How to Write Social Media Content That Attracts Millions with Jasmin (Jay) Alic

May 14, 2024

The Art of Storytelling on Social Media

Importance of Storytelling and Writing Skills
Storytelling and writing are crucial in the social media landscape.

Jasmin begins by emphasizing the significance of effective storytelling and writing skills in the context of social media in 2024. He acknowledges the challenges individuals face, such as feeling uninspired by their industry, lacking professional writing experience, and struggling to generate engagement and leads with their content. Despite these obstacles, Jasmin reassures his audience that formal writing education is not necessary to succeed. He introduces his "7 steps to storytelling mastery" as a solution to these challenges, inviting his audience to discover the true meaning behind the statement "Everyone's a writer."

Action Steps:

1. Reflect on your own writing challenges and identify areas where you can improve your storytelling skills.
2. Embrace the idea that everyone is a writer, regardless of formal education or industry niche.
3. Explore Jasmin's "7 steps to storytelling mastery" and apply them to your own content creation process.

Common Pitfalls in LinkedIn Posts
Avoid practices that divert attention away from the post's content.

Jasmin addresses common pitfalls in LinkedIn posts, including leading readers away from the content through links, hashtags, or excessive CTAs. He emphasizes the importance of keeping readers engaged within the post and discourages practices that detract from the post's effectiveness. Jasmin identifies these practices as detrimental because they divert attention away from the content and hinder meaningful engagement. He underscores the need for posts to retain reader attention and provide value without prompting them to leave the platform.

Action Steps:

1. Review your LinkedIn posts to ensure they retain reader attention and provide value without prompting them to leave the platform.
2. Avoid practices such as excessive use of hashtags, leading readers to external links, or employing CTAs that divert attention from the post.
3. Experiment with ending posts on a high note using power statements to leave a lasting impact on the audience.

The Framework: Essential Ingredients
The outlined components serve as essential ingredients, not rigid steps.

Jasmin introduces Step 2 of his framework, emphasizing that the components outlined are not rigid steps but rather essential ingredients for effective writing. He clarifies that while the framework is presented sequentially, users have flexibility in structuring their content. Jasmin highlights the importance of hooks in social media posts, describing them as crucial elements that contribute significantly to post quality. He stresses that a good hook is paramount for a successful social media post, constituting 90% of its effectiveness. However, Jasmin cautions that even the best hook cannot salvage a poorly written post.

Action Steps:

1. Consider the outlined components as essential ingredients for crafting effective social media posts, allowing flexibility in structuring content.
2. Prioritize the creation of compelling hooks, recognizing their critical role in post effectiveness.
3. Focus on overall post quality, recognizing that a strong hook alone cannot compensate for poorly written content.

Crafting Effective Hooks
Simplicity and authenticity are key in conveying the main message.

Jasmin discusses the importance of crafting effective hooks for social media posts, emphasizing simplicity and authenticity in conveying key messages. He illustrates this with examples, highlighting the significance of addressing the foremost thought in one's mind to create impactful introductions. Jasmin advises against overthinking and encourages focusing on delivering the primary message concisely. He suggests that adhering to this approach often results in a perfect hook, minimizing the need for extensive revisions.

Action Steps:

1. Prioritize clarity and simplicity when crafting hooks for social media posts, ensuring that the main message is effectively communicated.
2. Strive for authenticity by addressing the primary thought in your mind when creating hooks, aiming to create impactful introductions that resonate with your audience.
3. Avoid overthinking and focus on delivering the main message concisely, recognizing the effectiveness of simplicity in hook creation.

Hook Writing Techniques
Four effective ways to craft hooks for social media posts.

Jasmin discusses four effective ways to craft hooks for social media posts, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and relatability. He outlines these methods as one-line summaries, questions, memorable quotes, and t-shirt points, sharing personal strategies for each.

1. One-line summaries: Jasmin advocates for concise one-line summaries that succinctly convey the main message of the post, providing a time-saving approach to hook writing.

2. Questions: He explains how questions can serve as engaging hooks, particularly when framed within quotation marks, leveraging the psychological trust effect associated with quoted questions to captivate readers' attention and encourage continued engagement.

3. Memorable quotes: Jasmin highlights the effectiveness of incorporating popular quotes or taglines into posts, modifying them to suit the context of the content being shared, thus leveraging the familiarity and resonance of well-known phrases to draw readers in.

4. T-shirt points: Lastly, he suggests crafting hooks akin to statements one would print on a t-shirt, encapsulating key ideas in short, memorable phrases that resonate with readers.

Action Steps:

1. Experiment with one-line summaries to concisely convey the main message of your social media posts.
2. Utilize questions, particularly within quotation marks, to engage readers and encourage continued engagement.
3. Incorporate memorable quotes or taglines, modifying them to suit the context of your content, to leverage familiarity and resonance.

