Why I always choose to get the job done

Chris Do
January 19, 2020

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about choosing to just get the job done over getting the job done right.


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Because why is it that oneperson would enjoy being wrongand and assume thenegative consequencesof being wrong when it's clearlyevident that this is workingfor somebody elseand it's makingthem richer, happier in abetter position emotionally?That's that.Why is the actionnot translatingwhen clearly hears this?You know what I mean?Clearly, there is twointentions of life, right?One is to get thejob done, and twois to be right, to bepopular, to be consistent.You have to make that choice,do you want to get the job done?Or do you want tobe right, consistentand popular orfamous or friendlyand all that kind of stuff?I want to choose as often aspossible to get the job doneat the cost of beingcomfortable, of being popular,of being right, of beingconsistent and all else.I just want to get the job done.And that's probably whyI'm part Borg or Vulcan.I just want to get the job done.That's it, it's as clear as thatmight, my business coach toldme, is that Chris, if you could,you could be right all dayand I could tellyou, you're right,but it ain't goingto get the job done.I'm telling you that right now.I'll give you onelast little example.My dad picked me up at theairport yesterday or the daybefore.It's scary, my daddriving got to tell youhe's like 70something, he's scary.We're in a lane.And of course, on thefreeway, there's another laneand it's going tomerge into our lane.And he doesn't want to changehis speed because he feelslike it's the otherperson's obligationwho's merging into our lane toadjust their speed accordingly.But, you know, asyou merge onto lane,you have a verylittle time to adjust.So little common courtesyon my dad's side.Would have been great.But he was insistenthe was in the rightand we're about to getinto a car accident,the other person ishonking their horns at us.He feels like it'stheir problem.They're stupid.I'm not going toapologize for this.I'm like, wow, dad,you being rightwould kill mom me and ourtwo boys, your grandchildren?Is that the priceof being right?Or do you just want to get thejob done, which is get us home?Is it OK to be wrong or tobe just to get the job done?But he's holding on to beingright so adamantly, so firmly.Without evenquestioning it, it'slike I don't wanthim to drive anymore,I will drive because Iwould gladly slow downto let somebody else in.That's the price of being right.And I don't want to be right.I want to get the job done.


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