Inbound Video Marketing Part 1

June 9, 2021

Mo Ismail leads a call driving the value and importance of producing online video content


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From the bonus to the attentionto the introduction, so.It works, and itmakes it clear for me,and I know from your questionswhere to even improve,and that's what Chrisis talking about,like you'll never knowwhat your audience wantsuntil you put the video out.So I want to open the floorto any commentary questionsabout all thissteps moving forwardto clarify anythingthat may not be clear.Yeah anna?The outtakes I needsomeone is good.What's up, man?I just wanted to saythat I've seen a couple,I've seen a newtrend and I don'tknow if it's justfor photographers,but I've seen thisspecifically in photographergenre where people liveout the introduction.And I've actually found thatquite nice because I'm here,I'm watching your video,and if I'm interested,I will check you out.But if not, then please don't.Don't interrupt theinteresting storyyou're telling withinformation about yourselfyet again after the20th video you know,so I'm kind of tendingnow towards watchingthose kind of videos, and I knowexactly who those people are.I don't need to bereminded every time.I don't know.It's just an idea.Maybe my personal taste.Can you tell us whathappens in the attentionsection of those videosthat makes you not even needan introduction?Maybe you tell a story.They tell a story from thebeginning to end and rightwhen it gets interesting,you interrupted with,hey, look at me,I am this person,which is, I think for someintroverts here you need this.But I've seen some veryinteresting channels.I think most threephotographers and Idon't know if it'sjust the photographyscene that we doeswell in this areaand maybe other genresdon't do so well,but I really like itbecause they tell the storyfrom beginning to end.They have really soothing voice.They have really good lighting.They do nice people.And you just getthrough an hour of videowith don't even notice.And I really like that.And at the end, I reallydo want to check out, hey,I really love this story.I felt something.Who is this person, you know?And I don't needthe interaction.So I don't know.Maybe just worksfor photographers,but it's worth tomention you bring upan excellent point thatwas literally debated whenwe were outlining this call.There are some things thatyou can probably get rid of.The first thing you want tomake note of, though, how bigis your audience already?The people with the millionsand the 100 thousands?You don't need to introduceyourself in your video.No 50, right?You want to get to the meat.You want to givepeople enjoymentif you're a photographer or adesigner, a lot of the storyand the introductioncan be told visually.So I don't need youto come on cameraand say who youare because you'redoing that through your craft.So I do want to sharemy screen because you,you bring up a very good point.And the ones that I havehighlighted in yellow,especially if you're juststarting out with video,are the five ingredients.The title sequence, thebonus and the outtakesare things you can get rid of.And I think whatAnna is touching onas well is the introduction.And who are you?You can.You can debate that part.You the introduction needs to bebetter, you have to capture me,but who are you?Maybe you can decideand who are you?Once you're advanced andyou've had enough videosunder your plate, you don'tnecessarily need to do that.You can just writethat in the descriptionand people will know so.Excellent point.Thank you for bringing that up.And I would encourageyou to studylike, why didn't I need it?Who are you?Like what made this flowso well that I didn't evenneed to hear this persontell me their nameand their credibility.So or you coulduse the hover cardslike the eye on the corner.Mm-hmm You just say, clickup here to watch the About Meif you're interested.And I also think you neverknow which video is somebody'sfirst video, you know,so like the credibility,it doesn't haveto be super long.You know what I mean?Maybe I don't know the test,the test that Chris has told me.At least it goes backto do it through value.If one of these sectionsis more about youthan it is about the audience,you can get rid of it.So the title card that's aboutyour brand, the introductionthat's more about you.The outtakes is kind of aboutyou, but it's entertaining.But like whatever is mostvalue for the audience,you can't get rid of that.So but I agree, if you'reearly in the journey.You may want to say who you are.Description of the channel, Ifind and I always check it out.If there's no like I wantto see if I think, wow,this is a reallyinteresting artist,I really want to checktheir description,but I appreciate thelack of interaction.Yeah, Yeah.I think it also depends onhow engaging it is, right?Like, there are things that Ihad problems with about dataand stuff like that.Most people do notget hung up on.And a lot of peopledon't care like theywon't care about who youare or they won't care aboutif they're especially ifit's an informative video.A lot of times, they justwant to get the informationand get out, and that'sjust