You mentionedearlier, I'm sorry,guys, it's know, we weretalking about somethingso deep now it's just facts,but you talk about the coreand flow, which iscore, and I'm notsure what you're referring to.So can you talk abouta little bit more?Can you be more specificwith your questions you justpurchased for?Have you run it?No, not yet.I just two days ago.I see.I see.First of all, thank you.And yes, I feel it's themissing piece in my career.And I mean, I started.I feel like that.I started to changeand going forward.But you mentioned somethingabout your runningwill run in the future or rightin the future or update core.Yes which flow can you?Can you talk abouta little bit or.Yes, I can.I'll talk about it, and we'regoing to take this into the endbecause there area lot of peoplewho are asking about this.Let me lay out theblueprint for you guys, ok?Core has been absolutelytransformative in termsof how it's changed me, mylife, my thinking, my selfworth and value.And I say that in the moststraightforward, non hyperbolicway and people who have.Purchase the programwho have done it evenin their poorattempt at doing it,have had tremendous success, andI can't say enough good thingsabout it.Now, here's the thing is, wethe students and in my case,the co-author of ithave been waitingfor a new versionof it, and I'vebeen doing as much asI can to prod the bulland the bull is Jose, who's theauthor of this, to update it,to fill in the gaps,to expand on it.And it's been quitedifficult. But havingsaid that, though,you could stilluse the exact framework,which was writtenlike four or fiveyears ago to todayand still havetremendous success.So I don't want you guysto think about it in that,oh, I have something that'soutdated or it's not good,or the framework is bad.It's like a martial art andthe martial art still works.It still works, and you'll stillget great results if you do it.Jose is talking aboutdoing an update to it.I've beenbrainstorming with him.If you guys have followed meon Instagram and on Facebook,I shared that we'vehad dinner togetherand we're he's working onwhatever the update is.It needs some massaging andthen he's going to do his thing.But that's one conversation.OK so yes, it's still good.Use it, learn it, then rewatchthese videos that are allunder discoveryand you'll see howwe've been transforming itand using it differently.Now, I'm not going totouch this product.He gets to do what he wants.Remember, I talked to you beforeabout unsolicited opinions.I don't like getting them.I don't like giving them.It's only when people invite mein that I start working on it.But I have a differentway of doing things,and I like some thingsabout the design sprint.Some things I've learnedabout bias and biasesthat people have.And how to facilitatein a more dynamic wayand do things the way I do them.And I've noticed that ifyou're very gifted at speakingto people and you've got thatextrovert confident energy,you can take this frameworkthe way it exists todayand run with it andhave no problem.You start to modifyit immediately.But for the restof us, I think weneed a little differentframework where thingsflow from one exercise to thenext in a much more fluid wayso that you don't get these.So what did you mean andwhy are we doing this?So it all connectsand it's seamless,like it's runningon ball bearings.I'm calling thisother system flow,and I've written an outlineand functions of it and the waythat we're going to do this,because if you can imagineif I have to inventa new martial art,that's a lot of energyand effort to do that.So what Ben burns did to workaround my limited scheduleis we're going to launcha flow beta program.It's only for thecraziest peoplebecause we guarantee nothingand there's no structure.But I will teach youwhat it is that I'mdoing in real time through aworkshop in-person workshoponly for a very smallgroup of people.And the thing thatwe're going to dois everybody that participatesin part of this flow betagroup.I prefer flow alpha,but he's like hewants to call it beta, is thatwhatever we write and create,you will get as partof your workshop fees.So it's the beginning stages.So he's trying tohelp me not hold backbecause of thepursuit of perfectionso that I can at leastteach a handful of people.So we're probably thinkingabout under 20 peoplewhere to gather an office isgoing to be 2 days of training,probably on the weekend,Saturday and Sunday,where you guys cancamp out with us.And I'm going toteach you, I'm goingto watch you facilitate andtrain you on how to do it.From that willdevelop materials,so that's the conversationthat we're having right now.I believe he's waiting for meto approve the copy so that wecan create the Eventbrite page.So that's it for that.OK, it sounds amazing.Thank you.
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