Content to clients without conflict.

Chris Do
July 17, 2024

Adapting to Change in the Information and Instructional Space

Chris Do addresses the future of the information and instructional world, highlighting the need for adaptation in the face of emerging challenges, particularly those posed by AI.

Future of AI-Assisted Content Creation

Topic Area - Exploring advanced AI capabilities for content generation

Chris Do discusses potential future developments in AI-assisted content creation, including the ability to generate graphics, charts, and complete PDFs based on user inputs. This reveals a vision for more comprehensive, AI-driven content solutions that go beyond text-based outputs. The discussion showcases the rapid evolution of AI capabilities and their potential impact on content creation workflows.

Action Steps:
1. Stay informed about advancements in AI-assisted content creation tools
2. Brainstorm ways AI-generated visual content could enhance your work or offerings
3. Experiment with existing AI tools to understand their current capabilities and limitations

Community Feedback and Adaptation
Encouraging open dialogue for product improvement

Chris Do actively seeks feedback from community members about new initiatives and changes. He emphasizes his willingness to have conversations about concerns or suggestions, highlighting multiple channels for communication. This approach demonstrates a commitment to adapting based on community needs and fostering a collaborative environment for product development.

Action Steps:
1. Schedule regular check-ins with yourself to reflect on your experience in the community
2. Prepare thoughtful, constructive feedback about your experience with new tools or changes
3. Utilize the appropriate communication channels (e.g., DMs, Circle) to share your feedback

Leveraging AI for Business Growth and Learning

Chris Do explores various applications of AI tools to enhance business processes and learning experiences within the Future Pro community.

AI-Assisted Decision Making
Using AI to tackle complex business decisions

Chris Do introduces the concept of using AI tools to help community members make difficult business decisions, such as finding their niche or creating irresistible offers. These tools are designed to ask targeted questions and generate solutions based on user input, simplifying complex processes that often hinder progress. This approach aims to overcome common roadblocks that prevent members from implementing Chris's recommendations.

Action Steps:
1. Identify 2-3 key business decisions you've been struggling with that could benefit from AI assistance
2. Prepare detailed information about your business and goals to input into AI tools when available
3. Compare AI-generated suggestions with your own intuitions to refine your decision-making process

Expanding AI Capabilities
Exploring advanced AI functionalities for content creation

Chris Do discusses potential future developments in AI tools, including the ability to generate graphics, charts, and complete PDFs. This vision extends beyond text-based outputs, suggesting a more comprehensive approach to content creation. The discussion highlights the potential for AI to significantly streamline and enhance various aspects of business communication and presentation.

Action Steps:
1. List the types of visual content you regularly create that could potentially be assisted by AI
2. Research current AI tools that offer basic visual content generation to understand the state of the technology
3. Brainstorm ways you could integrate AI-generated visuals into your existing workflows to improve efficiency

Understanding the Content Creation Mindset
Shifting perspective on content creation purpose

Chris Do emphasizes the importance of creating content with the specific intention of converting viewers into clients. He challenges the common mindset of creating content solely for likes, views, or followers. Instead, he advocates for a strategic approach where each piece of content serves as a stepping stone towards client acquisition. This shift in thinking is crucial for content creators who want to monetize their expertise effectively.

Action Steps:
1. Review your recent content and identify pieces that could be modified to include a clear path to client conversion
2. Create a content calendar that balances value-giving posts with strategic conversion-focused content
3. Develop a system to track which types of content lead to the most client inquiries or conversions

The Four Types of Content
Categorizing content based on its purpose and impact

Chris Do introduces a framework of four content types: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, and Retention. Each type serves a specific purpose in the client journey. Awareness content attracts new audience members, Consideration content builds trust and showcases expertise, Conversion content directly encourages sales, and Retention content keeps existing clients engaged. Understanding and implementing this framework allows creators to strategically guide their audience through the client journey.

Action Steps:
1. Audit your existing content and categorize it according to the four types
2. Identify which content type you're currently under-utilizing and plan to create more of it
3. Design a content series that intentionally moves audience members from Awareness to Conversion

Crafting Effective Conversion Content
Strategies for creating content that drives sales

Chris Do delves into the specifics of creating conversion content, emphasizing the importance of clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and addressing common objections. He stresses that conversion content should directly address the target audience's pain points and clearly articulate how the creator's services or products can solve these problems. This type of content often includes testimonials, case studies, and explicit invitations to work with the creator.

Action Steps:
1. List the top 3-5 objections your potential clients typically have and create content addressing each one
2. Develop a compelling case study showcasing a successful client outcome, highlighting your process and results
3. Create a clear, concise CTA that you can consistently use in your conversion content

Balancing Value and Promotion

Finding the right mix of giving and asking in content

Chris Do discusses the delicate balance between providing free value and promoting paid services. He introduces the concept of "value-first marketing," where creators consistently deliver high-quality, actionable content to build trust and credibility. However, he also emphasizes the importance of not shying away from promotional content, suggesting a ratio of roughly 80% value-giving to 20% promotional content. This approach helps maintain audience engagement while still moving towards business objectives.

