I plan on giving all thepro members a weekly videochallenge 1 minute to dosomething until you guys getcomfortable doing it.I realized that if I leaveyou to your own devices,nobody's going todo anything, so I'mgoing to give you somethingto do every single week.And I've talked about thisbefore in Russell Bronson'sbook.Russell Brunson,Russell Brunson bookon becoming anattractive characterand attractive character hasa back story, so a lot of youguys aren't doing a goodjob telling your back story.I include myself in that.Now when we talkabout a back story.I'm not referring tohere's where I was born,here's where I grewup, this is what Idid when I was three, 5 and 7.The back story iscarefully edited, curatedto be relevant to what it isthat you want to be known for.For example, yesterdaywe had Jonathan starkcome on the show,and his back storywasn't about wherehe grew up, if hewas the middle child or anyof these kinds of things.Really, what hecame in to say wasI was an employee at asoftware development company.It dawned on me one day thatsome of our team membersare developers were reallyfast and some were really slow.But we are charginga rate for each,so the person who isreally fast shouldhave been the personwho made the mostbut actually build the lease andthe person that was the slowestbuild the most, eventhough he producedthe lease and that beganhis adventure into learningmore about why hourlybuilding is nuts.You see how his back storyis just relevant to the thingthat he wants totalk about, so ithelps us to know whatwe want to talk about,what we want to be known for,what we want to be consideredas a thought leader for.And then we start tolook into our historyand see, like, whendid that moment, whenwas that moment that Irealized that was a problemand I wanted to lookfor the solution?An attractive characteralso has character flaws.Nobody wants to listento a very perfect person.This is good newsbecause many of youguys have perfectcharacter flaws.You're in your journey,you're in your struggle.You've made baddecisions in your life.Perhaps you spentmore than you made,maybe out youroutliving your means.That could be one part.Or maybe some ofyou guys are latetransitioning into the worldof design and creativity.So that's your struggle.Bonnie saying has anexcellent backstory.She talks about itfrom the lens of beinga single mom, herhusband having left herand being very depressed.And it wasn't until herfather gave her his old cameraand said, go dosomething creative.Get your mind offthis thing thatbegan her journey intophotography and who she is.And she's got a greatmarket because sheappeals to single moms,to women, to mothers.Who wants to be creative andthink there are a lot of peopleout there like that?So our storyresonates with people,so I want you to startthinking about whatyour back story is OK, you'regoing to see these prompts.The other thing I want togive you guys a quick tip onis when you go andrecord your video,you need to psych yourself up.For some people, thatmight mean walkingaround the block thinkingabout what you wantto say for like 20 minutes.I find that that'sreally good for me.Or when I'm in the shower wheremost of my thinking is done,I'm not distracted byanything, so the preoccupationof doing somethingelse that's mundane,that's very low taxing on yourbrain that actually frees upsome like higher level thinking.Some of you might wantto do like 100 pushbefore you go anddo your recording.But you got to bringyour personality out.OK, now a lot ofyou guys are verygood at being calmand soothing, but calmand soothing alsoputs people to sleep.You're constantly fighting.For attention, and I don'tmean to be bombastic and crazy,but bring out more personality,let people know who you are.Learn to speak with your hands.Do something like that.Learn to emotewith your eyebrowsso you don't have to be thisprofessional CNN telecastor where you're just staringat the screen and you're coldand you've gotice in your veins.You don't need to do that.Let us see some of yourpersonality shine through,and this is thethings that I havehad to learn while learning howto be an on air personality.
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