All right.When starting outwith video, whatwould you say is the bareminimum that you would startwith, just so that at leastpeople can understand the audioand you have some kindof video recording,but like just what would be thebare minimum for somebody juststarting out with nota lot of resources?We're talking aboutequipment, Rachel.Yep.OK.The thing that you're goingto want to invest the most inis not what you thinkyou want to investin the audio capturing device.OK, I'm lookingaround this room here,I don't know why I put it.Oh, here it is.I'll find it.Hold on.OK this microphone is the sameone that I'm using right now,if I had a mirror, Iwould show to the same onewhere I'm getting closer to it.The same microphone thatI have is very durable.This is a road video micro,and I think it's $59 here.It looks like this, andthis is the dead catand the dead cat goes in here.It helps with sound like windnoise cutting wind noise down,but otherwise it doeshave a lot of utility.You can keep it onyour mic right now.I'm running it raw.There's no dead cat on themicrophone in front of mebecause there's nowind in here, ok?There's no place to filter.This is, I think, adirectional shotgun mic.And so it has a verynarrow up patternand you're going to needto be right up on it.What you can't see is themicrophone is like 18 inchesaway from my mouth right now.It's on a little articulatingarm called the magic frictionarm.So if you have this,what you need to dois there's a standardaudio cable that comes out.It's an 8 inch audio Jack.If you get an extension cable,you can run this pretty far.So if you run thisfrom the microphoneto your camera,wherever the camera is,because the camera's not goingto want to be in your mugthis close, you can Mountthis somewhere out of sight.See you just like right there.And that's about 12 inches.And somebody said, ifyou imagine this as a gunand you look down the sightthat needs to be pointed rightat your mouth.That's how you haveto look at this,so you Mount it onsomething, and itcomes with a little shockMount because these microphonesare fairly sensitive.So if you bump them, it'sgoing to make the sound right.So a little shock Mountand it comes with one.So you can probably put thison a little tabletop tripod,and I can put togetherequipment list for youto do this for ascheap as possible.So you going to put thatsomewhere close to you?And ideally, you wouldsit next to a windowbecause you don't havea budget for lighting?If you have northernor southern light.You're going to be good.So you notice that Bonniesits next to a big windowbecause everything that sheshoots is next to windowis because the lightquality is good.So you'll do that right now.You can go into Costcoprice club, whatever.And you could buy yourselfa fairly cheap cannon,something rebel with a kit lensand just get going right away.It's probably goingto cost you under $800if you aspire to do alittle higher quality work,but you're stillbudget kind of limited.I suggest trying to buysomething used by somethingyou use from a trustedreseller or from a friendthat, you know, takes reallygood care of their kit.And you can do that likewe bought an A7S twoor three or whateverwe have from somebodywho I know knows howto use the camera,and there was a littlesuperficial damage to it,but it didn't matter.I knew that the sensorwas going to be goodand I got it for probably$1,000 less than it costs newand it's fine by me.OK OK, so that's what youneed, and there's a resourceI'm going to share with you.It's DSLR DSL or videoshooter Caleb pike.He has a YouTube channel.He is like the budgetfrugal filmmaker.So there there areother people whodo like ultra ghetto setups.He's not that guy.He's trying to giveyou the most pro set upfor the least amount of DSLR video shooter,he's a good guy.I buy a lot of the gear thathe recommends because I usuallywill shop for, likethe rolls-royce,the Mercedes of thelights and camera gear,and he's going to findme something that'squite comparable for a fifth orsometimes a tenth of the cost.OK, OK.Yeah, I'm just tryingto eliminate excusesfor myself, like, well,I don't have the setup.It's like, no, I just bareminimum and just shut up.Pretty much audio qualityis the most important,and there's a hack ifyou watch our channel.Mark and Aaron producesomething called, I think,five production hacks.OK, learn one fromone of the young guns.He took the Appleearbuds and he taped itunderneath thecollar of his shirt.So the microphone is facingup and the sound qualitywas amazing.And he basically recordedthe audio to his iPhone.Pretty awesomelittle hack there.So the cheapo earbuds withthe microphone built in,taped it right here hidunderneath his collar.It sounded like a $400 lovelier.Nice.Yeah.So then later on, you have tosync the audio to the videoand then you're good.Right? yeah, that's the onlything with the recording themseparately.But yes, most of the timesthat's what we're doing.We're recording audio separatelybecause otherwise the camerashave to be runningall the time and wewant to be able tostart stop the camera.Premier has a built in featureto sync sound to picture.But most of us that are doingthis for a living use somethingcalled plural eyes.My husband use that uses that.Yeah, he does.He does some video work,mostly editing nowadays,but he uses pluralsall the time.OK yeah, colorize.That's what you do.
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