So the trick to YouTubeand growing YouTubeis to answer a question thatsomebody or a lot of peopleare already asking.And if you can find thatquestion, then the rest of itis pretty easy.So the alignment ofthe things that you'reinterested in talking about anda question that's being asked,it all comes down to two things.The headline that you write andthe thumbnail that you include.So one thing that we're askingthe many content creatorsthat we have inthe future is whatquestion are you answeringbefore you even writeor produce or edit anything?What question are youanswering right now?So, so we start at the end like,what's the goal in the purpose?So, bob, then this next pieceof content that you're making,are you doing thesearch on YouTubeto see if this is somethingthat people are looking for?I guess I don't fully griphow to search on YouTubeto determine these things.We're going to do ittogether right now.Ok?he's a working session.I need to turn off someof these Mike there.I think it's catturn off for Mike.So I'm going to share my screen.I'm going to open upYouTube in a second.Let me do that.Hopefully, you don't see weirdthings I've been looking for.OK, I'm going to share.Where are you?You, YouTube.OK and if you see somethingthat's like, what is Chrisdoing?It's all research guys.It's all research.OK, so about thefirst thing that we dois we're just going to type.I'm going to you theeasiest, like foolproof wayof doing this.There are morecomplicated thingsthat require subscriptionservices and thingslike that like for too, buddy,but we're going to start here.What is the thing thatyou're going to title?What are you goingto title your video?Well, my video is goingto be about sonder,which is, say, a form ofthinking about empathy.So it would be thebest thing to sayfor us would be the videois going to be about empathyand using empathy.OK, but what would you title it?How to use empathy?Yeah how do you use empathyto connect with your audience?You guys are seeing this right?Yes OK.So when I type in thatreally long phrase,these are the videos I get.So this is interesting becauseit's all over the place.The first thing that shows up isit's got only 2.2% 1,000 viewsand it's been a year.The next thing that showsup has 16,000 views,it's been two years.So as far as I cantell, it's not that hot,but this is the anomaly.Usually when thishappens, all of themkind of suck down the line.But there are twovideos in particular,and this has got quiteinteresting because one'sa Ted Talk on these.The other guy, thecharisma and command guyhas a lot of subscribers.So these two have 3.1million views at 1.3 million,but then it falls offthe map again, right?So the three things you canlook how to magically connectwith anyone.That's interesting.Six phrases thatinstantly persuade people.So they are now they'reusing the benefit.They're and thenthe other one herehas how to make the audiencecare about your characters.So you see howthey're phrasing it.This one is about thebenefit, the six phrasesguy that instantly persuadepeople that's a benefit.How to magicallyconnect with people.So your title initially was howto use empathy to connect with.So how do we let'srephrase this a little bit.So the ideal way to dothis is to either learnfrom what other peoplehave titled their thingsor to rephrase until we getto a point in which there'sa lot of peoplelooking for this stuff.And it could be thatthis is an opportunity,because these other videos, thisone's four years, this one'slike, I can't highlight it.Sorry, this one'sfour years ago.And this one's one year ago.Which one do you think?Do you want torephrase or do youwant me to click into one ofthese and watch their videos?Because that's whatyou need to do.And what do I gain fromwatching the videos?Do I start to see the thingsthat are gathering interestor how they're starting?And so then retainingkind of things?Or, Oh OK, guys,I'm so sorry, I'msharing the wrong screen, right?What we were seeing theYouTube you were saying,yeah, we've seenYouTube in the browser.I'm sorry.Let me get that back.OK what you want to do iswhen you see somebody elsedoing similar things isyou have to ask yourselfin a very honest way, am Idoing something different?Am I doing something better?Or what kind of learnfrom this good and bad?Those are the questions thatyou need to ask yourself,so if you can't answer thatconfidently, that's probablynot something you should do.So sometimes I see this,I'm like, Oh my god,that's so good.That's incredible.What's being done?There's no way we can beat this.And so every timesomebody searches for it,they're going to favor the onethat's got 1.3 million views.And oftentimes that'snot the case, luckily,because there's a lot ofcrappy videos out there,I'll watch them.It has decent amount of views.Then I say, OK, so what is it?I'm going to make aneducated guess as to whypeople are watching this.I have analyticaltools, too, that youcan look at what otherpeople's videos are performingand how they're doing.But I'm not going toget into that right now.So this is critical.The title in whichyou call your videowill be one of thebiggest driversto whether or notpeople will watch it.So it immediately