Best Short Term Strategies To Get Work

Chris Do
March 1, 2019

Chris Do answers a Pro Member's question about how to continue capturing low-hanging fruit jobs while building out a long-term strategy.


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When you're just starting out,what is the best short termstrategies to get morework until the long termones start generatingthe intended results?OK low hanging fruit.We've talked aboutthis many times.I swear to you guys,we've talked about thisand the reason why it keepscoming up is because I think.I think becauseyou just don't wantto do what I tell you to do.So I'm not going toanswer that question,I'm going to ask everybodythat gave it a thumbs upto tell me what the problem is.I want to talk to you right now.So even though Jimmy,I think, submittedthis questionaccidentally is anonymous,I will know from you guys.What are you doing?Aren't you getting theresults that you wantto get some short term runway?Talk to me.Bring yourself online, please.And anybody.Come on, I know 8 ofyou voted it up, Sean.Yes, who is this?This is Maya.Liar, talk to me.So I thought I'd justshare a couple of thingsthat I'm doing that have helped.I don't know if it's going toanswer the person's question.OK, but what?One of the things Irealized is that peoplehave such short attentionspans that you kind of haveto keep training them.On your social profilesas to what you do, soas an example on behance,it's pretty obviousthat you go out thereand you can post workthat you do, creativework that you'remaking for clientsor just for ideation,and you can post it on Behance.And that's fine.But when you go toplaces like Facebookand this is where I've beenspending a lot of time postingcontent, I've tailoredall of my contentso that it's consistentlya single messageand what's interesting,and I've onlybeen doing thisfor about a month.What's interesting isthat people are now sortof like they get it like, what?What I'm actually doing, whichis basically identity workfor chorus makers.That's kind of what I'mtrying to focus on right now.So I see that as apotential blue water.And just by doingthat alone, peoplehave kind of like it'salmost like trainingthe pixels on Facebook, whereyou take the pixel you throwon your website, you'retraining that pixelto call training the pixelin the ClickFunnels world.And so that's helped a lot.Just that one thing alone,because now people are like,OK, I know what he's about.And oh, actually, Iwant to do this course.I want to make this courseand let me go and contact my.So that's one thingthat's helped,and I guess that you wouldcall that the inbound marketingstrategy.So I haven't I like my websitesnot even updated properly.I don't haveanything on the blog,but just that onestrategy loans work.I find that a lot of peopleon their Facebook profiles,even in the group, you goto the Facebook profile,it's like pictures ofthe dog and, you know,stuff that's totally useless.Sharing some funnyarticle that they read,you shouldn't do that ifyou're a creative professionaland you're runningyour own agency.Your Facebook profile shouldbe very targeted, specificand it should bestrategically designed.So I just like fantastic.I'm glad you brought up Meyer.The whole Behance thing you'veheard me say this up and down.This channel B is probablyyour number one referral sourceis inbound because peoplethat are on Behanceare looking to hirepeople to work for people.It's a fantastic place.And if you don't put thetime and energy to makean incredible Behanceprofile, that's on you,and I don't know whypeople don't do it,but they alwayssay, does it work?Does it work?Well, by the time youfinish thinking about it,complaining, wonderingpeople already producing,building and getting newclients, that's on you.You've heard me say this before.Make content rightyour medium article.Post a video of yourself.Share something ofyour process, and we'restarting to see this right now.I think we're almost at thetipping point at this groupwhere I see Michael Desmondputting out work consistently.There's a couple other peoplewho are putting out videos,and I love it.I think there's a group Iwant to say a bunch of dudes.I'm not sure they'rechallenging each otherto make stupid videos just toget over the fear of makingstupid videos.I see that I also see.I think.Who is it?Is it, Rachel postingarticles and medium?I think as Rachel and I seea bunch of you guys startingto post articles and medium.I love it.Let's do this.So the question is,what took you so longand what are you the restof you guys waiting for?The water is fine.Jump in, please.I've already written anarticle and 10 thingsyou need to do before you askme another question about howto get work and I'm going tochallenge each of those eightpeople who voted