a way to validate them.If they're a weirdolike me, that's like,but I want to seeyour citations, right?But I want to see what makesyou so worth listening to.But I am the minorityin that, and Ithink if it's emotionallyengaging enough,if it solves a bigenough problem for them,they really don't need it.Like you were saying withthe photography thing,it's a good enoughstory that youdon't need the validationbecause you can justsee it right.It's like, I don't needto know your credentialsbecause your credentialsare your beautiful images.Excellent OK.And Ali has made me awarethat we're going out of order,but we are driving.We are driving andhis point home.So it's still ontopic a little bit.Priscilla, I sawyour hand up next.Please jump on, chime in witha question or final thoughtsabout this before we move on.There were otherpeople before me.I don't.I don't have the order.I just saw hands raised.OK, so well.The only thing I was going tosay is I have seen on videosand I was going toask the question liketo move things around.Obviously, the bodycan stay the body,but I've seen people startwith bloopers or, you know,move items aroundin their videos.So maybe after a while, ifthis is the traditional wayand you have enoughattention, youcan start playingaround with this.Yeah, I think you hitthe nail on the head.The more you get comfortable,the more you have attention,the more you can startplaying because youhave the audience already.But I would practicethe traditional a lot upto at least 10 to20 videos and thentry to play somewhere else.Excellent point.OK, I'm going to gojust down the list, Tim.I hope I'm hopingthis is the order now.Yeah, Yeah.I have a quick kind of thingwith the breakaway roomsand everything.It's not a lot oftime, but that's fine.And I was struggling withthis beginning tryingto, like, accomplisheverything that was set upin the breakout room.But I think a wayto think about it.This was kind ofbreakthrough for me iswe're just starting something.So you're just starting.And then you have a wholeweek to finish it up.And so I think thepoint is to startwhen you have something towork with, to finish outand for the rest of the week.And so I think don't worrytoo much about whether or notyou're perfected or whetheryou got through all of it.Just start andthen finish it offthrough that the rest ofthe week and the next call,you can share your success.Excellent point, particularlythe vulnerabilitywhere you're like,I'm frustratedand then I'm just starting.So thank you forsharing that out loud.OK, Robert, I think is nice.Yeah, so just overallframing, are weshooting for content thatwill take about three minutesto present on the video?Is that how we should create theamount of content or somethingelse?Robert, I like you, Robert.You? you asked the goodquestions, too, ok?Let me everyone ask goodquestions that was not meostracizing anybody, Ijust he's challenging meby the end of this series.These are the constraints.It's up to 3 minute video max.You are only allowedto use your smartphoneif you want to purchaseany additional gear, whichwe'll talk about somecomplimentary mobile phonecamera gear.You cannot spend more than $100on us and you have to post itinside of the group and we willgive you live feedback and meand I had a conversation.I'm going to be realhonest with you.When we post stuffin the group and weseek each other'sfeedback, get criticalbecause this is a safespace it doesn't like.If someone isgiving you feedback,it doesn't meanyour work is bad.It doesn't mean you'reworking, that weare in a safe, containedspace for us to fuck up.Literally, like if wefail, that's totally OK.Me and Anna Leeand Anna had that.So I encourageeverybody to post.I'm going to be posting becauseyour boy has to get backon the video grind as well.So three minutes smartphoneunder $100 inside the groupand we'll give eachother feedback.Thank you for reminding meof the constraints, Robert.Mo, you're muted Mo, yourmuted, sorry, Anna Lee,is there anybody that I'mmissing side conversations,questions that maybe Ididn't, I didn't get to see?Before we ask Mr. Tohit us with the final,you see people in the.Raising their hands,but there are peoplewho's not talked too much.And Leigh andvollmer, I'm sorry,I can't pronounce the nameWaldemar Waldemar and.I think she's gone,I don't see her.I think it's me.Oh, OK, cool.What's up?I have my wife'sname there, too.Oh Yeah.But my name is Walmartis my first call.First welcome.I'm excited.Yeah, thank you.I was just going to addto be who you are part.I've seen a lot ofvideos that I feelis a good approach thatthey say they often say,if this is your first timehere and seeing my content,then I'm this person.And I do this.And they do it really quickly,and it's all almost seamless.And that's I think that'sa great approach to if youwant to do it on the beginning.And then the otherway I've seen itis they don't need tointroduce themselvesand they then atthe end, they justhave an image with theirinformation or lensor something.Yes excellent.Yes thank you forthat added bit.OK Misty.Hey, guys.So I have a question,if so, so for example,if we have a YouTubechannel, right?Does it seem?I see saying introducingyourself