strikesme that the phrasehow to use empathy toconnect to the audiencetoo long, too long.One thing I'm seeingright away is short,and I'm also seeing powerfuladjectives or adverbslike magically,instantly right and alsolike simple, actionable things.Six phrases that, youknow, I feel like peoplewould be attracted to that.So maybe I need tosay, you know, discoverthe most powerful wayto connect, you know,like I need to boil it downto something more like that.Sometimes you'll see theexact same videos pop up.OK, now this one,let's see here,it's got a lot moreheat behind this.Because there's onlyone video in herethat that's got low views,relatively speaking, whichis the first one, andit's this one that saysdiscover the most powerfulconnection strategies.Now, here's the other thingyou need to be aware of.This tells you a lot.The first 10 videos asto what the internetwants from this kind of title.Let's say you see only womentalking about relationships,then we're in trouble.Mm-hmm And I even spellpowerful correctly.But right, becausethen you're not a womanand you're not talking aboutthose kinds of relationships.So that'll let you knowlike, ooh, everybodyis looking for this is lookingfor these kinds of videos.And your success begins here.I think you can also go onto trends like Google trends,which I don't.How do you do that?Let me try and Google.This is what Markand the guys do, too.So trends on Google and thenwe can see what's trending.So I also see thatMatthew has commentedthat 60 characters or lessbecause YouTube truncates.Mm-hmm So and I'm a biglover of like, edit, edit,edit like my ideal titlewould be like three wordslike create powerful connection.Let's do that great,powerful song.I'm trying to spellright connections.And there's a good book, it'sthe copywriters handbook,and they talk about phrasesthat work really well.Well, that didn'tseem to work at all.I don't know what I'm doing.What a disaster that was.I'll just add how to let's see.They misspell something,what am I doing wrong here?OK that's why I don't do thedemos live like this, because Idon't know what I'm doing,so we'll go back to here.So this is a good placeto start it, you know?So when you type in yourphrase, it's got a lot of heat.It feels like it's in thelane in what you want to do.And if you could dobetter or differentthan any of thesepeople, you could justdo better in productionquality and clarity of message.Maybe you couldsay in less time,which is advantageousto people or whateverit is that you coulddo a little bit betterthan I would give it a shot.And then the thenYouTube Works for you.You don't have to fight it.For people to discover it.This seems logical, and it'swhy I in my top three steps.One was to create the new videothat you're going to share.Yeah you know, to was tothe thing I knew to do,which is to promote thevideo and the YouTubechannel my socials.But I left 3 emptybecause I knowthat I don't know something.And this is the kindof thing that I thinkI. I'm grateful to be learning.Mm-hmm So let megrab this thing.Let me see if I can help.You know, there's for us, wehave so many content creatorsin our company, and it can bekind of confusing at times,like what do we work on next?So I've been tryingto figure outif we can make some kindof decision tree here.And I thought Iwrote something down.I thought we'd see.OK so I wrote this thingdown, it's not perfect, guys.So there's no book thatsays how to determineif we should produce somethinglike what's the outcome?What's the goal thatyou want to achieve?So for you, it's quiteclear your goal isto get 100 new subscribersand then to say to yourself,like, what effort do I needto make towards that goal?And then to say then howdo I achieve this goal.So this is just abroader frameworkbecause a lot of timesfor us, we're not quiteclear what the outcome.It is that we want.I'm guilty of this.I just want to make this video.I don't care.And sometimes the effort isdisproportionate to the valueof the goal to the company.So it's something we haveto kind of think about.So for you, I think gettingyour video viewed, let's doa multipart strategy onceyou figure out the title thatworks based on a littlebit of research to see,yes, this is whatpeople want, and thisis the way to phrase it.And I've written it.It's short, punchy way.Perfect come up witha great thumbnail.Ideally, the thumbnailcomes from your videobecause people feel likeyou're cheating if you designlike a super beautifulPhotoshop thing,people have said thisabout our thumbnailsbecause they feel like ads.It's like, no, wespent a lot of timeworking on thumbnails,so you watch, but OK.Ideally, it would alreadybe in your video somewhere.So you notice a lotof YouTubers whohave a lot of subscribersthey're thinking about.That's the thumbnailframe right there.So they'll take apicture of that.So if you're doingsomething outrageous,that's the moment that youwant to freeze because peoplewant to check it out.And generally speaking, tofaces work well on thumbnails.So if you can include yourface in there, that helps.Now, now that you'redone with thatand you're gettingyour video to go,I would start to look atthe best times to pose.Assuming that