Personal Branding Kickoff
Join us as we kick off our new Personal Branding Roadmap, where you’ll:
-Understand the difference between a business brand and a personal brand
-Discover the opportunities you can unlock with a strong personal brand
-Assess how strong your personal brand currently is
-Use our new Personal Branding Roadmap to set goals for growth
-Get access to our new Personal Branding Course (in-development) inside of Circle
-Get the details on new workshops and office hours that will support your personal branding journey
-Get any personal branding questions answered
0:00:00.00 Call intro
0:01:08.43 The importance of building your personal brand
0:02:43.24 What is a brand?
0:11:14.45 How are business brands different from personal brands?
0:33:58.21 Traits of a compelling personal brand
0:50:41.34 What are the benefits of developing a personal brand?
0:51:48.97 The Personal Branding Roadmap & Course
1:00:41.78 Personal branding stories
1:02:52.96 Personal branding character
1:03:54.57 Personal branding hallmarks
1:11:34.39 Personal branding world building
1:12:36.86 The ProMotion Program
1:21:15.92 The Personal Branding Scorecard
1:22:34.30 Special Events expert teachers
1:26:17.15 Personal branding next steps
1:36:02.15 AI University news
1:38:29.61 Your personal brand logo