Hey, I've got a question.OK hey, Chris.So I love the vision forthe future that you have.And I love that your teamhas bought in it with youand they're on thejourney with you.But how did you get them tocome along for the journey?That's a great question.OK, way to end the call, right?How did I get them tobuy in on the vision?OK, now if you look at thepersonnel that we have, Chad,you will see that it'schanged quite a bit over time.It's because I've changedand the mission has changed.The job responsibilitieshave changed.So like I said, if you werethe executive producer with usbefore, you're going to startto feel really alienatedbecause you don'tknow how to fitin each and every personthat was with the company.It since thebeginning of time havebeen given opportunitiesto get on the train,to get on the new.But as we know, it's kindof difficult to do that.It's hard for us tochange our habit,our routines, our worldview.Some people think whatI'm doing is crazylike nuts, insane to walkaway from client work thatis taking us over two decadesto build the reputation.All that stuff.They think it's insane.And they tell me it's not likethey're hiding their opinionslike, this is stupid.And I said, well, thank you, butI need you to let the reps go.need you to step awayfrom all this stuffbecause we don't want todo any more of this work.And then ultimately, they quit.And if they don't quit,I ask them to leave.And that's a fancy wayof saying I fire them,but we don't haveto fire people,it's like it's nota good fit anymore.I'm sorry.Right, there's noanimosity there.And so what we see arethe people in the middle.So you're going to seethree groups of peoplein your organization.You're going to see the peoplewho are really reluctantto change the naysayers,the negative Nancy's.Write the passiveaggressive polls.That's who you'regoing to see and thenyou're going to seethe people who are.First movers.They're the ones that arelike a sooner you said, go.We're ready.We're ready to rock and roll.You don't need toconvince them of anything.Because they're therebecause they believe in whatyou believe andthey believe in you.And then there's everybodythat's in the middle.The mid to late adopters, it'snot that they're against you,just they need a littlebit more nudging.So what I try to do is Itry to make it as clearas possible with thevision, the mission isand I have to remind peopleof this all the time.And then they get to decideand they self-select,so those are the onesthat are, like, reallycurious and interested.They asked me all the time,how do I participate in this?What can I do?So I give them some ideas.But then I say the new companyis really run on autonomy.So if you are thekind of person whoneeds to be told what to doall the time, like step athrough z?This is not going to be a goodfit for you in the long term.We want to do ahigh level stuff.We want to talk about ourgoals and then we want to say,now you figure out howyou want to fit into that,you get to decide.And I have to admit, it's notthat easy because especiallya lot of the young,inexperienced team membersthat we have, someof them, this islike the firstlegitimate real job,so they don't evenknow what this means.So there's definitely.Some things we haveto work through,and we're working throughthem, and you'll see it'sgoing to be a little bit ofan evolution of who staysand who goes.But the good news isthis now that we'vebeen doing this for some time.We are activelysaying, if you're nota fan, if you don'tbelieve in the mission,we're not going to hire you.That precedes skill set,that precedes personality.We want only people whobelieve in the mission.And that's what we woundup hiring our last twohires are exactly that.One one guy showed upto meet up in Austin.And then he went andshot video and thenhe sent a highlightvideo to Ben.We looked at it.We were impressed.He's on our team now.We want people who sharethe vision, and evenBen, Matt and Greg andI sit around the roomand I had toconstantly remind themwhere an educationcompany, our purposeis to change theway people learn.It's not about buildingthe latest marketingfunnels or email automationor using chat bots.That's not what we are.There's enoughcompanies doing that.They don't have any realvalue to give to you.They're just deployingmarketing strategies.And I said it in a waythat really touched men.I said, I'm doingthis for my kids,I'm doing this for your kids.So by the time that she's.Going to consider college.Well, either itstill be in business.And doing what itis that we're doingand show how very greatoptions, very viable optionsor will have failedand maybe the system.We'll never change,and that's the wayit's always going to be.I don't believethat in the evidencedoesn't seem to point that way.Look, what's happenedrecently in art schools?The Art Institutein Los Angeles hasbeen having allkinds of problems,and they abruptly shut down.There's problems.And Cal Artsrecently had a groupof students protestdemonstrationthat their tuition was going up.And people arewriting articles nowabout the nexteconomic collapse beingthat college students willdefault on their student loans.So what we're sayingis this is like thisis the irony, the paradoxof what's going on now morethan ever, there are moreopportunities, less barriersfor people who want toparticipate in the knowledge,economy and creativityis a big driver of that.On the flip side, we'resaying in order for youto learn how to dothese things, we'regoing to charge you so much.That the possibility of youpaying off your student debt.Is going to be lopsided.So there's this massivedemand for knowledge workers,for creative people.And you can see that in Amazon,you can see it in Netflix.You could see it in Apple.They all have content divisions.There's such avoracious appetiteto make content to build newdevices, physical and virtual.So where all the people from?Where are they coming from?So you want to get sackedwith $250,000 of debt.So that you have a shot ofgetting one of those jobs.And in some schools they don'teven properly prepare you?So what they promise youis what they deliver.But what they did deliverwas a lot of debt.
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