What Questions Do You Ask Clients Before You Start A Project

Greg Gunn
January 5, 2018

There are two types of questions, logistical, which is what is your deadline? How much money do you have? How much time do you need to turn around feedback? What are important milestones? And then there are creative questions or open-ended questions, which are not about tangible things that you can necessarily quantify.


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At the start of a projector a set of questionsthat are set ofthings that you goin knowing that you need toget out of your clients eye,what questions do you like toset your job of set your lifeeasier as a creative director?What things do youneed from a client?They were questions.Would you ask them to like,make sure you have ok?We have x, y and z Now wecould all go from there.It's a good question.Yeah, Yeah.No, that's a great question.I think.I think it depends onthe type of projectyou're doing, because there'skind of two types of questions,there's logistical, whichis what is your deadline?How much money do you have?How much time do you needto turn around feedback?What are important milestoneslike all that kind of stuff?And then there are the moreI guess you could call themcreative questions or open endedquestions, which is, you know,they're not abouttangible thingsthat you cannecessarily quantify.They're they'remore kind of just,you know, like,what is the tone?You know, there'sthings like that.So let me think, OK, so if.Let's say if it'sa video project,let's say so the client comeseither like, I need a videoand it needs to be.About my company andour history, and Iwanted to put it on our websiteand our YouTube channel.OK, great.Cool So at that point,what informationdo you have to go on?It's a video.It's going to be for the web.That's kind of itso well, that wouldbe asking myself is, OK,here's the information I have.Is this enough forme to get started?Is this enough forme to like, buildwith if I hang up the phone?Am I going to like,scratch my headand have to call themback 30 seconds later?So that's the kind of thresholdI guess you're trying to meet,right?And you can replace videowith any other type of job,you know, websitelogo, whatever it is.So what I'll do also,I used to do this.I don't do thisanymore, but is Iwould have a kind of likestandard set of questionsthat I might ask,depending on the project,you know, because there'skind of beyond logistical,there are somecertain things thatcome up with everyproject you kind of wantto get out of the way.So, OK, so far, the clientstold me it's a videoand it's going to go on the web.All right.So I know it doesn't have tobe 4K because nope, doesn'tneed to happen.But what is the video?You know, unless you're workingwith an ad agency or something,typically you're notgoing to get a script.So what you'll haveto do is really dig inand this is the mostchallenging part.But to figure out, OK, well, youneed a video for your website.Great I can help you with that.Do you have a scriptor would you like?You know, for usto make one for youand then that becomespart of your bid to,you know, they're like,no, we don't have a script,we just want it to be ahistory of our companyand show off ourbuilding or productor whatever it is,say, oh, OK, great.So, you know, some of the bigkind of questions you can askare, OK, what arethe three takeawaysyou want people tohave after they'redone watching the video?Or, you know, once theyscroll through the landingpage, what are the top threethings you want people to know?Or what is the call to action?You know, start withthe really big stuffand then try to work yourway into the more specificquestions.Because if youstart jumping aroundto like, how big is the type,what do you want to say?What's the object like it gets?It gets kind of hard tofollow that train of thought.So start wide, move in narrow.So what are thetop three things,let's say, oh, OK,well, we want peopleto know that we're professionalsthat have been doingthis for a very long time.We want people to knowour line of products,and we want to get peoplereally excited about them,like, OK, cool.So then I go backto my checklist.I'm like, OK.Video for the web, theyneed to say a B and c, OK,is this enough to go on?What else do Ineed to know here?So at that point, then youcan kind of start digging in,but I might take a little stepfor it like, OK, so you know,we do a lot of differenttypes of videos.Some are live actionand there's real people.Some are just stock footage.Some are design based.Some are animated.Are there any how do youfeel about any of that stuff?What do you imagine thisvideo looking and feelinglike because they might havea strong opinion about that,you know, and they mightlook for your guidance, too,but they might be like, Ireally don't like animation.I wanted to.I want to see real peopleand say, OK, great.So then, you know,all right, I'mgoing to have tocast some people.I need to figureout how many people.So then you can sortof get granular about.I like to use cookingas a metaphor here.So they're like, hey, I needsomething for dinner, right?You're like, great,what do you like to eat?And then kind ofwork your way in.So you don't wantto start by asking,what are all theingredients like thatis too weird to too soon?So if that helps, thinkof it that way, you know?So let's start withthe really big stuff.Let's just kind oflike a video example.That that I answer the question.That was great.


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