OK, guys, this is callnumber 100 and two, 102.This is an open agenda call.I posted something about theevent with some questionsor asking you foryour questions.And as best as I can tell,I was able to pick outthe most popular questions.I've included a fewextra ones in here,but we'll just diveright into it, ok? todayI have to end around 9:30.We can't go intothe two hour markhere because I have toleave and I hope thenyou guys join us onYouTube today and havea conversation withmyself and Mr Blairand who's coming into thestudio for the very first time.So this one comes fromCaroline or is it caroline?Here will be here.What is it, caroline?Caroline, OK, Caroline.Caroline is asking,where do you drawthe line between providingvalue and oversharingwhen you should be charging?OK, so I need somecontext for this.So go ahead and tell mea little bit about this.I posted it in thegroup again, but itwas recently I feel like soI'm all about providing valueand I'm super generousand I love to be generous.But it's gotten to the pointwhere people reach out and askquestions, and I startoversharing and giving outlike templates andsend them examplesof what I've done in the past.And I don't really knowhow to draw the lineor what's oversharing andwhat's just being like.A good person.I have.And who are you sharing thiswith prospective clientsor just so people thatreach out on social mediaand also like I'llgo on Facebook groupsand engage and stuff andjust share my experienceand everything.So right now, I'm reallylike building an audience,but I kind of want to knowwhere to draw the line.OK can I ask you something?Yeah what do youget out of sharing?It makes me happy.So you're asking me, whenwhat should you stop doing?What makes you happy?Should I make people?Should I make people? payme to make me happier?No, I'm kidding.I'm kidding.Where do you want togo with this long term?I really like working.One on one with my nicheis health and wellnesspractitioners.So I really like workingone on one with peopleand helping them kind ofgrow their online presence.And so I'm creatinga training programto take people through that.So I think that's what I'm kindof worried about is giving toomuch up front and then.Not well, your face isreally close to the screen.No, it's not OK.There's nothing Ican do about it.OK but yeah, doesthat make sense?Yes, it does.So the question for youis, how do you make money?How do you provide foryourself and your family?Uh, right now I do contentmarketing as an agency.So I do like social mediaand web content and stuff.How much do you charge todo this strategy is 1,500up front, and then it rangesanywhere between three to 8 Ka month.OK so is it typicalthat the peoplethat you help online,that they eventuallyconvert into being a client?It's been difficultrecently since I'veupped my prices a lot.I think I'm stillgetting comfortable.In that role, I guess.So and so, no, I guess, no.Does it matter to you?Does it matter to you, caroline?Does what does helping peoplein the kind of open space?Does it matter toyou that you'reable to convert theminto becoming a client?Is there are twothings that it does?Well, then I think whatthe answer to your questionis then?Yeah q, but you cantell me if you want.Well, if you give stuffaway, it gives you pleasureto help people.And the hope is that someof the people that you helpwill ultimately beconverted into a client.So that means that thingsthat you give them eventuallylead them down that path.And it could be that a lotof the people that you'rehanging out with in thesegroups aren't potential clientsfor you at all.They're not even close.The other thing is in your areyou familiar with the valueladder?I don't think so.OK, so after this episode orafter this, this conversation,I want you to go look up thatepisode inside the Academysite.Ok?the value ladder and RussellBrunson talks about this.He says that in orderto get your clientsto go through yoursystem, you haveto have a fullvalue ladder, whichis have to have lowertier price things.So for a lot of people.$1,500 to do social media forsomebody they've never metis a big jump.And that's a reasonableassumption, right?So the full valueladder says, is theresomething that theycan have for free?And you say Yes.So let's just say you designtwo or three things thatare part of your lead magnet andyou do this for your clients,don't you?You do content marketing, right?Yeah so you just need applysome of the same magicto yourself so you cancreate two or threethings that are really highlyvaluable things that you do.And those are the threethings that you give out.But in order toget that, they haveto give you your email address.yeah, that's whatI've been thinkingis kind of askingfor that in return,and I should be doing that.They should be doing that.So you're going to havea landing page thattalks about this thingthat you're going to getand you give awayyour best secret.But it's just like one thing.Yeah, it could be a PDF, atemplate, whatever it is.Maybe you've written hundredsemail templates for somebody.I don't know what it is, right?And you say theseare the top 100 mostattention grabbing headlinesand just give it to them.OK And then theygive you your email.So that's free, but theyhave to give you something.There's an exchange of value,and that's really important.Ok?so people like theiremail addresses,so they don't alwaysgive it out to people,and that's a good thing.So at least then people whoaren't willing to trust youdon't deserve yourtrust and they bounce.Yeah so then when theydownload that PDF,you're supposed to followit up with a call to action.At some point in afive email sequence,he calls it the soapopera sequence, right?So by the fifth one and thefirst one asked for nothing.It tells you what to expect.And then the fifthone says, hey,if you'd like to dive deeper andtake this engagement further,why don't you booka session with me?And I will tell youwhatever it is that you needto know whatever it is, right?So then that call to action,then books you for, say, $100?Yeah so you're trainingpeople to value what you doand then you're goingto build, you'regoing to build theminto your funneland by charging them$100 and then now yougive them something else that'sa mini version of your $1,500social media strategy.And if you do this,all right, it'ssupposed to be likevery, very smooth.Yeah, I think that's theproblem is I people askme a lot of different questionsabout a lot of different areasof marketing.So I feel like myanswers are kindof customized and not reallyone item that I can give them.So maybe just slappingthem with a well,can I get your emailaddress in exchange?Well, what are you going to do?Is this is if you're engagingwith somebody online,you're going to chat with them.And at some pointyou were like, hey,you might find this pieceof content really valuableand you drop them alink to that page.So that you're not doinghand-to-hand combatand exchanging email addresses.OK you need to beable to do thatfor a lot of differentreasons, because at some pointyou want to drive trafficto this landing page.And be known for a person whoworks in health and wellness.And to do contentmarketing for those people.Yeah, and you can'tdo that if you're justdoing hand-to-hand combat.It doesn't go anywhere.Yeah, OK.Does that make sense to you?Yeah, that makes sense.I love the idea thatyou give stuff away,but I think I wantyou to give stuff awaywith some strategy in mind.Yeah now there areother kinds of thingsthat you can give awaythat don't hurt youwhen it's one to many.If you were to record a videoof you talking about somethingthat's very common in thesesubgroups that would help youbuild expertise and tobuild awareness, and I thinkthose are very good things.OK, yeah, that makes sense.I like that one rule, for sure.Yeah so what Iwould love, I wouldlove for everybody that'slistening to this rightnow that by the endof the year, you'reall buying some kind ofmirrorless or DSLR camerawhere you can shoothigh quality videoand you have a goodprofessional audio microphonesetup so you can start contentmarketing and build expertise.It's really super affordable.It's very, relativelyeasy to do.And it's the onething that you allshould be doing rightnow to just not only helpyou get the word outand build awareness,but to help youdo public speakingto help you be morecritical in your thinkingand to create valuefor other people.I would love to see you dothat, especially because I allwant to see you guyslooking like fill up whenwe talk on these Zoom calls.