Oh, I'm here.What do you want?Just wanted to know if there wasany update you guys have beentalking about something you'dbeen filming for a while,you were looking forthat perfect clientthat was going to play ball.Where are you going to doa facilitation and kindof like the processfrom beginningto end the way you guys do it?Can you give us an insight?How's it come along?We have it shot and edited.The team is trying to figure outhow to distribute this content.That's that's thedebate internally.It doesn't make forgripping entertainment.So the idea wasit was going to belike this mini serieslike abstract on Netflix,where you get to follow alongand it's us branding a brewery.And we spent a considerableamount of time and energyfilming all this stuff andgetting client feedbackand everything.Filming behind thescenes, I don't know.I don't know what Benand Matthew's plansare for releasing this content.I just don't know whatyou guys don't realize.Behind the scenesis we have days,if not weeks worth of contentyou've never even seen.And it's an internal dilemmawhere how do we release this?What makes sense inour business model?How much is too much?How much is not enough?Is this the kind ofcontent we want to create?So we're justworking through it.At current rate, we onlyhave five full time editorsand it's not enough.We could probably use 10,but we can't afford 10,so there is a choke point.So, so determining a pricepoint or even a platformis sort of yet to bedetermined sort of thing.Yeah and I thinkthe initial ideawas to sell the seriesto a channel like Netflixor something.But after reviewingit, I just thoughtthat the drama isn't there,that we're not showrunners.And so now we're kind ofcaught in the middle where.We didn't film all the strategyparts, they filmed a lot.And it was supposed to be likea high level looking to a designservice, business runningfacilitation and brand strategyfor a very real client.OK Yeah.Well, you'll see some of it.I just don't know to whatextent, to the degree.And where it will live.OK, probably ties into that.That question, I actuallyasked at one pointyou went like, yeah,we can't go there.And it was what would a dayin the life of Chris Doelook like?And that was something that yousaid it was extremely intenseand you don't want to know.But but the words, theold phrase inquiring mindsdo want to know, actually?Yes Yes.OK, so let me just reportsomething on that front.OK I am just horriblyprivate, believe it or not,despite me sharing insidethis group and with you guys.But I just don'tnecessarily feelthat great about showing youmy personal, private lifeand the things I got to doto get done, things done.However, I bought a new camera.I'm using it.I brought it with meon Europe, and I'mstarting to get used to theidea of documenting and doingconfessionals and showing thingsthat I normally don't document.So just give me alittle bit of time.I still got my selfiestick training wheels onbecause it just feels reallyfricking awkward to me.I like teaching.I don't like to sit thereand say what kind of shirtI'm going to weartoday and take youthrough all the weirdparts of my lifeand the piles of piecesof paper that I havewhen I jot down notes andwork through my decks.I will show it to you,and it comes alongwith the concept ofshow your work, I guess,and show your mass as well.You know, you can't show up.Yeah, I show you mymess, but I alwayslike, I want to show mymess with a purpose, right?Yeah, I disdain andabhor those vloggers.They just like, God.You gave me anything today.Look, I don't wantto watch you anymorebecause all you dois just run aroundand it's like, there's no point.Yeah, there wasa monumental bombthat was dropped during acall with Seth Godin, wherehe's like, bleep.There's too many bleeding heartbloggers out there that have,you know, aren't doinganything with more than apurpose of being on camera.And that's somethingthat I realize,you know, do somethingand tell a story,but with a purpose to accomplishsomething and determiningwhat that purpose orwhat I want to accomplishhas kind of been the hurdle I'mtrying to overcome right now.So, yeah, and I'm not I don'twant to make my disease,your disease, you guys.And my thing is, I seemyself first and foremostas the teacher.It's who I definemyself as, and I'vebeen teaching forquite some time.I happened to use thepower of the internetand social platforms to teach.But when it gets into thisother stuff, that's just like,I don't know if that's teaching.That's where I get alittle weirded out.And I'm also veryhard on the teamin that when they producea video and I'm like,guys, what are youteaching this videobecause I got nothing from it?Why even waste my time?Don't become thatkind of channelbecause I don't wantit to be like that.So we're experimenting.We're still trying things out.So hang in there and you'llstart to see more content.OK, that fine line betweeneducation and entertainment.
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