like, hey, it's Misty,How's it going?Or probably not, How's it going?But you know what?Catch my drift.But does it have merit tohave an introduction or a sortof your story video thatis, you know, on YouTube howyou have that first video.So if people areinterested in the contentthat you're creating, then theycan go back and refer to thatso they can getmore of the story.What do you guysthink about that?My answer really fast.I think that videoyou could dive deepversus the very short, sweetname, two points of relevancy,and as you build anaudience, I woulddo that later in theaudience buildingbecause you have to buildup your credibility,you have enough videosunder your belt.Then you say, well,who really am I?Why do you keepwatching my stuff?This is what I do.And yeah, they usually putit at the top of the YouTube,and I think Matthew hadone for a long time.Like, who is Matthew insana?Yeah excellent question.There mm-hmm.My Yes.I just wanted toquickly add this,I don't want to confuse anyone.But there is something calledseeding that people use.If it's between talkingabout your credibilityand introduction.So you just say, likeyou say your name,like, I can say myname, I can say,OK, I'm the founderof offbeat upstairsand I'm a brand strategistand and based on my topic,I can again saysomething like I justhad a meeting witha client of mine.And I see this oftenthat my clients strugglewith choosing the right niche.So I was wondering whythis keeps happening,and that's why I'mmaking this videoor something of that kind.So this way you don'thave to feel awkwardabout talking aboutyour credibility.And people will alsoknow this persondoes this with their clients.So maybe we shouldlook into the videoand know what they have to say.Excellent point.Thank you for adding that.You can externalizeyour credibility.Excellent point.OK, Peter.Yeah I don't haveany questions, justa really quick tip about a copyand paste the video of Matthewsfrom the future'schannel onto here,and he follows everythingthat we've learned.Pretty, pretty much likereally, really well.And so if you want tostudy another video justto get a feel of how to createa video that brings valueto others, this would bea really, really great oneto use as an example to study.Perfect and I don't try tocopy the production value,it's way too high.Oh, yeah, yeah, Yeah.Just the format.Thank you, Peter.Amy Amy, then Rodrigo,then you want to.And then we're wrapping.OK, so I don't particularlywant to be in front of a camera.Is there a way to do a videowithout losing credibilityor with still havingcredibility without me being?The hero in the picture.Rodrigo oh, you coulddo explainer videos,you could do a webinar stylevideo that you showed themyour screen of what'shappening, thereis a lot of different waysyou can go about that.You can hire aspokesperson for youto do the talkingfor you or it comesdown to what your budgetis and how much youwant to allocate to that.You can get some videos doneon Fiverr for pretty cheap.You're able to like, youknow, condense informationthat you're trying to do.Don't tell Chris,but I've gottenvideos on hours for clientsthat I paid like $150 for,and I sold it forlike $1,000 so.Yes well, if I may.Yeah, Yeah.Give me just a second, Peter.Amy, I want to ask because a lotof people are relating to this.I have two parts for thesake of the challenge.I would encourageyou to be on cameraand get it out of your systemjust for the sake of gettingyour thoughts out.And articulating yourthoughts and doing somethingthat you probablywouldn't do normally.That's for the sakeof the challenge.But I have a follow upquestion like, what are youhoping to accomplishwith the videowithout you being on there?Well, I want to show thatI'm a credible designer,but I don't I don'tfeel comfortablebeing in front of the camera.Mm-hmm So I want to beable to show my workand show my expertiseand what I do.But not me.My recommendation,since your parametersto show that you'rea good designerand we could go deeper,but for the sake of time,you could do a screenrecording of your workand be talking about itwith the same formula.And you can use me toback up the vocals.And a lot of people do doamazing jobs with that.It could be a digitalwhiteboard session.It could be them onPhotoshop or Illustrator.So screen record, but have thestructure of the screen recordFollow this.So if you'reteaching, what are youshowing on the screenrecord if your webinar?What are the sections and youcould be a small video of youat up top or itcould just be audio.So that's what Iwould recommend.But for the sakeof the challenge,maybe just a small videowith us, with your people,with your fans in here.Yeah, I want to.I want to reiteratethat for everybodylike you don't haveto use or publishthe video you makefor the challenge,like make it for toget the feedback,to get the information andyou might just publish it.And that might be great.But then you mightwant to go and like,shoot it on a DSLR, right?Like, I wouldn't publish theone that I showed on a phone,but shoot it, get it done andthen show it in a safe spacethat we have here.And then you can go andput animation over it.And maybe youdon't like now it'sdone like