you're appealingto an English speakingaudience, then it's goingto be America for us.That's where our audience is,and a big part of our audienceis in Los Angeles, so wehave to be sensitive to that.I think, generally speaking,we try to premiere videosat around 8 or nine AM.And then we stay really engagedwith it for the first oneor two hours,meaning if there area lot of comments orquestions, we'll respondand it tapers off.So people likethat because you'rerewarding them for commenting.Another thing thatyou might wantto consider to driveengagement to your videois to have multiple callto actions in the video,but at least to have onestrong call to action.So your whole empathything could beprompting them to tell a story.You could say to them.Now that you'veunderstood how to connectwith people through empathy.Why don't you shareone of your storieson what's worked for you orpoint in time in which you'vereally struggled?And leave that comment below.It has to be very specific.Don't just say commentbecause people don't.So give them something to door give them an action to take.Ben and Matthew are mastersat this, I'm horrible at this.You'll notice that Ben's videosdon't generate a gazillionviews, but the interactionis through the roof.I think it's becausehe's so relatableand he's always thinkinglike, I want themto take some kind of action.And so you just give thema little bit of a prompt,they will respond, and thathelps with your search results.OK and generally speaking,you we notice this,and I think this is notan unusual phenomenonexclusive to us is that the dropoff in terms of your audiencefalls off really fast,like in the first minute.So that first minute youhave to hook your audience,you have to pullthem in, you haveto tell them what you're goingto tell them and tell themwhy it matters.So that's why peopleproduce outrageous thingsat the beginning of thevideo, because I wantto know how this thing ends.So don't start your whole thingby telling your life storyand being really slow,just jump to the car chase,just cut to the action sequence.Tell them the most explosivething and then you can go backand tell them, like,this is how this begins.It's the cold open,get right into itbecause you'll lose themin one minute, it happens.I don't care howgood the video is.We see a steep drop off inthe first couple of minutes.Because you haveto also remembera lot of times peopleare searching on YouTube,they want the answer right now.And if you've ever done ityourself, search for an answer.You start skippingthrough parts like whereis where's the answer?It's right there.Don't waste my timewith all the BS.OK, now that the video isdone, you set a time for itto premiere, or you've pickeda good time for it to go live.Don't pick like 3:00 in themorning Los Angeles timebecause then now youraudience is not awake.And I think the first I thinkMatthew told me the first 24,48 hours are importantin determining if it'sgoing to go viral or not.He's actually verygood at this, so youshould follow up with himand DM him or somethingif you want some other tips.He's now, I think.On his way to having hissecond monster viral hit,his first video has done overthree million video viewsand his second one in thefirst four days, I think,already surpassed 300,000 views.And he's like working onit, I think hopefully he'sgoing to make a course on this.So that we all can learnfrom how he's doing it.He's very methodical in hisapproach, extremely methodical.OK, now now the video is ready.As soon as it'sgoing to air, you'regoing to want to push it acrossall your social platformsyou're going to want to create.A catchy reason, a benefit asto why they should tune in.So on Twitter, post somethingon Facebook, on LinkedIn,give them a reason to care.And this is where I try to writea different message slightlyon different platformslike LinkedIn.I'll try to find abusiness angle on Facebook.I'll try to find.Some kind of connection story.And on Twitter, it's usuallyjust an announcement that'sall just to let people know.Matthew, am Iforgetting anything?I don't think so.I think I mean, there couldgo super deep on this,there's lots of things toconsider in terms of dataand what each platformconsiders valuable.So those are things that aredefinitely easy to learn about.I think that people to studyin terms of what they're doingis Mr. beast.He's great at titles and makinggreat videos that triggerhuman curiosity and emotion.And then in terms ofjust understandingthe platform and themetrics behind it,I would definitelystudy shun canalbecause he's reallygood at teaching thingslike IQ and to body thischannel suffering a little bit.But he's really good at leastexplaining the data behind it.And then that one video thatyou shared with me, Chris,from very cassiem, who isa science guy he teachesa lot of stuff, is a great videoon why his video went viral,and he does a greatbreakdown as to whatYouTube values right now.And that's going tochange all the time.Every platform isdifferent, but they allfunction the same, which isto keep users on the platformas long as possible.So they're going tokeep tweaking algorithmsto keep you to keep servingyou stuff that you care about.So