The Role of Rehooks

Rehooks are crucial for sustaining audience engagement beyond the initial hook.

Jasmin delves into the significance of rehooks in maintaining audience engagement throughout a social media post, following the initial hook. He elucidates how rehooks serve as the second opportunity to captivate readers' attention, preventing their disengagement and ensuring continued interest in the content.

1. Importance of rehooks: Jasmin emphasizes that while hooks grab attention initially, rehooks are crucial for sustaining audience engagement beyond the first few lines of a post. He likens hooks to opening doors, while rehooks ensure that readers remain in the metaphorical room of the post.

2. Strategies for crafting rehooks: Jasmin outlines two primary approaches for writing rehooks: presenting something contradictory or addressing objections. Contradictory statements or additions to the initial hook can intrigue readers further, while addressing objections directly helps to build trust and credibility with the audience.

3. Addressing objections: Jasmin underscores the importance of anticipating and addressing objections that readers may have to the content presented in the hook. By preemptively addressing these objections in the rehook, writers can overcome skepticism and maintain reader engagement.

Action Steps:

1. Incorporate rehooks in your social media posts to sustain audience engagement beyond the initial hook.
2. Consider using contradictory statements or addressing potential objections as strategies for crafting effective rehooks.
3. Anticipate and address objections that readers may have to the content presented in the hook, building trust and credibility with your audience.

Infusing Personal Authority and Uniqueness
Incorporating personal anecdotes and references establishes credibility and trust.

Jasmin shifts the focus to the importance of infusing personal authority and uniqueness into social media posts, particularly in educational content. He challenges writers to evaluate whether their posts convey their unique expertise and authority, emphasizing the need to establish trust with the audience.

1. Incorporating personal authority: Jasmin underscores the necessity of integrating personal anecdotes or references into posts to establish credibility and trustworthiness. By sharing insights into their own experiences or expertise, writers can effectively demonstrate their qualifications and build rapport with their audience.

2. The brand authority challenge: Jasmin introduces the "brand authority challenge," prompting writers to consider whether their posts would still carry the same weight and credibility if their name and face were removed. He emphasizes the need for posts to reflect the unique perspective and expertise of the writer to distinguish them from generic or repetitive content.

Action Steps:

1. Incorporate personal anecdotes or references into your social media posts to establish credibility and trustworthiness.
2. Evaluate whether your posts would still carry the same weight and credibility if your name and face were removed, ensuring they reflect your unique perspective and expertise.
3. Strategically infuse personal elements into your content to foster a deeper connection with your audience.

Establishing Brand Authority

Providing context and credibility through strategic personal references.

Jasmin highlights the effectiveness of adding a single line that provides context about the author's background or expertise within the post. By incorporating such references strategically, writers can enhance the credibility of their content and increase audience engagement.

Jasmin acknowledges that the inclusion of personal references should be done strategically, ensuring they are seamlessly integrated into the post to augment its impact. Whether included in the hook, rehook, or elsewhere in the post, personal elements serve to enrich the content and foster a deeper connection with the audience.

Action Steps:

1. Include a line or brief reference that provides context about your background or expertise within your social media posts.
2. Strategically integrate personal references and anecdotes in a seamless manner to enhance the impact of your content.
3. Utilize personal elements to enrich your content and foster a deeper connection with your audience, whether in the hook, rehook, or throughout the post.

Adapting Writing Styles to Social Media Platforms
Tailoring writing styles to suit different social media platforms.

Jasmin discusses the need to tailor writing styles to suit different social media platforms while acknowledging platform-specific nuances. He highlights the necessity of writing hooks quickly to optimize efficiency, citing research indicating significant time spent on hook creation and optimization.

Action Steps:

1. Adapt your writing style to suit the nuances of different social media platforms to maximize engagement and impact.
2. Aim for efficiency in hook writing to optimize time spent on post creation and ensure timely content delivery.
3. Stay informed about platform-specific best practices and updates to tailor your content effectively.


0:01:50.93 Struggles with Writing
0:06:50.69 Common Post Endings
0:08:08.42 Avoiding Bad Practices
0:21:23.97 Algorithmic Rules for Hooks
0:29:15.38 Importance of Rehooks
0:38:39.39 Building Brand Authority
0:42:27.11 The Psychology of Visual Patterns
0:57:15.14 Value of Comments on LinkedIn
1:05:24.32 The Seven Step Storytelling Framework
1:21:10.40 Readability of Posts and Use of Jargon
1:29:01.36 Researching Posting Times for Different Markets
1:32:47.37 Engaging with Comments on LinkedIn

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