talk to meand it like shop productivitythrough the roof.So it's the sameprinciple, essentiallybecause they're in the sameway with having an open office.Mm-hmm Yeah, it'sa dangerous thing.And some people would arguethat having an open floor planis the worst inventionto productivity.Most detrimentalthing to productivityin the 21st century.It's the worst thing.Stupid design.Stupid, stupid, stupid.Only because it's like everybodyhas different flow statesand how they get there, right?And if you jump into yourflow state but somebody else,your neighbor is not.Guess what?They're going to mess you up.So everybody's alwayson different wavelengthswhen they choose to focuswhat they need to focus on.So these are whateverworks for you,there are systems that you canput in place to help with that.It's better if you'reso low to it's like,OK, well, just turnoff all distractionsand you could focus.Cool all right, well, Ithink that's pretty much itfor the time here.So what I'm goingto do is I'm goingto take all of theselast questions, anythingthat we didn't addressyet on these calls,I'm going to fold it into the upcoming modules,where appropriate,the next module,we're going to focus on how tospend your time a little bitmore intentionally.And if any of you guys havegood either books or resourcesor methods that you've usedto absorb information wellor to become super productive,just send them my way justto me because I will belooking for these thingsand I will take the cream of thecrop, the things that I thinkare going to be easy for peopleto apply and digest and dothis.So again, for all of youwho attended today's call,please commit to thisseven day assignment.I know it sounds silly to bewriting stuff down every 15minutes, but I'mtelling you it'sgoing to change the waythat you work and it'sgoing to reveal things aboutyourself that you didn't know.I know that's the mostclickbait title, if it was one,but trust me, youknow, it will work.All right.Quick question.You tracking your weekends, too?Yes, I'm going to.The first time Idid this, I did not.I just didn't Mondaythrough Fridayonly when I'm atwork because I justwanted to assess my timethat I was working at blind.Now I'm assessing all my timebecause my time is so fluidand it kind ofeverything's overlapping,so I just want the full picture.Do whatever makes sense for you?What do you need tolearn about yourself?OK thank you.All right, well,that's it, everyone.Thank you so muchfor joining the call.I'm going to stopthe recording here.And I hope you guyshave a great day.I know that in.


How To Make Intentional Time
November 20, 2020
Conquering Distractions
January 7, 2022
Morning Rituals
March 25, 2019
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