if you pay attentionto that, what'shappening in yourown feed and what'sbeing served to youon each platform,then you might start toreverse engineer and understandwhat it is that the platform isrewarding in terms of content,titles, et cetera, et cetera.So those are just likequick things to think aboutand to develop an observationallens on the thingsthat you consume andwhere you consume.OK, so question like Ihave this powerful urgeto do this video about empathy.Do you guys everget to, you know,you come to thetable with this ideaand you start to dig intothis research and go,oh, I shouldn'tbother, I should tryto reframe something of value.I have to speak to whatpeople are looking for.Now, do you ever set asideyour strategy and say,no, I need to be ofthe moment with this,and I need to just findwhat's of the moment?Matthew, answer andthen I'll answer.Yeah, I think it's both, sothere's moments where it'slike, oh, that's a great idea,but just like the impact scalethat we did earlier,it's like, yeah,but it's going to take a lotof work to get this done.So not right now.That's usuallywhere we table this.But if it's a good, ifit's an idea that we have,we want to capitalizeon the momentum.And if it's relativelyeasy to make,then we just followthrough with itand get it out there to test it.So we do determine if thisis like building a brand.We could never makethat instantly, right?It's a good idea,but not right now.So that's why ittook so long versus,you know, Chris sitting downwith the boys after hours.It's like, OK, verylittle productionto actually make it happen.So let's just turn on thecamera and do it right now.So that's how we determine.Yes, so my addition tothis is that ideally, bob,this was what wouldhappen is you pounce.So you have lots of ideas andyou're a sophisticated guy,you're a coach, you dolots of different things.You write frequently.So there's probablyno shortage of thingsthat you can pontificate on.So one strategy isto pounce like you'rewaiting for the new cycleto hit something crazy.And then when you seepeople reacting to itin some kind of crazyway, you somehowfind in and wrap it aroundyour empathy connection thing.That would be the thingthat it's like lightningin a bottle for you.And now we'retalking about gettingway more than 100 subscribers.This this has then thepotential, because any time youjump on something that peopleare just bananas about,they're on YouTubelooking for right now.So if you can tightenyour production scheduleto be something thatyou can hit somethingwithin 24 to 48 hoursof when it goes bananas.That would be fantastic for you.So I think finding that lens nowto the original question, whichis I had this idea, Iwant to do this thing,and through the research,I found that maybe Ineed to abandon this.Has that happened to us?Not that often, personally,because luckily for us,there are very fewbusiness peoplespeaking to creatives in waysthat creatives can understandor their production is horrible.They have no charisma,their delivery sucks.So it's not thatoften that I'm like,I want to produce this thing.I've looked into it andsomething out there.It breaks my heart.And just to put it in thislens to Matthew's video,that's over three millionviews, probably on its wayto 10 million or whatever.Is he captured lots oftrends that are happening.He identified the DIY movement,the desktop setup tourand the Marie Kondolike minimalism thing,and he gave them allvery satisfactory piecesof content folded into one.So he's tapping intotriple trends there.Now you would say like, well,isn't it all played out?Because it's heavy, it's aheavy search thing, right?That's why he did it,but delivered in the waythat he did itwith the productionvalue and the storytellingand weaving those3 and so carefully.It was a home run for him.It's also OK tojump in deep watersand say, look, I think Igot a perspective on this.And it's worth the riskbecause a lot of peopleare looking for it.Now, those videos, I think,take some time to produce.And so you have to say,then maybe the two week oldmay not be the rightamount of time.You can give yourself aweek to do the research,a week to do production, inthree weeks to write a produce.It's OK.But let's just getyou to 100 first,and I think 100 is veryattainable within the next twoweeks if you just make a videothat people are looking for.Well, just while we'vebeen on the call,I've more than doubled.My subs got 10 to 20 for justwhile we've been talking.Thank you.Thank you.We appreciate it.OK and if you haven'tstopped yet, pleasedo consider going to mychannel and subscribing.It's lovely.OK this is excellent.OK, guys, I'm going towrap up the call right now.I'm a little bit over.And I hope thateverybody, everybodythat's listening tothis and everybodyis going to be listeningto us after the fact makesa public declaration, atleast within the pro group.This is what I'm going todo in the next two weeks,and I just want you to godo it because in two weekstime, Mo, hold me accountable.We're going tocircle back on thisand we're going tosay, report back.I failed.I hit 50% I did 300% ofwhat I was hoping to do.And let's figure outwhat we've learnedand how we can tweak this, ok?