Action Steps:
1. Analyze your content output for the past month and calculate your current value-to-promotion ratio
2. Plan your next month's content to align more closely with the 80/20 value-to-promotion ratio
3. Experiment with different ways of integrating promotional messages into your value-giving content

Leveraging Social Proof

Using client success stories to build credibility

Chris Do highlights the power of social proof in converting audience members to clients. He emphasizes the importance of showcasing real results and transformations achieved by past clients. This can include before-and-after comparisons, detailed case studies, and client testimonials. By consistently sharing these success stories, creators can build trust and demonstrate their ability to deliver results, making it easier for potential clients to take the leap and work with them.

Action Steps:
1. Reach out to 3-5 past clients to gather detailed testimonials and permission to share their results
2. Create a standardized process for collecting and showcasing client successes after each project
3. Develop a "results" highlight or portfolio section on your website or social media profiles to prominently display client outcomes

The Importance of Consistency

Maintaining a regular content schedule for maximum impact

Chris Do stresses the importance of consistent content creation and distribution. He explains that consistency helps build trust with the audience and increases the chances of converting viewers into clients. Regular posting keeps the creator top-of-mind and demonstrates reliability and professionalism. Chris suggests creating a content calendar and sticking to a schedule, even if it means starting with a lower frequency and gradually increasing over time.

Action Steps:
1. Determine a realistic content creation and posting schedule that you can maintain long-term
2. Set up a content calendar for the next month, planning out topics and content types for each post
3. Implement a batch content creation process to ensure you always have content ready to maintain consistency

Adapting to AI in the Information and Instructional Space

Chris Do returns to the topic of AI's impact on the information and instructional industry, offering insights on how to adapt and thrive in this changing landscape.

Embracing AI as a Tool
Integrating AI into existing business models

Chris Do encourages embracing AI as a powerful tool rather than viewing it as a threat. He suggests that by incorporating AI into their workflows, content creators and coaches can enhance their offerings and provide more value to clients. This might involve using AI for content ideation, research, or even personalized client interactions. The key is to use AI to augment human expertise rather than replace it.

Action Steps:
1. Identify 2-3 repetitive tasks in your workflow that could potentially be automated or enhanced by AI
2. Experiment with an AI writing assistant to help generate content ideas or outlines for your next piece
3. Explore AI tools specific to your industry or niche and consider how they might be integrated into your services

Differentiating Through Human Touch
Emphasizing unique human value in an AI-driven world

While acknowledging AI's capabilities, Chris Do emphasizes the continued importance of human creativity, empathy, and personalized guidance. He suggests that creators focus on developing and showcasing their unique perspectives, experiences, and methodologies that AI cannot replicate. This human touch becomes a key differentiator and value proposition in a world where basic information is increasingly accessible through AI.

Action Steps:
1. Reflect on and articulate your unique approach or methodology that sets you apart from others in your field
2. Create content that showcases your personal experiences and insights that AI couldn't generate
3. Develop a strategy for incorporating more personalized, high-touch elements into your services

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Continuous learning and adaptation in the face of AI advancements

Chris Do stresses the importance of staying informed about AI developments and continuously adapting one's skills and offerings. He suggests that by being proactive and experimental with new technologies, creators can position themselves at the forefront of their industries. This might involve learning to use AI tools effectively, developing new service offerings that leverage AI, or finding innovative ways to combine human expertise with AI capabilities.

Action Steps:
1. Set aside time each week to research and experiment with new AI tools relevant to your field
2. Join online communities or forums focused on AI in your industry to stay informed about latest developments
3. Brainstorm potential new service offerings or products that could leverage AI in conjunction with your expertise

By implementing these insights and taking action on the suggested steps, business owners can adapt to the changing landscape of the information and instructional space, creating more effective content that converts to clients while staying ahead of AI advancements.


Zoom Whiteboard (Sign in required):

Advanced Buyer Persona Generator — Bot Booster

Sales Page Creation Prompt for The Futur Pro Group



0:00:00.00 Introduction: Content to Convert to Clients
0:02:27.12 Identifying Ideal Client Avatar
0:06:28.27 Creating Buyer Persona with AI
0:19:22.80 Addressing Website Content Issues
0:25:20.11 Comparison of Results from Website and Questions
0:28:20.90 Acknowledgment of Success and Troubleshooting
0:32:08.56 Utilizing ChatGPT Profiles for Sales Page
0:37:24.39 Addressing Concerns and Effort
0:38:38.43 Identifying Client Problems
0:47:19.72 Creating Engaging Content
0:51:21.89 Refining Content for Pain Points
0:53:40.82 Discussion and Questions
0:58:26.06 Persona Development
1:03:07.91 Adapting to GPT Updates
1:08:56.64 Emotion and Language Use
1:12:18.90 The Theory of Finite Energy
1:13:40.35 Using AI for Content Creation
1:19:34.98 Encouraging Resourcefulness and Progress

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Whiteboard: Content to Clients
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