Getting Started Design Sprints

Chris Do
August 22, 2019

Chris Do gives an overview of what a design sprint is and what to expect when running one.


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OK and how can I startdoing design sprints?You take the class, whichis what they offer on.Yeah, but don't do just yet.Use our affiliate codeand have it set up.I can help with that, too.At some point, ifyou're interested.There you go.Zach, you've done the design.I've run several design sprints.Yeah, beautiful.I mean, you'vedone the training.I have done the training programwith agent smart as well.Yeah, Yeah.So the first baby step is youcould read the book Sprintby Jake Knapp, which iswhere AJ smart basicallymade their workshop right?Like $15.I also dropped that link later.So you guys gaveit your confidenceand then talked to zach?Yeah what's the differencebetween design, sprintand the core?They're very different.They are very, very differentfor designers only or OK.OK all right.OK, everybody, everybody.Here we go.Hold on.Hold on.Everybody just calm down.Calm down.Calm down.OK, here we go.I'm going to give you guysthe hidden link to whenAlbert came and trained uson how to do design sprints.Don't spend any money.I'm just going to giveyou guys a link, ok?It'll be attached to this event.So only the peoplethat are smart enoughto look inside thisevent will have the link.It's hidden from publiceyes because we said it'sgoing to be out for 48 hours.We took it down in 48hours, something like that.Some people are smartenough, they save the URL.Some people were dastardlyenough and downloaded the videoand not encouragingyou to do that.But you can't do that.OK that's it.I'll give you the link.It was a two daysession, and it gives youa pretty good overview of whata design sprint looks like.Unfortunately for me, I wasbusy being a participantand making sureeverything was good.I didn't even learn as muchas I should have if I wasjust there as a participant.But it's very, very different.And the high level stuffis designed sprints the waythat AJ and smart and the waythat Jake Knapp talks about it.The facilitator, youactually do very little.The framework is so strong thatyou just move things aroundfor people.You give them space andthey do most of the work.Whereas core, youas a facilitator,you kind of have to be onyour toes, you light in,you're on yourfeet because you'redirecting andcontrolling the energy,you're helping topull out certain ideasand you're also helping topush away certain ideas.You play a muchmore active role.Design sprints don'tdo user profiles.They're really about buildinghigh performing productsand they go fast.Zach, did I get time out right?Can you come by?Yeah, pretty muchwherever you are and.Yeah, and the way youwork, you can combine themif you don't mind me jumping in.Yeah, I've taken someof the principlesfrom the designspray specificallylike the idea ofnoting and voting,and I'm getting away in theweeds, but taking that conceptand bringing it intolike core exercises,so you have to doless of the energy.What Chris is talkingabout, you could kind oflet the room guysthemselves a little bitmore using some of thedesign spray techniques.OK Yes.So is it anna?I'm not.I'm not.I'm not.I'm not.I'm going to tell you rightnow as I'm working on flow.I will be combiningthose two for you,I will find the hybrid versionand allow you or teach youhow to dial in, dependingon your personality.I'm a little timid.I'm not as comfortablein front of people,so we're going tolean a little bit moretowards using thegroup to think for you.Oh, I love doing this stuff.I enjoy the energy andI bring a lot of value.Then you push more towardsbeing the facilitator.Cool OK, so thatyou're more present.I think it's goingto work beautifully.Yes great.Thank you.OK very good.Emily Emily, right?Hey, I'm here.This came across yesterdayin Titans group as well.Is there an effectivesprint methodyou've seen to identifying orconfirming your niche clientto see if they're a good fit?And I'm no expert sprint,so I'm going to letZach answer that question.Yeah I've never come acrossa specific scenario wherewe use the sprint todiscover, like in each clientis kind of designsprints, really designedmore for products orproblems or features,rather than like somethingthat's more holistic.I would use core for a questionlike that, to be honest.Mm-hmm So I justwant to let you guysknow the reason whyI haven't startedto build the nextversion of Krautout is because I promisedmyself I'm going to read threebooks before I can actually goback and evaluate what needsto be fixed and what parts.One is a book onmarketing, so I'mgoing to finish this asmarketing by Seth Godin.I have a bookcalled positioning.I'm going to read thatto kind of understandwhat the researchis on positioning,and that's probably kindof getting into your thing.And I want to read and dothe design sprint myself.So I'm going toread the book, I'mgoing to watch the class again.I'm going to make sure Iknow it well enough so Ican integrate allthe components,so I'll do the work for you.OK OK, who's gotanother question?I'm going to have to wrapa little bit early todaybecause I got toget out of here,so I have anotherabout 15 minutes.OK demi?I have a Yes or no question,but it's probably for Zach.Do you think thatdesign sprints canbe used if the clienthas a single person team?If this.Thanks next question.Maybe somebodyknew somebody thathas never said a word onthis channel or in this groupbefore anybody.Really?OK.Teen titans, where are you?Hi, guys.Can I ask question?Yes who's speaking?Yeah so I'm new.I'm out there.And can you hear me?Yes yes, Yes.OK, cool.So my question is, can we usedesign sprint for animationor a film project?Zach yes, Yeah.I think you can.There's story, there'sa storyboarding exerciseat the end of the sprintthat actually would play wellinto doing somethingfor a film reel,and you could test that as well.OK, Thanks.I will, because we are doingstuff for mobile and web,and I know that sprintwould be good for that,but we are mainly on animationand film focused now,so we try to do.Oh, cool.Yeah, I think hecould use it for that.As long as there'ssomething that's testableand you get like client resultsor like stakeholder resultsor user test results,something like that.Yeah OK, perfect.Thanks I wanted to chime in.This is Matthew speaking.Yes, the I forget whohis name is, Chris.He visited us from the UK.He works in theanimation industry,and he uses some versionof core and design sprintto work with animation teamsto quickly test ideas, createstoryboards and then validateit through stakeholders.So all the steps are there.And I forget his name, butI will try and edit later,if somebody reminds mein the Facebook groupthat he interviewed me andI have a video with himon his channel, but I knowhe does this specifically.Mm-hmm OK, that would be great.Thanks


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