I have a question realquick, Chris, about ending.So when you're doinga presentation.I saw you had a thank you slide,but is there anything else,do you recap or doyou just let them go?It depends on how longthe presentation is,if it's an 18 minutetalk, I probablywould not recap if it's along talk like multiple hours.I will recap after each sectionand do the high level bulletpoint because people cannotretain that much information.I also open up mytalks by saying,feel free to take asmany pictures and slidesas you want, becausethe chances of youremembering all thisstuff, not that high.And if I go too fast, justtell me, Yo, go back, idiot,I will go back.And I do have funwith my audience,I like to set the tone and how Iwant people to interact with mefrom the very beginning.I'll say this I usuallystart like this, right?Hey, I noticed there'sa lot of open seatsand there's a couple of you.Actually, quite a few of youguys in the back and that'skind of making mynerves on edge here.So I'm just going to askyou for this favor, please,and you don't have toobviously listen to me.Let's try and close this upbecause the best seats areactually in the front.Now I know why yousit-in the back.I know because you'rethinking, who is this bozo?Is he going to say anything.I want to listen to?Is it going to bore me todeath with useless information?And there's a chance I might.And if I do, youhave my encouragementand my permission to getup and make as much noiseand leave with like fanfare,like, oh, just walk outthe door, but please just comeon up in about 30, 40% of themwill do that.The other ones will not move.Because you're not theboss of me, I'm not moving.Also, you're that kind of type.OK, fine.You're stubborn.I like that.So I just work withthem that way, right?And so now they know thisbozo is going to say whatever.And then sometimes, dependingon if it's a new audience,I will give my wholedisclaimer thing that.This presentationcan be polarizing,maybe offensive to some people,especially delicate snowflakes,a.k.a.graphic designers.And I will usually put upmy worst, most criticaltroll comment ever.I'll find on the internet, onTwitter, on YouTube, somewhereon Facebook, somebody saidsomething really mean.I'll say, in caseyou're wondering howgood this presentation can be.Let me show you someof the highlights.This f-ing a-hole is undeniable.And then I say,well, thanks, Jimmy,for that wonderful review.And now people are having funwith me, and that's totally OK.So they know that you're notsome kind of stuffy person,and I couldn't be thatstuffy if I tried.I try to be crazy,actually, so that'swhere I net outon that spectrum.OK all right.So the ending slide, usually Iwill put a collection of books.That I've referencedin the presentation.Why do I do that?One is people alwaysask me after the factand it's annoyingand I'll have timeto deal with that individually.So I've learned givethem a book listor show them a montageof books that you'vereferenced in the deck 2.I've stolen every idea.So instead of giving attributionon each and every single slideslowing down, I do it here.And if I can help to sellsome books for authorsthat I love and I've learnedfrom, hey, everybody wins.Just use the Amazonaffiliate link.OK that's it.And they say, you know, whenyou're done with your talk,don't drag it out, just end on ahigh note, it's been fantastic.Speaking in frontof you today, Ihope you guys gota lot of value.I'll be on the lobby ifyou want to talk to meand you can reachme on social media.Thank you very much.You guys were great.Get the heck out of there.Any other questions?And actually, did I?Is that correct?Did I mess up onanything you didn't know?I have to have a client call,so I heard the last half,but I like its humor.Humor?Yeah.You got the bag.I'm out of here.Yeah, you just got to likehumor is your biggest asset.If you're going outthere because itmakes you seem like a person andyou're not just a talking head,even if you're just in likea private little investormeeting, it connects themand it gets them relaxed.So right?OK.
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