What Is Included In Strategy

Chris Do
November 6, 2017

Chris Do gives a quick overview of what should be included when doing a discovery session with a client.


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Hassan wanted toknow if you typicallypresent the competitive audit asa part of the discovery brief.We we don't thecompetitive auditis something that wecharge separately for,and we haven't always done this,and so it's an evolving answer.It used to be thatdiscovery includedstyle escapes, some messagingexamples in some kindof light competitive audit.That was a lot ofwork for $10,000.So when we charge $30,000.It made a littlebit more palatable.But still then I waslike, this is too much.And here's the other thingthat I didn't want to do.I didn't want to include anyform of creative deliverableas part of discoverybecause I wantedthem to know that they'repaying for the thinkingand the clarity andnot for the making.So we started toseparate everything out,and that's what we do now.It's more a La Carte.So we do.Discovery anddiscovery for us isgoing to start at30,000 dollars,and it can be, Ithink, the most.How much has been charged like80 or 90,000 for discovery?And then we might say, OK, soif you want to do messaging,we'll give you some messagingand this is what that cost.We can do a competitive auditfor social media and thingslike that.This is what thiswill cost, et cetera.That makes sense.This does looklike a lot of work.It's a lot of work,so to expect yeah,to for anyone to expectthis for 10,000 is crazy.So I'm going to give youguys a little bit of advice.I think it's when wefeel that maybe it's.I don't know, it feelsan easy to chargefor thinking becauseit's so unusual for usto be able to do that, thatyou start to overcompensateby putting more stuff in itlike deliverables, thingsthat people can see like,wow, there was a lot of energyand effort put intothat because we'rejust insecure about being ableto charge for our thinking.And I think that's natural.I've been there myself.But hopefully, youcan evolve to wherewe've evolved to say,like, damn, the thinking iswhere all the juice is, thatthis is where the action is.This is where themost value is created.The other stuff we canjust hire people to do.So hopefully, youguys can hear thatand get over that,that phase in whichyou feel like you haveto deliver something.


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