Handling Specialized Client Requests

Chris Do
January 31, 2020

Chris Do answers a pro member's question about a client requesting a personalized breakdown of everything the designer will be doing before hiring them.


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Maya, is your mind?Go ahead.Oh, thank you so much, I.I've been feeling very shyto be active in this group,and I feel nervous right nowto make the question.But I'm going for it becauseI'm in need of support and help,and I'm going to try to be veryclear in my question regardingthe basic regardingwhat keeps us back.Right now, I feeleverything to me.Like trying to make basicneeds, you know, like time.I'm not.I don't think I haveorganizational ororganizational skills very much.I don't have a process.I'm lost and I dohave clients right nowthat I'm working with.So I think everythingis piling upand I'm having a fall outwith a client right now,and that is my question for you.So what's your question?So my question is thisfar with the client?We agreed on.We talked over the project.I gave her a amount.I think, you know, it couldbe after we do a strategy,so let's start withthis 50% could.Let me talk to my Mike.Yes, we got it paid50% My partner misseda couple of weeks.We do all this strategywork, and now the partneris saying that sheneeds more timeand then they don't have theLLC and they want actuallya disclosure of invoice.Of every little thingthat I'm going to dois specific of howmuch it is everythingbecause they wantto kick things off.I know I don't knowwhat to do. don't know.I feel like trade.I don't know whatto do, should I.Should I do what they'reasking and specify every priceor should I?Because I don't know.I just gave her an A.Like a package deal.Oh, OK.Do you want to give her abreakdown of everything you do?No, I don't.OK, so why do you do itjust because somebody has.Mel, can I ask you something?Can I ask you something?Yes, we dye your hairgreen for me, please.No, because why, why,why don't you justI asked you ask you nicely.Right, because Ilike my hair, right?Can you wear a purple dinosaurcostume for me, please?Is your next reading?Right?so you get todecide how you work.They get to decidehow they work, right?We're not going totell them how to work.And all you have to dois say, it's one policy.I don't do that.OK and if you don'twant to work together,I totally understandyou have a rightto work with whoever youwant, whichever way you want.But if you wantwhat I make, thisis how I work andI don't do that.It's my policy.Can we move beyond thisor is this somethingthat's not negotiable?It's not negotiable.Let's wrap this up.I'm out the door.See you later.God bless you.Move on with your life,people, you know, this is.I know you're a mom becauseI can see your child runningaround in the background.And my wife has thesame thing whereshe seems to be a lotmore flexible with my kidsbecause if they justask her enough times,she'll just say, yeah, OK.She's like, no more video games.That's it.No more.I'm tired of a coupleof hours later.Can I just playone hour, please?And mom's like, yeah, I'm like,what happened to the standards?What happened?What the freak happened,see, they nevereven asked me thatquestion, because here'swhat I say to them.Unless you have new informationyou're willing to present,you already know theanswer and ask memore than one time is annoying.great.OK you have a rightto run your business,to do the way that the work,the way you want and you alreadyhave agreement from them nowthey're changing their mind,so you can take adifferent approach.We'll try to do thiswith compassion and love.Ok?we'll try to do it.Thank you.When a client says,I want this and it'sdifferent thanwhat you agreed on,you could say that'sa cry for help.So something has happenedin this relationship.So you can say to them in avery loving tone, you can say,I know this in ourlast meeting, youasked for breakdowns andprices and certain thingsare happening.What is driving this?Has something happenedbetween you and I?For you to feel like you needthis kind of clarity now?Did something happen?Did I say something, did Ido something that warrantedthis kind of response from you?Well, I'm goingthrough lots of stuff.My it's like this and that,and I don't have my LLCand I'm just stressedout and I justdon't want to feeltaken advantage of.Oh, OK, well, how can I makeyou feel that you're notbeing taken advantage of?Oh, you've been great, actually,we don't even want to do this,it's totally fine.That's another option.OK Yes.That work better for you.They tell them to take along walk off a short bridge.Yes, I'm going todo that because Ifelt betrayed because theysay yes, and now they are.Oh, OK, OK.OK, this is perfect.Pulling another TonyRobbins thing in here,you know he says this,and I'll keep saying thisuntil you guys learned this,which is all forms of humanto human communication.There's only one oftwo responses, right?Or one or two things.It's an expression oflove or cry for help.So when they havea cry for help,you feel wounded and injured.You want to do yourown cry for help.Oh, what did I do?I feel betrayed.And so what happens is then weenter into the vicious cycleof distrust, of feelingbitter, right, gettingangry and frustrated, and theyjust spirals out of control.What we want to do is we wantto go from the vicious cycleinto the virtuous cycle.The virtuous cycleis the person needsto have an expression of love.It changes the energy.So you can say, hey,I know she said this.What has happened here?Was it something I saidor did says something elsegoing on that's bigger thanwhat we're talking about?And then you couldchange the directionof the polarity of the energyand maybe go the other way, ok?OK, give that a shot.Thank you so much.

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