thumbs up.Have you done all 10?And I'm almost certain theanswer will be, no, I have not,because I want somesecret shortcut.Now you guys know this, Ido a bit of public speaking.But whenever yougo out and you doa workshop or public speaking,everybody wants the same thing.And this may or maynot surprise you.What is the one thing everybodywants when they attendone of your talks or workshops?They want dramatic pause here,so you guys can think about it.They want some secret toolor hack that excuses themfrom doing real work.That's all they want.And I don't understandthat at all.So if you want to grow yoursocial media following,they want some kind ofweird post on Tuesdayat 7:00 AM with a pink pixel andyou will get 100,000 followers.That's what they want when theywant to grow a YouTube channel.They don't wantto say, here's howyou hack the YouTube algorithm.If you include this metatag with this title and youmention this person.This will happen for you.They all want that.But the real answer togrowing your social mediafollowing, especiallyon YouTube,is have you readall the comments?Have you replied to eachand every one of them?Are you making contentfor you or for them?And you can't answerthat question.Stop wonderingwhy you don't havea following on social media.Because all you want to do isstand up on a box and yell,how great am I to the world?And to have them echoback, you are great.You don't want to engage,you want to do the work,you want to develop yourvoice, you don't give valueto other people.You're not listening to anybody.So it's a conversation of one.Every single time.It's always the same thing.So when it comes tomy workshop, like youwant to make more money,you have to change.That's the hard truth.You have to change, youhave to do the work,you have to read these books.More importantly thanreading the books,you have to apply whatyou learn in the books.Well, I don't want that.I'm out of here.I thought, you're going toteach you some ninja trickthat it's like, I just saythis and clients throw moneyat my face.It's like, well, no,they don't do that.I'm sorry to say.It takes work, soall you guys areasking for short term fixes.I'll tell it to you now.Once again.OK, you need to elevateyour social profilewherever yourclients are lookingfor vendors to work with.That's where you need to be.Somebody's got theirkeyboard typing.So can you just muteyourself, please?Sorry, I hear that.All right, thank you.If it's on behance, if it's onInstagram, if it's on YouTube,if it's on LinkedIn, be there.I'm noticing now.More people that are inthe creative space postingon a regular basis on LinkedIn.After imagine the reasonwhy they're doing it,because it's working for them.There's a coupleillustrators and a coupleof designers who consistentlypost on LinkedIn,more so than I seethem on Facebook.And if we had him in this group,I'd ask him, is it working,are you getting leads?And I have to imagineit is because thereare much more professionalgroup of peopleon LinkedIn and on Facebook.Buyers of creative services.It works for us, Chris.We're on LinkedIn.There you go.And I saw that video thatyou posted without any audiowithout.I'm not going to critiqueyou, Sean, just yet.I will.Once you do fiveof those videos,I'm like, OK, now it's timeto tell a story, right?Yeah but I appreciatethat you're taking action.Sean's one of these rare people.I just want to pointout to you guys.I met him in Manchester.And we did a mindsetworkshop together,and he started texting mealmost like the next day.And it's like, I'mchanging, I'm changing.On Monday, we'vechanged like past tense.You've changed.How can a person move?Yeah and then it's like,they're buying equipment.They're producingvideos like, Holy cow,it's only been acouple of weeks.This is what I'm talking about.These are the peoplewho get results.So elevate your social profile.Be where the buyers of servicesthat you create are going to beand create value for them.Don't make it overlyself-promotionalbecause people don't engagein that kind of content.The benefits are many.You raise your awareness, youestablish yourself as an expertand you're doing leadgeneration right now.OK another way youcan do this and you'vegot to get over yourself.You can create a podcast becauseeverybody can create a podcastand you can just invite peopleto be on your podcast peopleyou like to work with.You would genuinelyjust interview themto learn about who they are.But you're buildinga relationship,and if you do a really goodjob of interviewing them.That's a great way to begin aconversation with a prospect.I invited Blair Hanson toour show onto our podcast.I have to admit, because he'sinfluenced my thinking so much.I was a little nervous.It's like, well, youknow, I'm at the footof the mountain at his feet,I'm like, what