you'vealready shot it.You already have all the audio.Now all you got to do is justrecord your screen right,like just shoot it.That's so that's what we'retrying to get you to do.They also like, oh, don'tworry about like, oh,what if someone sees it?What if not good?That's OK.That's not the goal of this toget you to take action and getout of your comfort zone.But a little bit of GaryV energy there, Alec.OK that's like myactual natural energy.You know this you met mein person start fights.Excellent Amy, thankyou for that question.I'm sure that you're speakingon behalf of many peoplein the group in relation to howto go about it in a way that'smore comfortable and morelike to stretch your comfortzone in phases.So thank you forasking that question.I'm sure it washelpful for others.Peter, do you want toadd anything differentor can we move on to you?Want to know?Go ahead?We can.Come on.Awesome thanks, man.OK, you want to thank you?I would love to wrapthis up in a sort of way.I wanted to address thepeople that are afraid,which also includes me.Someone in the Titans chatlinked video to Barbara Oakley,and she talked aboutlearning how to learn.And there is anidea in there thatsays, do not worry ifyou are a slow learner,like if you arein a breakout roomand you just couldn't think ofanything, just listen to that.You can just listen tothe others and take notes.No need to do it on yourown bit of homework.And studies have shownthere was a lot of jokesin the chat about studiesthat but these arereal, authentic, authenticstudies that slow learners arethe ones that observea lot of details,as opposed to fast learnersthat can digest this really fastand apply it.And there are slow learners thathave won Nobel prizes preciselybecause they can beattentive to the detailsbecause it takes a bit longerto digest the information.And I also wanted tobring up Albert barabanki.He's a neuroscientist,and he quantifiedsuccess and how you get to it.And the main thingis being consistentthrough years, no matterwith what odds you start.So thank you.Thank you.You want to.I wrote it in the chat, butplease provide those resourcesin the event pagebecause everyone'son a different journey when itcomes to the content creation.So thank you for that.Rodrigo, I see your hand up.I think I missed you in my mind.Do you.Do you have anything to add?Yeah, he's going to touchbase in the whole introthing for YouTube, andit really comes downto reading your analytics.I had AI want to see a problemwhen I first started my YouTubechannel and no one knew me.I did a 15 secondintro and all of that.And looking at myanalytics, I noticed thatby the end of thatintro, in the beginning,like I had a 50% drop off.And as soon as I took thoseintros off and I'm like,hey guys, Rodrigo,today I'm goingto teach you how to closemore video production.So let's rose to it.My video watch time, which ismy subscribers, grew a lot more.So it's one of those thingsof like testing it out,look at your analytics andtry the different videosand see what works best for you.Excellent point.OK, I'm going to leave youall with this as we wrap.Rise above the weedsand the trenches of whatthis will take,because I can alreadysee from the questionsand the comments,how do I manipulate the intro?Can I move things around?Do your best tofollow this structure.And to do it withinthe constraints.And don't let thatlittle perfectionist,fear monger come intoplay and say, well,if I had any introductionneeds to look like this,just rise above that.And then just try to make it assimple as possible for yourselfand get it out ofyour system, ok?And then as youbuild the audience.And as you grow thechannel, then you.Look at youranalytics, then you cansee if I can manipulatethe intro to be at the endinstead of at the beginning,but for right now,let's move the needleforward and takingthat first step in creatingit and I see your hand up.Wrap us and take us homeand I'm stopping the call.I need to do like thisbecause when I'm co-hosting,I can't have.I don't have to raise your hand.I know I need to raise my handbecause now I just want to say,and I hope thatpeople, you know,we are in really differentlevels with different topicsin this.And like, I'm quitecomfortable whenit comes to brandstrategy, but this is like.I don't know anything aboutthis, I'm like in a panic mood,like the whole call.So I would encourage peoplethat have a little bitmore knowledge about this.And are open to helppeople like me and others,you know, just givesome advice for usif you can just liketell that for two hoursafter in the Facebook group, sowe can actually help each otherout a little bit.I think that couldbe good because Ithink I'm not the only one who'shaving a little bit of panicright now.Excellent point.And you can help eachother in the study halls,in the subgroupsand on the wall.And the study Hallis happening tonightand Sigona is generouslyleading one for Europe and Asia.London time.And Adam is leadingone for the Titansas well, so there'smany opportunitiesto get in the trenches.OK, guys and gals and peopleand friends, it's been real.It's been fun.I'm going to stop the recording.
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