Is Creative Directing Is Like Coaching?

Greg Gunn
January 25, 2018

As a coach, you can see the whole field, you can see what's going on, you can see the things that individual players are not much like a creative director.


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But it kind of sounds likementorship could kind ofbe a cornerstone of being acreative director because a lotof the stories that you arein, a lot of the storiesthat you told us you mentionedkind of like, you know,dealing with designers likeyou, giving them the opportunityto like, help them see betteror help them get on page or two.Or you kind of like coachingthem in the sense of how to.You better designers,in the sense,it sounds like there'sa lot of opportunityto mentor or toteach or to cultivateskills and things like that.Absolutely Yeah.You you said, coach, which Ithink is a fantastic analogy.You know, as acreative director,you were like a coach.You shouldn't be doing.You shouldn't be on thefield running plays.That would be a bad idea.And a poor use of your time.You need you need like a.Also, I am not into sports atall, so I'm doing my best here.But like as a coach, youcan see the whole field,you can see what'sgoing on, you cansee the things thatindividual players are not.You have this, you havethis greater view of thingsand that's your strength.And that kind of strategy.And then you can go andyou can talk with your teamand say, OK, look,here's what I see,and here's how we move forward.So, yeah, I thinkto your point, thatis a great opportunityfor mentorship.And if you're, you know, in myopinion, if you're, you know,doing that, thenyou're doing, you'redoing the right thingas a creative director.You know, you want toestablish a good relationshipwith your team.You know, you wantyour team to grow.You want your team to develop.You want your teamto be better at whatthey do than you will everbe, because that helps,that helps themand it helps you.That helps like everyone.So yes, I thinkthat's a great point.


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