do I ask moses?What do I ask moses?I don't know.So now I have this prettycool relationship with Blair,where he sends me acase full of books.I'm in the Philippines.He'll send a case over there andhe's mentioning this on and offhere and there, and wehave a relationship now.So he's going to fly down anddo a show with us in person.How did this all happen?Because I did a stupidpodcast with him.Because before that, I thinkhe was semi hostile towards me,so I went from a person beingsomewhat hostile towards mebecause all I was doing isregurgitating and spouting offeverything I've learned in thewin without pitching manifesto.And so at first, itcould feel like who'sthis kid aping my content?And it turns into arelationship of mutual respectand admiration.How cool is that?You just got toget over yourself.You kind of makesomething, you gotto let the world know who youare and where you are next.Probably the easiestthing that you can dois to make a list of 30 friends,family members, former clientsthat you need to calland reach out to today.And make an appointmentwith as many of themas you can takethem out to lunch.So we haven't connectedin a really long time.I would love to takeyou out to lunch.I'm available Tuesdaysand Thursdays at 12:00.We all got to eat right?I'll come to you andjust connect with them.Do not have thatthing in your mind.I got to ask for work.I got to ask for it.Just reconnect.OK, if you've donework with a clientrecently before theproject totally wraps up.Ask them this question, andin this order, ask them,are you happy with thework that we've done?Have you felt like we'vetaken good care of you?Yes, Yes.I would trulyappreciate a referral.We are growing our agencyand could use more work.Do you know anybody I can call?They are John andMary from this.Do you mind you givingme the phone number?I will reach outto them directly.If you say, can you ask them orsentence an introduction email?Chances are it's not goingto happen because they'revery, very busy people.This is what my businesscoach taught me.Just take it in your hands.Do two people make it finite?Do two people that Ican call or reach outto that could usewhat it is that we do?Get the information.Shorten the cycle,how long it takes.Those are a couple ofthings that you can do.I'll tell you the lastone, it's a weird one.If you're askingme this question,I assume you're inthis kind of spaceand this probably can help you.There are people walkingaround every single day lookingfor you right now.They are literallylooking for you.All you need to do is bump intothem, and they're everywhere.If you're in a smaller marketand your minimum level,engagement is under $10000,almost everybody you meetcould probably use your help.So now you've got to get overyourself and actually talk to.He has to talk to people.You have to connectwith people, youhave to say, hi, How's it going?How's your business doing?I notice there's aline out the door.What do you thinkthe cause of that is?Oh OK.I noticed when Iused to come herebefore your place was packed.And now not so much anymore.What is change in your business?Let's have aconversation about it.The other day.I was visiting your website tosee the menu, and I realize.It takes a reallylong time to load.And that it actually doesn'treflect your current menu.Is this a problem thatyou need to get solved?You just haveconversation with people,you converse with them, guys.This is really what it takes.And are you willing to do that?Are you willing to gooutside the comfort zoneto get what you want?That's the problem.And there's somethingthat's holding you back.I think it's gravity.It's gravity of habit, routinecomfort, and it's very strong.This gravity thing.And how much energy it takesto break the orbit, right?So there's a video,I think, on Ted.About developing a 30day habit, I stronglyencourage you guys to searchit, find it and then do it.What you do is youchallenge yourselfwith one new thing like, Iwant to learn how to catch up.I want to learnhow to do the tangoand just commit tolearning it for 30 daysafter the three daysdoesn't matter, thengo to another thing.I want to learn this.I want to learn howto play the harmonicaand just do it onceevery day for 30 days.So if your thing is,I want to send outthree emails every single dayto somebody I want to work withand I admire.Commit to that for 30 days.I'm going to go for a walk 4,3 mile walk every single day,just do that for 30 days,develop a new habit,you'll start to realize,wow, this old dog Handler,some new tricks.There's more elasticity tomy thinking than I thought.I'm going to draw 10 handsevery day for 30 daysbecause I want toimprove on drawing hands.Hands are hard to draw.Just do it for 30days, see what happens?

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