Young from Austin,the question is,don't you think it's aproblem not validatingwith actual users duringthe design sprint?The version of techthat it looked like youdon't validatewith actual users.Just within the organization,only with the internal members.OK so, Zack, help me out.I haven't done, haven't done thedesign sprint yet for anybody.If I'm understandingthe question correctly,you you can bring.You should bring in usersoutside of the organizationto test whatever prototypeyou put together.You could obviously getstakeholder feedback, too.That's important, butthe actual user testingshould be from peopleoutside of the organization.I think if I remembercorrectly whenI was talking toJonathan about thisat the end of the firstweek, they alreadyhave a workingprototype, right, zach?That's correct.So if you have aworking prototype,then you need to test it.Right so it is partof the process,so by the end ofthe fourth week,then it's really super tight.It's a lot of work.Yeah, I think they dolike iteration sprints.That's what we do as well.Yeah so yeah, by the fourthweek, it's pretty tight.That's how it works for us too.OK so I hope thatanswers your question.Young?Yes.So in my product designprocess, I alwaystry to test withthe actual users.But it seems likewhen I read the book,you don't really bring peoplefrom outside because thatcan be quite overtime and money needsto be spent to recruitactual users a little bit.And it takes a littlebit of money and timeto invest, for sure,but it doesn't costthat much to bring in users.It could be something likea $10 Starbucks gift cardto get started.Know, but if you wantto obviously invest moreto get different users,you can for sure.Sure OK.Can I just add something in thebook it does say on the lastwhere they're doing it over?It does say to test itwith test the prototypewith actual users.It says you can do thatover video or whatever.But it does say to kind ofbring in some customers.So that you can assess how faryou've come with it and howwhat you've got to donext and everything else.So I don't maybe miss that bit.But there is a bitin there about it.So thank you.
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