Get Stuff Done & Make More Time: Overview Pt.1

Matthew Encina
October 15, 2020

Do you get overwhelmed? We will help you with that by giving you back some time.


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So the call willofficially start here,this is called 131 and.Today's call isgoing to be focuseda little bit differently.And what I mean is that.I've been hearing a lotof some of the challengesthat you guys arefacing in the group,and I wanted to help youguys start building momentumbecause I know there'stons of informationthat we put out thereon in the Pro group,there's many people andmany voices to balance out.So what I'm tryingto do with this call,and actually it's goingto be a series of callsis to help you focusand get stuff doneand make more time in your day.OK so what I'll do is I'll haveI have a lecture prepared, it'shighly focused here, we'llprobably get through itin about 20 minutes.Then after that,I have an open Q&Awhere we get answer questionsabout today's material,as well as what's comingup or think about someof the challenges that you guysare facing around this subjectso that I could focus futurecalls on that because I wantto do a couple of these to makesure that you guys are gettingwhat you need and youguys have the spaceat the time and the momentumto move forward and learnthe things that you want to do.So this is the officialstart to get stuff doneand being intentionalwith your time.So if you guys don'tknow, I'm Matthew insana,the chief content officerhere at the future.But essentially what Ido is I share insightsfrom my creative journeyover the past 15 years.So that you can learn and findyour own way, your own path.And you can connect withme at Matthew Insana.So the overview ofthis get stuff done.Mini course, if wewant to call it that,is it's going to breakdown into four modules.The first part, what we'regoing to focus on nowis assessing your time.Then from there, once you havean understanding of your time,we're going to be talkingabout making intentional time.And we're going to get intosome of the tech and toolsso that you can optimize yourday, optimize your workflowand get more stuff done.And then the lastbig one that we'regoing to actually beleading to into the new yearis your goal setting, how to dothat and how you should focus.Hey, Matthew, I havea real quick question,are these decksavailable afterwards,or should we be takingnotes on our computerssince it's my firstcall in computer?Yeah, I mean, I recommendfor all of these calls to.To take notes justfor your posterity,but I will be providingthis deck or the main partsof this material online,because what I actuallyplan to do since this is formodules which I just outlined,I'm going to surface thistowards the top of the groupbecause I feel likethis is somethingthat I think should be aprerequisite before consuminganything else.That's my goal.My goal is that everybodyshould go through thisbefore they start consumingthe other content.So that they have the space,the time that they need.So I will make this veryaccessible, very digestible.So after I getthrough this call,I'll put some form of thison there, or maybe all of itjust temporarily so that youcan get what you need from this.And if there's something,it's like, hey, I need this,I will upload it because mygoal is to give you everythingthat you need, but not too muchto overwhelm you just enoughso that you understandthe concepts hereand you can applywhat's learned.Sounds great.I didn't want toderail anything.I just wanted to askbefore we got started.Thanks also, all thecalls get uploadedand posted to the Facebookpage shortly after, usuallywithin a day or two.So if you miss acall, you can alwaysgo back and watchone on the topicthat you really wanted to see.Yes thank you so much.These are great questions Ishould have prefaced with that.Should it put aslide in the deckso that I couldaddress that part?But anyway, these are thebig challenges that I hear,and I faced this myself, whichis I don't have enough time.I can't seem to focus or Idon't know what to focus on.And I'm so overwhelmed withan amount of informationjust within the group,but also just out thereof all the possiblethings that Icould tackle formyself as a creativeor as a creative business.So these are allthe things that I'mhoping to help you withon this series of calls.So my goals, whichI stated earlier,really is to helpyou gain more time,I want to give thatgift to you guysso that how you canfocus your effortsand ultimately be moreintentional with how you'reusing your time and whereyou're focusing your energy.I need to ask youguys, are these thingsthat you actually want?And all I need isa head nod, a yes,put it in thechat, the comments,because the thing is, if theseare things that you want,which I think all of us do, Ineed you to commit right now.Meaning just tell me,yes, just tell me, yes,whatever I'm goingto teach you today,I swear it's going tochange your live because itdid for me.So I want to make surethat you guys are committedto whatever I'm teaching here.These are things thatyou're going to apply.It should be pretty easyto do, and it should bemassive in terms of the impact.So just keep giving me theheads up the thumbs up.Yes, I'd love for you guysto just commit right now.Excellent you see alot of head nodding.Still, some skeptics,but that's OK.I'm telling you, this isgoing to change your life.So make sure that these arethings that you apply rightafter the call.And then as I getdone with this stuff,I will be uploading it to theproverbial surface at the top.Thanks, Ali.And then I'll also be addingthese as units on Facebook.So I'll probably do alittle mini tutorial there,just so you canfollow along and seehow you can addto the assignmentthat I'm going to be giving.


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